- Paul VI High School
Infobox School
name = Paul VI High School
motto = Fortis In Fide (Strength In Faith)
established = 1966
grades = 9 - 12
authority =Roman Catholic Diocese of Camden
type =Catholic school
principal = Sr. Marianne McCann
asst principal = Patrick Rowan (Discipline)
Regina Siciliano (Academics)
Matthew Screnci (Student life)
enrollment = 1,112 (as of 2005-06)
faculty = 62.1 (on FTE basis)
ratio = 17.9
nickname = Eagles
conference =Olympic Conference
colors = Blue and White
location = 901 Hopkins Road
Haddonfield, NJ 08033
information = 856-858-4900
website = [http://www.pvihs.org School website]Paul VI High School is a private Catholic High School located in Haddon Township, New Jersey. As there is no post office in Haddon Township the mailing address is Haddonfield,
New Jersey ,United States . The school is named in honor ofPope Paul VI , and was founded in 1966. As ofNovember 15 ,2007 , the school had an enrollment of 1,188 students. The Paul VI sports and club teams are known as the Eagles. It is located in theRoman Catholic Diocese of Camden .As of the 2005-06 school year, the school had an enrollment of 1,112 students and 62.1 classroom teachers (on an FTE basis), for a student-teacher ratio of 17.9. [http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/privateschoolsearch/school_detail.asp?Search=1&SchoolID=00864388&ID=00864388 Paul VI High School] ,
National Center for Education Statistics . AccessedJuly 17 ,2008 .]The 244-meet win streak by the boys cross country team, which ended in October 2007 after 28 years,was cited by "
The Philadelphia Inquirer " as "an epic achievement".Student life
Paul VI is separated into four classes: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. The school year begins in early September, and ends in the middle of June (Seniors graduate in May). Extended periods of vacation are given in late November for Thanksgiving, late December for Christmas, and Middle April for Easter.
The Paul VI school day starts at 8:05 AM, and ends at 2:30 PM. Students are required to wear the designated school uniforms for the entirety of the day, except during casual days. Separate gym uniforms are required for Physical Education. Discipline is organized into a system of demerits, whereby demerits are given out to students who break the school code of conduct as published annually in the student handbook. The number of demerits given depends on the severity of the infraction. Ten demerits result in a student receiving a detention. As Paul VI is a Catholic high school, students are expected to comport themselves according to Catholic teaching.
The school day is organized into eight periods, each 43 minutes long. Preceding 1st period is a homeroom period, where students receive news and announcements. Occasionally, periods are shortened to allow for a student assembly or
pep rally , or for half days. Throughout the school year, students will attend Mass on holidays or special occasions, either in St. Vincent Pallottiparish across the parking lot, or in theAuditorium . Usually, periods are shortened to accommodate these sessions.Students are required to take four years of
math , English/Literature, and religion in order to graduate. Three years ofscience andhistory are also required, as are two years of a foreign language, and one year of writing, senior year health, and sophomore year physical/health education.In certain cases, students may be able to shorten the number of years required for a certain subject or bypass these requirements entirely. In the mathematics program, if a Freshman takes up Honors Algebra II and trigonometry, continues with Pre-Calculus in their Sophomore year, and takes either AP Calculus AB or BC in Junior year, the student does not need to take a course in mathematics in their Senior year (as AP Calculus AB or BC is the highest math course offered). Students who take a course in practical, performing or fine arts for the four years spent at Paul VI do not need to take courses in History. Should a student drop out of said art course, the given year's history course must be taken.
