List of Trinity College (Connecticut) people

List of Trinity College (Connecticut) people

The following is a list of people affiliated with Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.

All people listed are alumnae/i, except for those in "italics", who are current or former members of the faculty or administration.


*Charles McLean Andrews, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and professor
*Evan Dobelle, New England Board of Higher Education president and former Trinity president
*Samuel Eliot, former Trinity president and professor
*Jane Fernandes, former president designate of Gallaudet University
*Edward Miner Gallaudet, founder of Gallaudet University
*Tom Gerety, former Trinity president and president Amherst College 1994-2003, Collegiate Professor, New York University
*Kenneth W. Harl, Tulane University professor and noted numismatist
*Walter Harrison, president of the University of Hartford and NCAA committee head
*Drew Hyland, professor of philosophy at Trinity
*James F. Jones, president of Trinity College
*Philip S. Khoury, Ford International Professor of History & Associate Provost, MIT
*Elmer Truesdell Merrill, Latin scholar and former Trinity professor
*Frank Gardner Moore, Latin scholar and former Trinity professor
*Josiah Ricardo, professor of sociology, Capital Community College
*George W. Strawbridge, Jr., Board member: Widener University, (former adjunct professor), The Jockey Club, National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, National Steeplechase Association, Margaret Dorrance Strawbridge Foundation, Campbell Soup Co.

Architecture and engineering

*William Bowie, government engineer
*Arthur Gilman, noted Boston architect
*William Harold Lee, noted movie theatre architect
*Samuel Beck Parkman Trowbridge, New York City architect

Arts and entertainment

*Dudley Buck, musical composer
*Brian Byrne, mandolinist
*Joseph Cross, actor (current student as of December 2006)
*Lesley Dill, artist
*Ari Graynor, actor
*Stephen Gyllenhaal, film producer and director
*Chris Hogan, comedian
*Mike Kellin, actor
*Mary McCormack, actor
*Katryna Nields, folk-rock musician
*"John Rose, organist"
*Richard Tuttle, postminimalist artist
*Bill Unger, film producer


*Jonah Bayliss, Major League Baseball player
*Eric DeCosta, director of college scouting, Baltimore Ravens
*Moe Drabowsky, former Major League Baseball pitcher
*Roger LeClerc, former Major League Football player and record holder
*Jeff Natale, Minor league baseball player in the Boston Red Sox organization

Business and industry

*CK Bradley, entrepreneur and fashion designer
*Thomas M. Chappell, co-founder and CEO of Tom's of Maine
*R. Putnam Coes, COO of Morgan Stanley Hedge Funds
*Francis R. Delano, prominent banker
*Jeffrey J. Fox, international business consultant and author
*G. Keith Funston, president of the New York Stock Exchange (1951-1967)
*John D. Howard, CEO of Bear Sterns
*Peter Kraus (businessman), head of Goldman Sachs Investment Management division
*Wenda Millard, President of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc.
*Roy Nutt, founder of Computer Sciences Corporation and co-creator of FORTRAN
*Gunnar S. Overstrom, Jr., former vice chair of FleetBoston Financial

Government, law & public policy

*William Shepperd Ashe, former U.S. Representative
*Michael Billington, LaRouche Movement activist
*Francisco L. Borges, former Connecticut State Treasurer and current NAACP treasurer
*Sandra Kee Borges, former city manager of Hartford
*Joseph Buffington, former federal judge
*Isaac E. Crary, first elected U.S. Representative for Michigan
*Steve Elmendorf, political chief of staff and deputy campaign manager
*Frank Fasi, former mayor of Honolulu
*John Fonfara, Connecticut State Senator
*Joan Hartley, Connecticut State Senator
*Barbara B. Kennelly, former U.S. Representative
*Robert L. King, former New York State Assemblyman, Monroe County Executive, and Chancellor of the State University of New York
*Thomas Joseph Meskill, former U.S. Representative
*William Anthony Paddon, former Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador
*John S. Phelps, former Governor of Missouri
*Christine C. Quinn, first female and first openly gay Speaker of the New York City Council
*Henry Shelton Sanford, diplomat and city founder
*"Barry R. Schaller, Associate Justice, Connecticut State Supreme Court and Trinity professor"
*Henry Joel Scudder, former U.S. Representative
*"Kevin Sullivan, former lieutenant governor of Connecticut and former Vice President for Community and Institutional Relations for Trinity"
*Jane Swift, former Governor of Massachusetts
*Christine S. Vertefeuille, Connecticut Supreme Court justice
*James Wakefield, former U.S. Representative
*"Dov Zakheim, former government official and Trinity professor"

Journalism and the media

*Bill Bird, journalist and publisher
*Tucker Carlson, commentator, host of "Tucker" on MSNBC
*George Crile III, former CBS News journalist
*George Will, political commentator
*James M Perry, journalist and historian

Literature and publishing

*Edward Albee, playwright (expelled)
*Stephen Belber, author of "Laramie Project"
*Park Benjamin, poet and publisher
*"Michelle Cliff, poet and former Trinity professor"
*"Richard Eberhart, prolific poet and former Trinity professor"
*H. Susannah Heschel, feminist, editor, and author
*James Longenbach, critic and poet
*Patricia Roth Schwartz, poet, playwright, and editor
*Joanna Scott, award-winning author and University of Rochester professor
*"Parveen Shakir, poet and former Trinity professor"
*Linda Wells, magazine editor
*John Westermann, crime novelist and writing teacher (failed out) []
*"Hugh Ogden, poet and professor" []


*"James Hughes, bioethicist and professor of sociology at Trinity"
*D. Holmes Morton, physician and Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism recipient
*William Anthony Paddon, physician and Lieutenant-Governor of Newfoundland from 1981-1986.

Religion and theology

*James Roosevelt Bayley, archbishop
*Eben Edwards Beardsley, theologian and clergyman
*Robert Duncan, bishop
*Thomas Gallaudet, noted priest and renowned pioneer of deaf education in the United States
*"Francis L. Hawks, former priest and professor of divinity at Trinity"
*John James McCook, chaplain and theologian
*John Mason Neale, Anglican divine and scholar
*"Horatio Potter, bishop and former Trinity professor"
*John E. Sanders, evangelical Christian theologian and free-will theist
*Lemuel H. Wells, bishop

cience, mathematics & engineering

*Dean Hamer, discoverer of the controversial Gay gene and God gene
*Ernest Henry Wilson, botanist


*Verner Clapp, noted librarian
*Kara Kennedy, daughter of U.S. Sen Edward M. Kennedy (transferred)
*Sally E. Pingree, philanthropist
*Strong Vincent, noted Civil War soldier
*J. H. Hobart Ward, American Civil War general

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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