Jason Reso

Jason Reso

Infobox Wrestler
name=Jason Reso

Christian Cage
Captain Charisma
Conquistador Dos
height= height|m=1.85
weight= convert|108.8|kg|lb st|abbr=on|lk=on
birth_date=birth date and age|mf=yes|1973|11|30
birth_place=Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
resides=Tampa, Florida, United States
billed=Toronto, Canada (WWF/E)
"Tampa, Florida, by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada" (TNA)
trainer=Ron Hutchisoncite web|url=http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/profiles/c/christian-cage.html|title= Christian Cage's profile|publisher=Online World of Wrestling]
Dory Funk, Jr.
Tom Prichard
debut=June 1995

William Jason "Jay" Resocite web|url=http://stars.ign.com/objects/142/14270223_biography.html|title=Christian Cage's Bio at IGN.com|accessdate=2008-08-28|publisher=IGN.com] (born November 30, 1973) better known by his ring name Christian Cage, is a Canadian professional wrestler and actor. He is currently performing for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling where he has won the World Heavyweight Championship on two separate occasions.cite web|url=http://www.solie.org/titlehistories/whtnwa.html|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=NWA - NATIONAL WRESTLING ALLIANCE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE HISTORY|last=Duncan|first=Royal|publisher=Solie|date=2007]

He is also known for his work in the World Wrestling Federation (later called World Wrestling Entertainment) as Christian. Reso initially rose through the ranks as one half of the tag team Edge and Christian, alongside his storyline brother and real–life childhood friend Adam "Edge" Copeland.


Early career

In September 1994, Reso enrolled in wrestling school at Sully's Gym, ran by Ron Hutchinson. [WWE RAW Magazine 2002] One of Reso's early lasting ring names, Christian Cage, was a spur of the moment combination of the names of the actors, Christian Slater and Nicolas Cage.cite web|url= http://www.rohwrestling.com/shoponline.asp?point=moreinfo&catid=&id=1847&pRange=0&iCurrentPage=1|title=Straight Shootinwith Christian Cage] Christian's wrestling career began in June 1995 in a match against Zakk Wyld a fellow trainee from Sully's Gym in Toronto, which resulted in a draw. [WWE RAW Magazine 2002] cite web|url=http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/Bios/christian.html|publisher=SLAM! Sports|title=Christian Cage Bio] During 1997, he was part of THUG Life, a stable that included Joe E. Legend, Bloody Bill Skullion, Rhino Richards, and Cage's tag team partner and real life childhood friend Adam Copeland, who went by the ring name Sexton Hardcastle.

As a tag team on the Canadian indy scene, Copeland and Reso were known as "High Impact" and later "The Suicide Blondes". Also allied with Judd the Studd, the duo held titles in numerous wrestling promotions, and Reso held the East Coast Wrestling Association titlecite web|url=http://www.solie.org/titlehistories/whtecwa.html|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=ECWA - EAST COAST WRESTLING ASSOCIATION WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE HISTORY|last=Dupree|first=Jim|publisher=Solie|date=2008] before signing with the World Wrestling Federation in August 1998.

World Wrestling Federation / Entertainment (1998–2005)

The Brood

When Reso came to WWF and WWE, he shortened his ring name to Christian. He made his televised debut at the September 27, 1998 pay-per-view entitled , distracting Edge during his match against Owen Hart to reveal his allegiance to Gangrel. He had some early singles success, capturing the WWF Light Heavyweight Championshipciteweb|url=http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/lightheavyweight/357126|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=Christian's first WWE Light Heavyweight Championship reign|publisher=WWE] in his debut match. However, his real success came while wrestling in the tag circuit. Christian, given the character of a vampire, formed a stable with Gangrel and Edge, who, in storyline, was finally persuaded to join what became known as The Brood. The Brood briefly feuded with, then joined, The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness, but upon learning that Christian was beaten down into telling Ken Shamrock the whereabouts of Stephanie McMahon, Undertaker wanted to punish Christian. More loyal to the Brood than to the Ministry, Edge and Gangrel turned on the Undertaker and rescued Christian.

