List of state leaders in 1661

List of state leaders in 1661

1660 state leaders - Events of 1661 - 1662 state leaders - State leaders by year


*Dahomey - Houegbadja, King of Dahomey (1645-1685)
*Ethiopia - Fasilides, Emperor of Ethiopia (1632-1667)


* China
**Qing Dynasty -
**#Shunzhi, Emperor of China (1644-1661)
**#Kangxi, Emperor of China (1661-1722)
** Southern Ming - Prince of Gui, Emperor of Southern Ming (1646-1662)
* Japan -
**Monarch - Go-Sai, Emperor of Japan (1655-1663)
**Shogun (Tokugawa) - Tokugawa Ietsuna, Shogun of Japan (1651-1680)
**Ryūkyū Kingdom - Shō Shitsu, King of Ryūkyū (1648-1668)
*Korea (Joseon Dynasty) - Hyeonjong, King of Joseon (1659-1674)
* Mughal Empire - Aurangzeb, Mughal Emperor (1658 - 1707)
* Taiwan (Dongdu)
** "Koxinga takes Taiwan from the Dutch, establishes pro-Ming base"
** Koxinga, Ruler of Dongdu (1661-1662)


* Crimean Khanate - Mehmed IV Giray, Khan of Crimea (1654-1666)
* Denmark - Frederick III, King of Denmark and King of Norway (1648-1670)
* England - Charles II, King of England (1660-1685)
* France - Louis XIV, King of France (1643-1715)
* Republic of Genoa -
*#Gian Bernardo Frugoni, Doge of Genoa (1660-1661)
*#Antoniotto Invrea, Doge of Genoa (1661-1663)
* Holy Roman Empire - Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor (1658-1705)
**Anhalt-Bernburg - Victor Amadeus (1656-1718)
**Anhalt-Dessau - John George II, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (1660-1693)
**Anhalt-Harzgerode - Frederick, Prince of Anhalt-Harzgerode (1653-1670)
**Anhalt-Köthen - William Louis, Prince of Anhalt-Köthen (1649-1665)
**Anhalt-Plötzkau - Leberecht, Prince of Anhalt-Plötzkau (1654-1665)
**Anhalt-Zerbst - John VI, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst (1621-1667)
**Arenberg - Philip Francis, Duke of Arenberg (1640-1675)
**Augsburg - Sigismund Franz, Bishop of Augsburg (1646-1665)
**Austria - Leopold VI, Archduke of Austria (1657-1705)
**Baden-Baden - William, Margrave of Baden-Baden (1622-1677)
**Baden-Durlach - Frederick VI, Margrave of Baden-Durlach (1659-1677)
**Baden-Rodemachern - Hermann Fortunatus, Margrave of Baden-Rodemachern (1622-1664)
**"'Bamberg - Philipp Valentin, Bishop of Bamberg (1653-1672)
**"'Basel - Johann Konrad I, Bishop of Basel (1656-1693)
**Bavaria - Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria (1651-1679)
**Berchtesgaden - Maximilian Heinrich, Prior of Berchtesgaden (1650-1688)
**Bohemia - Leopold I, King of Bohemia (1656-1705)
**Brandenburg - Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg (1640-1688)
**Brandenburg-Ansbach - Albert, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach (1634-1667)
**Brandenburg-Bayreuth - Christian Ernest, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (1655-1712)
**Brandenburg-Kulmbach - George Albert, Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (1655-1666)
**"'Brixen - Antonio, Bishop of Brixen (1647-1663)
**Brunswick-Calenberg - George William, Duke of Brunswick-Calenberg (1648-1665)
**Brunswick-Celle - Christian Louis, Duke of Brunswick-Celle (1648-1665)
**Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel - Augustus, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (1635-1666)
**Chur -
**#Johann VI, Bishop of Chur (1636-1661)
**#Ulrich VI, Bishop of Chur (1661-1692)
**Cologne - Maximilian Heinrich, Archbishop of Cologne (1650-1688)
**"'Constance - Johann Franz I, Bishop of Constance (1645-1689)
**Corvey -
**#Arnold IV, Abbot of Corvey (1638-1661)
**#Bernhard Christoph, Abbot of Corvey (1661-1678)
**"'Eichstädt - Marquard II, Bishop of Eichstädt (1637-1685)
**Ellwangen - Johann Christoph, Provost of Ellwangen (1660-1674)
**Freising - Albrecht Sigismund, Bishop of Freising (1652-1685)
**Fulda - Joachim, Abbot of Fulda (1644-1671)
**"'Hesse-Darmstadt -
**#George II, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (1626-1661)
**#Louis VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt (1661-1678)
**Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) - William VI, Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (1637-1663)
**"'Hildesheim - Maximilian Heinrich, Bishop of Hildesheim (1650-1688)
**#Eitel Frederick V, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (1623-1661)
**#Philip Frederick Christopher, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen (1661-1671)
**Kempten - Romanus Bernhard Christoph, Abbot of Kempten (1639-1673)
**Leuchtenberg - Albert VI, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg (1646-1666)
**Liège - Maximilian Heinrich, Bishop of Liège (1650-1688)
**Lorraine -
**#Nicholas II, Duke of Lorraine (1634-1661)
**#Charles IV, Duke of Lorraine (1661-1675)
**"'Lübeck - Christian Albert, Bishop of Lübeck (1655-1666)
**Mainz - Johann Philipp, Archbishop of Mainz (1647-1673)
**Münster - Bernhard Christoph, Bishop of Münster (1650-1678)
**Osnabrück -
**#Franz Wilhelm, Bishop of Osnabrück (1648-1661)
**#Ernst August, Bishop of Osnabrück (1661-1698)
**"'Paderborn -
**#Theodor Adolf, Bishop of Paderborn (1650-1661)
**#Ferdinand II, Bishop of Paderborn (1661-1683)
**Palatinate - Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine (1648-1680)
**Palatinate-Neuburg - Philip William, Count Palatine of Neuburg (1653-1690)
**Palatinate-Simmern - Louis Henry, Count Palatine of Simmern (1655-1673)
**Palatinate-Sulzbach - Christian Augustus, Count Palatine of Sulzbach (1632-1708)
**Palatinate-Veldenz - Leopold Louis, Count Palatine of Veldenz (1634-1694)
**Palatinate-Zweibrücken -
**#Frederick, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken (1635-1661)
**#Frederick Louis, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken (1661-1681)
**Passau - Leopold Wilhelm, Bishop of Passau (1625-1662)
**Regensburg -
**#Franz Wilhelm, Bishop of Regensburg (1649-1661)
**#Johann Georg, Bishop of Regensburg (1661-1663)
**"'Salzburg - Guidobald, Archbishop of Salzburg (1654-1668)
**Savoy - Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy (1637-1675)
**Saxe-Altenburg - Frederick William II, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg (1639-1669)
**Saxe-Gotha - Ernest I, Duke of Saxe-Gotha (1640-1675)
**Saxe-Lauenburg - Julius Henry, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg (1656-1665)
**Saxe-Merseburg - Christian I, Duke of Saxe-Merseburg (1656-1691)
**Saxe-Weimar - William, Duke of Saxe-Weimar (1620-1662)
**Saxe-Weissenfels - Augustus, Duke of Saxe-Weissenfels (1656-1680)
**Saxe-Zeitz - Maurice, Duke of Saxe-Zeitz (1656-1681)
**Saxony - John George II, Elector of Saxony (1656-1680)
**Spanish Netherlands - Philip VII, Duke of Burgundy, Brabant, etc. (1621-1665)
**"'Speyer - Lothar Friedrich, Bishop of Speyer (1652-1675)
**"'Stablo and Malmedy - Franz I Egon, Abbot of Stablo and Malmedy (1657-1682)
**"'Strassburg - Leopold Wilhelm, Bishop of Strassburg (1626-1662)
**Trent - Sigismund Franz, Bishop of Trent (1659-1665)
**Trier - Karl Kaspar, Archbishop of Trier (1652-1676)
**Tyrol - Ferdinand Charles, Archduke of Austria (1632-1662)
**Worms - Hugo Eberhard, Bishop of Worms (1654-1663)
**Württemberg - Eberhard III, Duke of Württemberg (1628-1674)
**Württemberg-Mömpelgard - Leopold Frederick, Duke of Württemberg-Mömpelgard (1631-1662)
**Würzburg - Johann Philipp, Bishop of Würzburg (1642-1673)
* Hungary - Leopold I, King of Hungary (1655-1705)
* Ireland - Charles II, King of Ireland (1660-1685)
* Mantua - Carlo III, Duke of Mantua (1637-1665)
* Milan - Philip III, Duke of Milan (1621-1665)
* Modena - Alfonso IV, Duke of Modena (1658-1662)
* Naples - Philip III, King of Naples (1621-1665)
* Ottoman Empire - Mehmed IV, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1648-1687)
* Papal States - Alexander VII, Pope (1655-1677)
* Parma - Ranuccio II, Duke of Parma (1646-1694)
* Poland - Jan II Kazimierz Vasa, King of Poland (1648-1668)
* Portugal - Afonso VI, King of Portugal (1656-1667)
* Russia - Alexis I, Tsar of Russia (1645-1676)
* Scotland - Charles II, King of Scots (1649/1660-1685)
* Sicily - Philip III, King of Sicily (1621-1665)
* Spain - Philip IV, King of Spain (1621-1665)
* Sweden - Charles XI, King of Sweden (1660-1697)
* Transylvania - Michael I Apafi, Prince of Transylvania (1632-1690)
* Tuscany - Ferdinando II, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1621-1670)
* United Provinces
**Estates of Friesland, Groningen, Guelders, Holland, Overijssel, Utrecht, Zeeland (1581-1795)
**Grand Pensionary of Holland - Johan de Witt (1653-1672)
* Venice - Domenico II Contarini, Doge of Venice (1659-1674)

ee also

*List of religious leaders in 1661
*List of international organization leaders in 1661
*List of colonial governors in 1661

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