
"Gallinule" redirects here. For the blue gallinules, see Porphyrio.
Dusky Moorhen, Gallinula tenebrosa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Subclass: Neornithes
Infraclass: Neoaves
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae
Genus: Gallinula
Brisson, 1760

Gallinula angulata
Gallinula chloropus
Gallinula galeata (but see text)
Gallinula comeri
Gallinula melanops
Gallinula mortierii
Gallinula pacifica (but see text)
Gallinula silvestris (but see text)
Gallinula tenebrosa
Gallinula ventralis
and see text



Moorhens, sometimes called marsh hens, are medium-sized water birds that are members of the rail family Rallidae. They constitute the genus Gallinula.[1] They are close relatives of coots, and because of their apparently nervous behavior (frequently twitching tail, neck and grinding their backs) are sometimes called "skitty coots". Often, they are referred to as (black) gallinules.

A few species from the Australian region, sometimes separated in Tribonyx, are called native-hens. Tribonyx is better considered a subgenus however as the differences are not very striking and mainly plesiomorphic. The native-hens differ visually by shorter, thicker and stubbier toes and bills, and longer tails that lack the white signal pattern of typical moorhens.[2]



These rails are mostly brown and black with some white markings in plumage colour. Unlike many of the rails they are usually easy to see, feeding in open water margins rather than hidden in reedbeds.

They have short rounded wings and are weak fliers, although usually capable of covering long distances. The Common Moorhen in particular migrates up to 2,000 km from some of its breeding areas in the colder parts of Siberia. Those that migrate do so at night. The Gough Moorhen on the other hand is considered almost flightlessit can only flutter some metres. As common in rails, there has been a marked tedency to evolve flightlessness in island populations.

Moorhens can walk very well on strong legs, and have long toes that are well adapted to soft uneven surfaces.

These birds are omnivorous taking plant material, small rodents, amphibians and eggs. They are aggressively territorial during the breeding season, but are otherwise often found in sizeable flocks on the shallow vegetated lakes they prefer.

Systematics and evolution

The flightless Tasmanian Nativehen, Gallinula mortierii

Living and recently extinct species of Gallinula are:

  • Samoan Moorhen, Gallinula pacificasometimes placed in Pareudiastes, extinct (1907)?
  • Makira Moorhen, Gallinula silvestrissometimes placed in Pareudiastes or Edithornis, extinct (mid-20th century)?
  • Tristan Moorhen, Gallinula nesiotisextinct (late 19th century)
  • Gough Moorhen, Gallinula comeri
  • Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus
  • Common Gallinule, Gallinula galeata, recently split by the AOU, other committees still evaluating
  • Dusky Moorhen, Gallinula tenebrosa
  • Lesser Moorhen, Gallinula angulata
  • Spot-flanked Gallinule, Gallinula melanops
  • Black-tailed Nativehen, Gallinula ventralis
  • Tasmanian Nativehen, Gallinula mortierii

Other moorhens have been described from older remains. Apart from the 1-3 extinctions in more recent times, another 1-4 species have gone extinct as a consequence of early human settlement: Hodgen's Waterhen (Gallinula hodgenorum) of New Zealandwhich belongs in subgenus Tribonyxand a species close to the Samoan Moorhen from Buka, Solomon Islands, which is almost certainly distinct from the Makira Moorhen as the latter cannot fly. The undescribed Viti Levu Gallinule of Fiji would either be separated in Pareudiastes if that genus is considered valid, or may be a completely new genus. Similarly, the undescribed Mangaia "swamphen," currently tentatively assigned to Porphyrio, may belong to Gallinula/Pareudiastes.