Edge and Christian

The Gothic angle was successful, but soon after, Edge and Christian began to reach their full potential. They split with Gangrel, who associated himself with the Hardy Boyz to form the The New Brood. On October 17, 1999, at No Mercy, Edge and Christian competed against the Hardy Boyz in a Ladder match as part of the "Terri Invitational Tournament". Although the Hardys won the match, the careers of both tag teams soared, and fans gave them a standing ovation. After a run as faces most notable for their tendency to approach the ring via the audience, Edge and Christian redefined themselves as a bumbling comic duo of surfer/teenyboppers. They were most known for their "five second poses" ("for the benefit of those with flash photography"), which mocked either the opponents or city in which they happened to be. They repeatedly captured the WWF Tag Team Championshipciteweb|url=http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/worldtagteam/|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=World Tag Team Championship official history|publisher=WWE] , as well as winning a Triple Threat Ladder match and two TLC matches.

Friction arose within the team after Edge won the annual King of the Ring tournament. Christian appeared to be jealous, insisted on carrying Edge's trophy to the ring and assaulted his tag team partner Edge after he had lost a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match to The Rock in September 2001. The former partners feuded over the Intercontinental Championship for several months, with the title changing hands several times.citeweb|url=http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/intercontinental/|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=Intercontinental Championship official history|publisher=WWE]

ingles competition

Christian began a singles career, winning the WWE European Championship from Bradshawciteweb|url=http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/euro/358732|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=Christian's first WWE European Championship reign|publisher=WWE] , later losing the title to Diamond Dallas Page After this, he became known for throwing tantrums in the ring when he was unable to gain a pinfall. After a series of defeats, as part of his storyline, Christian announced that he was quitting the WWF. Page persuaded him not to quit and adopted him as his protegé. He later betrayed DDP and faced him for the European Championship at WrestleMania X8, but was defeated and once again threw a tantrum in the middle of the ring. Christian then formed a tag team with fellow Canadians Lance Storm and Test as part of The Un-Americans faction and then became the sidekick of Chris Jericho, with whom he once again won the Tag Team Championships.

During this time, The Rock jumped to the Raw brand as a reward from Mr. McMahon for defeating Hulk Hogan at No Way Out. Christian befriended him and was therefore told by The Rock himself that Christian was "his new favorite WWE Superstar". Delighted to hear that from The Rock, Christian began using many of The Rock's mannerisms, which varied from calling his fans "The Peeps" (similar to The Rock calling his fans "The People") to using The Rock's one arm raised victory pose. He even called himself "The New People's Champion". During this time, he broke away from Chris Jericho and became The Rock's sidekick. He used his new found charisma to win a special nine man over-the-top-rope battle royal at Judgment Day for the vacant WWE Intercontinental Championship. The following night on "Raw", he appeared on Chris Jericho's "Highlight Reel" talk show segment, sporting a new haircut and ring attire. The Rock confronted Christian on the "Highlight Reel" stating that The Rock is "The one and only People's Champion". Unhappy about this, Jericho and Christian assaulted The Rock, only to fall victim to the Rock Bottom and the Book End when Booker T made the save. Christian later dropped the Intercontinental title to Booker, but regained it at a house show after Booker was legitimately injured.

Late in 2003, Jericho and Christian started to court WWE Divas Trish Stratus and Lita, as part of a bet (for one Canadian dollar) to see who could have sex with their target first. Although the girls found out about the bet, Jericho and Stratus stayed together for the time being, leading to Jericho and Christian's split over her in early 2004. During a match between Christian and Jericho at WrestleMania XX, however, Trish turned on Jericho, allowing Christian to defeat him. Trish then joined forces with Christian, becoming his on-screen girlfriend in the process. During a steel cage match against Jericho on May 10, 2004, Christian suffered a severe back injury, causing him to miss almost four months of ring action. He returned on the August 30 edition of "Raw", picking up where he left off and continuing his feud with Jericho.

