Pee Dee

Pee Dee

The Pee Dee region of South Carolina is the northeastern corner of the state. It is the area of the lower watershed of the Pee Dee River, named after the Pee Dee Native American tribe. Its center is Florence, however the Grand Strand, which includes the beaches running from the North Carolina state line to the Winyah Bay, is also considered a part of the region. The region is generally considered to include Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Sumter, and Williamsburg counties

On the coast, the area is predominantly involved in tourism and resorts with beaches, amusement parks, shopping, fishing, and golf. The area has become a major retirement center for the U.S., in part from its low cost of living and its many golf courses. The center of the Grand Strand is Myrtle Beach.

Inland is a belt featuring rivers, marshes, carolina bays and sandy rises where forestry is predominant, with pine plantations and baldcypress lumbering.

Further inland, on higher ground, but still of only slight relief, is an agricultural belt of tobacco, cotton, soybeans and produce.

Florence, originally founded as a railroad center is a small, but growing center of production of pharmaceuticals, and other light industry. It is also known as a center of medical and dental care. The Pee Dee Region also produces paper, steel, and recreational vehicles.

The area is served by three commercial broadcast television stations, WBTW, WPDE, and WFXB the first two with twin studios at Florence and Myrtle Beach, as well as an educational television station substation, WHMC-TV, in Conway, South Carolina. A Midlands station WIS-TV also reaches the Pee Dee area, but, will be supplanted by a different NBC affiliate, WMBF-TV.

Daily newspapers include "The Sun News" of Myrtle Beach and "The Morning News" of Florence. The "Georgetown Times" is published five times per week. The region is also served by the following weekly newspapers: the Marlboro Herald Advocate of Bennettsville, the Lee County Observer of Bishopville, The Cheraw Chronicle of Cheraw, The Link of Cheraw, the Horry Independent of Conway, the News and Press of Darlington, The Dillon Herald of Dillon, The Messenger of Hartsville, The Weekly Observer of Hemingway, The News of Kingstree, the Lake City News & Post of Lake City, the Marion Star & Mullins Enterprise of Marion, the Myrtle Beach Herald of Myrtle Beach, the North Myrtle Beach Times of North Myrtle Beach, the Pageland Progressive Journal of Pageland, and the Coastal Observer of Pawleys Island.

The Pee Dee Region is similar in boundaries to the original Williamsburg Township.

Alternate meaning

The "Pee Dee" is also a derogatory nickname for the Cleveland, Ohio "Plain Dealer," a major Ohio newspaper.

ee also

*Early history of Williamsburg, South Carolina
*Pee Dee Area Council

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