Still older fossils document the genus since the Late Oligocene onwards. The genus seems to have originated in the Southern Hemisphere, in the general region of Australia. By the Pliocene, it was probably distributed worldwide:

  • Gallinula disneyi (Late OligoceneEarly Miocene of Riversleigh, Australia)
  • Gallinula sp. (Early Pliocene of Hungary and Germany)
  • Gallinula kansarum (Late Pliocene of Kansas, USA)
  • Gallinula balcanica (Late Pliocene[3] of Varshets, Bulgaria).
  • Gallinula gigantea (Early Pleistocene of Czechia and Israel)

Even among non-Passeriformes, this genus has a long documented existence. Consequently some unassigned fragmentary rail fossils might also be from moor- or native-hens. For example, specimen QM F30696, a left distal tibiotarsus piece from the Oligo-Miocene boundary at Riversleigh, is similar to but than and differs in details from G. disneyi.[2] It cannot be said if this birdif a distinct specieswas flightless. From size alone, it might have been an ancestor of G. mortierii (see also below).

In addition to paleosubspecies of Gallinula chloropus, the doubtfully distinct Late Pliocene to Pleistocene Gallinula mortierii reperta was described, referring to the population of the Tasmanian Native-hen that once inhabited mainland Australia and became extinct at the end of the last ice age.[4] It may be that apart from climate change it was driven to extinction by the introduction of the dingo, which as opposed to the marsupial predators hunted during the day, but this would require a survival of mainland Gallinula mortierii to as late as about 1500 BC[5]

G. disneyi was yet another flightless native-henindicative of that group's rather basal position among moorhens -, and its time and place of occurrence suggest it as an ancestor of G. mortierii (reperta), from which it differed mostly in its much smaller size. However, some limb bone proportions are also strikingly different, and in any case such a scenario would require a flightless bird to change but little during some 20 million years in an environment rich in predators. As the fossils of G. disneyi as well as the rich recent and subfossil material of G. mortierii shows no evidence of such a change at all, G. disneyi more probably represents a case of parallel evolution at an earlier date.[2]


  1. ^ The Latin name of moorhens; literally "little hen".
  2. ^ a b c Boles (2005)
  3. ^ Middle Villafranchian
  4. ^ Olson (1975), Baird (1984), Boles (2005)
  5. ^ Baird (1991), Boles (2005)


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  • Baird, Robert F. (1984): The Pleistocene distribution of the Tasmanian native-hen Gallinula mortierii mortierii. Emu 84(2): 119-123. PDF fulltext
  • Baird, Robert F. (1991): The Dingo as a Possible Factor in the Disappearance of Gallinula mortierii from the Australian Mainland. Emu 91(2): 121-122. PDF fulltext
  • Boles, Walter E. (2005): A New Flightless Gallinule (Aves: Rallidae: Gallinula) from the Oligo-Miocene of Riversleigh, Northwestern Queensland, Australia. (2005) Records of the Australian Museum 57(2): 179190. ODF fulltext
  • Brisson, Mathurin Jacques (1760): Ornithologia sive Synopsis methodica sistens avium divisionem in ordines, sectiones, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates, etc. 1: 46-56, plates V and VI.
  • Olson, Storrs L. (1975): The fossil rails of C.W. DeVis, being mainly an extinct form of Tribonyx mortierii from Queensland. Emu 75(2): 49-54. HTML abstract

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  • moorhen — n. (Zo[ o]l.) 1. A black gallinule ({Gallinula chloropus}) that inhabits ponds and lakes. Syn: {Gallinula chloropus}. [WordNet 1.5] 2. The female of the {moor fowl}; the {moor hen}. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • moorhen — /moor hen /, n. 1. Also called water hen. a common species of gallinule, Gallinule chloropus, of nearly worldwide distribution. 2. any of several related gallinules. 3. Chiefly Brit. the female red grouse. [1250 1300; ME mor hen. See MOOR1, HEN]… …   Universalium

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  • moorhen — pelkinės vištelės statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Gallinula angl. moorhen vok. Teichhuhn, n rus. болотная курица, f; камышница, f pranc. gallinule, f ryšiai: platesnis terminas – vandeninės vištos siauresnis terminas –… …   Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas

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