Captain Charisma

Christian's gimmick became that of a cocky, overconfident heel, although he was popular in Canada and the United Kingdom. He dubbed himself "Captain Charisma". On December 6, 2004, he was forced to wrestle as Captain Charisma, complete with a superhero costume, by Chris Jericho, who was general manager for the night. Christian was often accompanied by Tyson Tomko, whom he called his "problem solver", and usually won his matches with interference from Tomko or by some other method of cheating. He wrestled with The Hurricane as part of a tag team called "The Heroes," for one night, then faced The Hurricane the next week in a battle of the heroes. After this, the heroes aspect of the gimmick was dropped - though Christian continued to go by the nickname of "Captain Charisma". Christian was loosely paired with Edge again several times in late 2004 and early 2005. Despite being a heel, he acquired a fanbase, who he refers to as his "Peeps", "Peepulation" (a play on the word "population") or the "Christian Coalition" (which later became the name of his and Tomko's stable in TNA).

At the 2005 Royal Rumble, Christian had an encounter with John Cena and claimed that he was a better rapper than Cena. Over the next months, Christian began cutting promos denouncing John Cena as a 'poser'. Christian was noticeably cheered during these segments and was thought to be finally rising into the main event picture. Soon after Cena came to "Raw" from "SmackDown!", Cena went on to successfully defend the WWE Championship in a Triple Threat match between himself, Christian and Jericho at Vengeance.

Between the run-ins with Cena, Christian participated in the Money in the Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 21. He had a primary role in the parody trailer for "Basic Instinct" in connection with the "WrestleMania Goes Hollywood" theme at the event. On the June 30 episode of "SmackDown!", Christian was the second-to-last man drafted to "SmackDown!" in the 2005 WWE Draft Lottery. He replaced The Big Show in a six-man elimination match for the new SmackDown! Championship, and lost to John Bradshaw Layfield. Christian had previously said in a promo that he hoped to be drafted to "SmackDown!" because the show needed a Canadian (though it had gotten one earlier in that same draft in the form of Chris Benoit). Christian bragged about how he was on the main event of both "Raw" and "SmackDown!" in the same week. Christian was soon given his own interview segment on "SmackDown!" called "The Peep Show."

Departure from WWE

On October 31, 2005, Reso's contract with WWE expired. According to Dave Meltzer, he was asked on the spot to sign a new contract but declined to sign the contract. His last match occurred during the tapings for the November 4 edition of "SmackDown!" Despite his quitting, Christian appeared on "Raw" and at Taboo Tuesday, fulfilling his obligations to the company, as he was one of five "SmackDown!" superstars eligible to be voted Edge and Chris Masters' opponents by the fans. As WWE had already announced his departure, there were notable chants of 'We want Christian' during the match, ironic considering the fans had not voted him into the match (they had voted for Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy).

Contrary to prior rumors, Reso later claimed during his TNA debut speech at Genesis that WWE did not lowball him on their contract offer; in fact, supposedly, they offered him "a very hefty sum" to stay. He had made the decision to leave months before his contract expired and had agreed in principle to terms with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling prior to his departure. In that promo, Reso made several criticisms of WWE, citing the disproportionate amount of screen time allocated to Paul Levesque (Triple H) and the use of distasteful storylines, and claiming that WWE had become, like the now-defunct WCW before it, "old, boring, and lacking direction". In August 2006, WWE challenged Reso's attempts to trademark the name "Captain Charisma", saying that it will cause confusion in the marketplace because the persona was created while Reso was under contract to WWE. WWE feels that anything that Reso called himself in WWE belongs to WWE. As a result, TNA has stopped selling "Captain Charisma" merchandise until the issue was resolved.