Arithmetic courses include everything from
Algebra 1 Part 1, toAdvanced Placement Program (AP level)AP Calculus AB andAP Calculus BC .Literature courses include 'Elements of Language and Literature,'American Literature ,British Literature , World Literature, and their respective honors and AP courses.Journalism , Creative Writing, Film Appreciation, and Public Speaking are popular electives.Science courses include a basic 'Integrated Science' course,
Biology ,Chemistry ,Physics , and their respective honors and AP courses. Also,Genetics ,Anatomy andPhysiology ,Microbiology and Environmental Science are available as electives.Religious studies are a very important part of the Paul VI education, with 4 years of courses covering everything including Catholic
Faith andMorality ,Scriptures , Church History,prayer andworship , Issues of Faith and Morals andSocial justice .Two years of a foreign language are required, and students may take up to four years of their desired language. Languages offered to study include Spanish, Italian, French, and
Latin . Japanese is also offered, however, as of 2006, only two years of Japanese are offered. Two years of any language are mandatory.The Social Studies are well represented, with World History, US History 1 & 2 (as well as
AP United States History 1 & 2,)AP European History ,Humanities ,Sociology , Comparative World Governments,Logic ,AP Economics , andAP Psychology .Physical Education includes the courses Physical Education, First Aid and
CPR , Driver's Education,Nutrition and Fitness,Tae Bo andPilates , and Senior health.Available
Business courses include 'Introduction to Business,'Marketing , Multimedia presentations,HTML andWebsite creation,Accounting 1 & 2, Business Law 1 & 2, Basic Programming, and Java Programming. Business courses are elective.Drama 1 & 2, as well as Advanced Drama are very popular electives.Dance classes include
Ballet 1 & 2, Dance 1, Intermediate Dance, and Advanced Dance. All dance courses are elective.Paul VI offers a wide array of music courses including Chorus,
Chorale ,Chamber Choir ,A Capella Singers, Male Chorus,Music Theory , Advanced Music Theory, Band, Pep Band, Concert Band,Jazz Band, String Ensemble 1 & 2, and Music technology. All music courses are elective.The Industrial Arts courses are all elective and include Technical Drawling 1, 2, & 3, and
Architecture . All four courses are successive.Creative
Cooking is one of the most popular elective courses offered to students.Athletics
Paul VI offers a diverse selection of sports available to students. They currently play in the Patriot Division of the
Olympic Conference . The Eagles' main rival isCamden Catholic High School , whom they play in football every Thanksgiving. Bishop Eustace High School is another rival as well.SPORTS OFFERED AT PAUL VI HIGH SCHOOL:
**Fall - soccer, football, cross country
**Winter - basketball, indoor track, ice hockey, swimming, wrestling
**Spring - lacrosse, track & field, golf, baseball, tennis
**Fall - soccer, tennis, cross country, field hockey, cheerleading
**Winter - basketball, indoor track, swimming, cheerleading
**Spring - lacrosse, track & field, softballThe boys soccer team won the 2003 NJSIAA Parochial A state sectional championship with a 3-1 win over Notre Dame High School. [ [http://www.bracketmaker.com/tmenu.cfm?tid=50550&tclass= 2003 NJSIAA Parochial A Boys' Soccer State Tournament] ,
NJSIAA . AccessedJune 20 ,2007 .]Boys' cross country winning streak
The Paul VI boys cross country team had a dual meet unbeaten streak that started in 1979 [Strauss, Robert. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9505E7DE1430F934A35752C0A9619C8B63 "Impressed by Threepeats? How About a 23-Peat?"] ,
January 7 ,2007 . AccessedOctober 24 ,2007 . "Paul VI High School, in nearby Haddon Township, has not lost a dual meet since 1979, more than 240 races ago. Joe Puleo, a former Paul VI coach who is now coach of the Rutgers-Camden college track team, said the high school's conference was not always strong, but the tradition of striving for victory was."] and ended at 244 straight wins after 28 years. OnOctober 10 ,2007 ,Camden Catholic High School beat them 21-36 and took the division championship, ending the longest unbeaten streak in recent memory. In an editorial, "The Philadelphia Inquirer " cited the streak, which started whenJimmy Carter was President, as "an epic achievement".Editorial. [http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20071017_Editorial___Paul_VI_Cross-Country.html "Paul VI High School: Still winners, in the long run"] , "The Philadelphia Inquirer ",October 17 ,2007 . AccessedOctober 18 ,2007 . "This was more than just a sports streak - it was an epic achievement, famous among those who knew. It's never too late to salute 28 years of excellence."] Haddonfield High School now owns the current longest streak at 102 wins. [ [http://www.courierpostonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071011/VARSITY/710110476/1090 Camden Catholic ends Paul VI's long winning streak] - Courier Post Online. AccessedOctober 12 ,2007 .]Administration
* President: Rev. Robert E. Hughes
* Principal: Sr. Marianne McCann
* Assistant Principal for Academics: Regina Siciliano
* Assistant Principal for Discipline: Patrick Rowan
* Assistant Principal for Student Life: Michael ChambersNotable alumni
Jessica Boyington , 2006Miss New Jersey USA References
External links
* [http://www.pvihs.org Paul VI website]
* [http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/pss/privateschoolsearch/school_detail.asp?Search=1&SchoolID=00864388&ID=00864388 Data for Paul VI High School] ,National Center for Education Statistics
* [http://www.sjsports.com/highschool/paulvi/ South Jersey Sports: Paul VI HS]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.