Sara M. Gonzalez

Sara M. Gonzalez

Sara M. Gonzalez represents District 38 in the New York City Council, which comprises Sunset Park, Boerum Hill, Red Hook, Windsor Terrace, among other neighborhoods within the borough of Brooklyn.

In November 2002, Gonzalez was chosen in a special election to fill a seat vacated by former City Councilman Angel Rodriguez, who was forced to resign after pleading guilty to charges of bribery and extortion. [1]

Currently the chairwoman of the Juvenile Justice Committee on the Council, Gonzalez was formerly the chairwoman of Community Board 7 in Sunset Park, in addition to being the executive director of Hispanic Young People's Alternatives, which was a non-profit organization that offered after-school and tutorial programs to Hispanic youths.

Gonzalez is an alumna of College of Staten Island, and has attended Columbia School of Business Management.


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Political offices
Preceded by
Angel Rodriguez
New York City Council, 38th District

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