From early 2007 onwards, Reso began calling himself the "Instant Classic", suggesting that WWE has been ceded the rights to the "Captain Charisma" name. However, he does continue to be referred to as "Captain Charisma" in off-screen appearances and sometimes wears his "Captain Charisma" entrance jumpsuits to the ring at house shows. [cite web|url=http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/44200/WWE-&-Christian-Fighting-Over-//Captain-Charisma//.htm|publisher=411mania.com|title=WWE & Christian Fighting Over "Captain Charisma"]

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling (2005–Present)

Early face run (2005–2006)

Reso debuted in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling at Genesis under his original ring name, Christian Cage. After teasing an alliance with longtime friend Scott D'Amore and Team Canada, he delivered an Unprettier to D'Amore and helped Team 3D drive Jeff Jarrett through a table, thus turning Face. Cage's debut coincided with the death of fellow wrestler Eddie Guerrero. As a tribute to Guerrero, Cage incorporated Guerrero's signature frog splash into his repertoire.

Cage made his "TNA Impact!" debut on November 19, engaging in a verbal sparring bout and then brawling with "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown. Cage's in-ring debut for TNA was a win against Team Canada's enforcer Bobby Roode. He defeated Brown at Turning Point to become the number one contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. At Final Resolution, Cage and the returning Sting defeated Monty Brown and Jeff Jarrett.cite news | first = Hicks | last = Brady | title = 2006: The year in wrestling | work =2007 Wrestling Almanac and book of facts | publisher = Kappa Publications | id = 2007 Edition | page = 16 | accessdate = 2007-07-11] On February 12, 2006 at Against All Odds, Cage defeated Jarrett to win his first World title, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

On April 2, Cage entered into a feud with Abyss after a series of kayfabe videos showed Abyss and his manager James Mitchell stalking Cage's wife and entering his house. They feuded until Lockdown where Cage successfully retained his title, but Abyss attacked him after the match and took the title belt. They continued against each other until Sacrifice where Christian regained his belt in a Full Metal Mayhem match.

Cage defended the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Abyss, Ron "The Truth" Killings, Jeff Jarrett, and Sting in a King of the Mountain match at Slammiversary. The match was declared unofficial due to the intervening of Larry Zbyszko and referee Earl Hebner at the end of the match when Zbyszko and Hebner snatched the belt and helped Jarrett win. As a result of the finish, the belt was stripped away and declared vacant until Jim Cornette held a "company meeting" on the June 29 "Impact!", where Cornette awarded the belt back to Jarrett on the condition that he defend it against the winner of a Fatal four way match at Victory Road involving Cage, Samoa Joe, Scott Steiner, and Sting.

The Instant Classic (2006–2007)

At Hard Justice, Cage watched the Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett match from ringside, supposedly backing his friend Sting. However, after numerous attempts to help Sting, at the end of the match, he hit Sting with a guitar, thus turning heel. Immediately following his actions, Cage was questioned by Rhino. This eventually led to a confrontation between the two, as Cage claimed anger and betrayal at Rhino's questioning of his motives and loyalties, where Cage gave him the con-chair-to. Cage defeated Rhino at No Surrender after an Unprettier onto a steel chair. At Bound for Glory, Cage earned another victory over Rhino in an 8 Mile Street Fight by using a con-chair-to with a ladder, a broken table, a street sign, and some chairs on top of Rhino. On the "impact!" prime time debut, Cage faced off against Rhino in the first–ever Barbed Wire Six Sides of Steel match (a conventional Six Sides of Steel match, only with barbed wire bordering the top of the cage). Cage won when Rhino Gored Cage with so much momentum, it sent Cage through the steel cage door and onto the floor.

The next week on "Impact!", Christian was reunited with his old 'Problem Solver' from WWE, Tomko, who made his debut in TNA attacking Sting during Cage and Sting's match. It was shortly after this that he began referring to himself as "The Instant Classic". At Final Resolution, Cage captured his second NWA World Heavyweight Championship by defeating former champion Abyss and Sting in a Three Way Elimination Match.

On the February 8 edition of "Impact!", Scott Steiner attacked Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe and Rhino after a match between Angle and Joe against Cage and Styles, revealing himself as Cage's "special consultant" for his title defense against Angle at Against All Odds, the same PPV where he originally won the title a year ago. At the aforementioned PPV, Cage defeated Angle after interference from Tomko and Steiner and the assistance of a lead pipe to retain the World Title. On the March 6 edition of "Impact!!", Cage had told Angle and Joe that with Tomko and Steiner, he heads a "family" he calls the Christian Coalition, here to prevent anyone from defeating him. Cage, Steiner and Tomko decided to help Abyss, as they beat Sting up. At Destination X, despite the Coalition's absence from his side (Tomko went to Japan while Steiner fully focused on facing Angle), Cage pinned Samoa Joe by reversing his patented Coquina Clutch into a pin, using the ropes for leverage. At Lockdown, Cage's team of himself, Abyss, Tomko, Steiner, and Styles lost to the team of Angle, Sting, Joe, Rhino, and Jarrett when Sting gained the winning pinfall on Abyss. After this PPV, Steiner was phased out of the Coalition while Styles was quietly brought into it. Due to acquiring the pinfall, Sting earned an NWA World Heavyweight Championship match at Sacrifice. On "Impact!" broadcast on May 3, Sting and Angle forced A.J. Styles to submit to a double ankle lock, setting up a three way for the NWA Title at Sacrifice. Due to a prematch stipulation, Jim Cornette gave both Angle and Sting the title shot.

On May 13, Cage was stripped of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship by NWA Executive Director Robert K. Trobich when the NWA ended its relationship with TNA. Despite this, Cage defended and lost the "World Heavyweight Championship" status (using the NWA belt, as the TNA title belt still hadn't been out yet) against Sting and Kurt Angle at Sacrifice later that night, after Angle forced Sting to tap out to his Ankle Lock, as Sting was pinning Cage. The following week on "Impact!" all three men claimed themselves champion. Jim Cornette came to the ring and announced none of the men where champion and announced a King of the Mountain match for the new TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Cage qualified by defeating Abyss via DQ. He went on to lose the match at Slammiversary when he was speared off the ladder by Chris Harris and started a feud with him.

Cage defeated Harris at Victory Road with help from the returning Dustin Rhodes. After Victory Road, Christian's Coalition restarted their rivalry with Abyss and Sting. This led to a tag team Ladder match on "Impact!" of Cage & Styles versus Abyss and Sting, with the stipulation that if either Abyss or Sting would grab the contract on top of the ladder they would pick the match at Hard Justice. Cage and Styles lost after TNA debuting wrestler "The Punisher" Andrew Martin helped Abyss to grab the document. On "TNA Today" it was announced that Abyss choose a Doomsday Chamber of Blood match, in which Cage left the match and the steel cage before the match ended. The winner of the match was Abyss. On the August 16 "Impact!", Cage got a shot to become the number one contender for the World Championship once again, after Abyss put his contendership on the line in a First Blood match. Thanks to Samoa Joe – who was infuriated, having overheard Cage claim himself "the real World Heavyweight Champion" just days after Joe had been played by Kurt Angle at Hard Justice – more than nullifying A.J. Styles' assistance to Cage, Abyss won the match as Cage was busted open from chair shots by Joe and Abyss.

Moving into a feud with Joe, Christian defeated him at No Surrender by disqualification due to Joe attacking the referee after not releasing the Coquina Clutch on Cage. At Bound For Glory, Cage lost to Samoa Joe after tapping out to the Coquina Clutch. This ended his 23½ month undefeated (defined as not being pinned or made to submit) streak in TNA, which is the longest in the companies history. During the Fight for the Right Tournament coming to a conclusion at Genesis, Cage was about to defeat Kaz in "his" ladder match when Styles and Tomko came out against his orders and distracted him, allowing Kaz to pick up the victory. Minutes later, they helped Kurt Angle retain the TNA World Title against Kevin Nash, Sting, and the TNA-debuting Booker T, joining the Angle Alliance and marking the possible loss of Christian's Coalition.

End of the Coalition and face turn (2007–Present)

On the December 20 edition of "Impact!", Christian came out of a present and attacked Kurt Angle. This led to Cage challenging Angle for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at the inaugural PPV event of 2008, Final Resolution turning face in the process for the second time in TNA. The following week he demanded a response from A.J. Styles on whether he would choose to align himself with the Angle Alliance or Christian's Coalition. However, "Impact!" ran out of TV time before A.J. could give a response - and after "Impact!" left the air, he ran away seeking out Tomko. On the January 3 edition of "Impact!", Tomko quit both the Alliance and the Coalition, with Christian expressing no ill will towards the decision. He was defeated at Final Resolution by Angle after Styles interfered on Angle's behalf, helping him retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Christian got another championship match against Kurt Angle at Against All Odds with both men's rival Samoa Joe as a Special Guest Enforcer. The last Impact! before the PPV, Cage was attacked by Angle and A.J., only for Tomko to run to the ring and make the save, letting Christian know that he had his back. However, at Against All Odds, with the referee down and Samoa Joe distracted with A.J. Styles, Tomko betrayed Cage for good by delivering a torture rack neckbreaker on him and costing him the championship.

Following this, Cage turned face again, joinning Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe as the Unlikely Alliance, a group setup to take out the Angle Alliance (Angle, Styles, and Tomko). The Unlikely Alliance won a six-man tag between the two teams at Destination X. Later on, Christian would lead a team including Matt Morgan, Kevin Nash and former allies Sting and Rhino, who Christian reconciled with in the weeks leading to the event, against Tomko and his team in the Lethal Lockdown match at Lockdown, a match Christian's team won. At Sacrifice 2008, Cage teamed up with Rhino once again in a Deuce's Wild Tournament for the TNA World Tag Team Championship, but lost to Team 3D in the semi-finals when Brother Devon hit Rhino with a kendo stick and covered him up for the win. Team 3D put Cage threw a glass table on the June 26 edition of TNA Impact!, as retalition for Christian and Rhino's aide of A.J. Styles in his ongoing feud with Kurt Angle. At Hard Justice Christian Cage along with Rhino defeated Team 3D in a New Jersey Street Fight, thus ending their feud. Cage would then defeat AJ to get a title shot at No Surrender which also consisted of champion, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle & Booker T but due to Hurricane Ike, Booker could not make the event and so that match was changed to a Triple Threat Match which Joe would retain after some assistance from the returning Jeff Jarrett.

Independent circuit (2006–Present)

In March 2006, Cage competed three times in the United Kingdom for the 1 Pro Wrestling promotion as a part of the All or Nothing event. His first appearance came on March 4 in Doncaster, England when he beat Rhino in a semi-main event match. Cage 'no–showed' his scheduled appearance on night two of All or Nothing, however it was revealed that 1PW and Cage had come to a deal beforehand, as Christian had to return to Canada to shoot a new movie project. Cage was kayfabe injured on an afternoon event by Abyss instead, and this was used to explain his absence from the second night's show. His actual second and third appearances were on two consecutive nights as a part of the Know Your Enemy event, where on night one he beat Steve Corino and on night two lost to Corino and Abyss in a three–way–dance for the 1PW Heavyweight Championship.

In May 2006, Cage made two appearances for the Ring of Honor promotion. His first appearance was on May 12 in Long Island, New York, at "How We Roll", in a tag match with Colt Cabana against Ring of Honor World Champion Bryan Danielson and Christopher Daniels. Cage and Cabana won the match after Cage pinned Daniels. [cite web| url = http://www.rohwrestling.com/pastresults/ | title = Ring of Honor Official results | author = rohwrestling.com | date =2006-05-12| quote = NWA Champion Christian Cage & Colt Cabana defeated ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson & Christopher Daniels] His second appearance in a singles match against Christopher Daniels, who pinned him after an Angel's Wings. [cite web| url = http://www.rohwrestling.com/pastresults/ | title = Ring of Honor Official results | author = rohwrestling.com | date =2006-07-29| quote = Christopher Daniels beat Christian Cage] After the match, Daniels invited him to come back to Ring of Honor any time, and Christian accepted Daniels' offer. Also in May, Cage made his debut appearance for Ontario based Blood Sweat and Ears, defeating Abyss to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title.

In wrestling

*Finishing and signature moves
**Frog splash – TNA; Used as a tribute to Eddie Guerrero
**One man con–chair–to – Used in hardcore matches
**"Unprettier" (WWE / TNA) / "Impaler" (WWF)(Twisting wrist–lock inverted double underhook facebuster)
**Cage stands on the shoulders of an opponent draped over the middle rope, choking them in the process
**Diving corkscrew European uppercut – 2007–Present
**Inverted facelock backbreaker
**Missile dropkick
**Multiple DDT variations
***Falling reverse
***Reverse tornado
**Sitout inverted suplex slam

**Kenny Bolin
**Terri Runnels
**Trish Stratus
**Diamond Dallas Page
**Tyson Tomko / Tomko

**Creepy Little Bastard (C.L.B.) (Bestowed upon by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin)
**Captain Charisma
**The Champ
**The Instant Classic

*Entrance themes
**"Blood" by Jim Johnston
**"Project Gothic" by Jim Johnston
**"Blood Brother" by Jim Johnston
**"On the Edge" by Jim Johnston
**"At Last" by Jim Johnston
**"At Last (Remix)" by Jim Johnston
**"Tantrum" by Jim Johnston
** by Waterproof Blonde
** by Dale Oliver (A remix of Evanescence's "My Last Breath)
**"Take Over (Remix)" by Dale Oliver

Championships and accomplishments

*East Coast Wrestling Association
**ECWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

*Insane Championship Wrestling
**ICW Streetfight Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Sexton Hardcastle

*New Tokyo Pro Wrestling
**NTPW Pro Tag Team Championship (1 time) [Copeland, Adam. "Adam Copeland On Edge" (p.104)] – with Sexton Hardcastle

*Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling
**PCW Heavyweight Championship (1 time) [cite web|url=http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/other/pcwtit.htm|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling Title Histories|publisher=Wrestling Information Archive|date=2001|]

*Pro Wrestling Illustrated
**PWI Match of the Year (2000) with Edge vs. the Hardy Boyz vs. the Dudley Boyz in a triangle ladder match at WrestleMania 2000citeweb|url=http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/pwi/pwimoty.htm|accessdate=2008-06-25|title=Pro Wrestling Illustrated Award Winners Match of the Year|publisher=Wrestling Information Archive]
**PWI Match of the Year (2001) with Edge vs. the Hardy Boyz vs. the Dudley Boys in TLC II at WrestleMania X-Seven
**PWI ranked him # 7 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2007. [citeweb|url=http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/pages/pwi/pwi50007.htm|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=Pro Wrestling Illustrated Top 500 - 2007|publisher=Wrestling Information Archive|date=2008]

*Southern States Wrestling
**SSW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

*Total Nonstop Action Wrestlingref|TNACHAMP|1
**NWA World Heavyweight Championship (2 times) (Final under the TNA banner)

*World Wrestling Federation | World Wrestling Entertainment
**WWF European Championship (1 time)
**WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time) [citeweb|url=http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/hard/|accessdate=2008-06-02|title=WWE Hardcore Championship official title history|publisher=WWE]
**WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (3 times)
**WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
**WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (9 times) – with Edge (7), Lance Storm (1) and Chris Jericho (1)

*Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards
**Tag Team of the Year (2000) with Edge

Other media

In March 2006, Reso began filming his part in "Shoot 'Em Up", a film which was released on September 7, 2007. Reso has a short non-speaking part, that of a Secret Service bodyguard for a United States Senator. He also has a larger part as the character 'Ricky', a man whose best friend is in love with his lesbian ex, in the horror-comedy film, "Dark Rising", which was released October 30, 2007 nationwide in Canada. [citeweb|url=http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/Movies/2007/10/29/4615131.html|accessdate=2008-07-11|last=Oliver|first=Greg|title=Film role a good fit for Christian Cage Dark Rising a big break for Jay Reso|publisher=SLAM! sports]

On April 12, 2006, Reso taped an edition of "Casino Cinema" for Spike TV.

Cage is one of the eleven wrestlers to be featured in the wrestling documentary, "Bloodstained Memoirs". The scene was recorded in 2006 in the United Kingdom during an independent tour. [cite web | url = http://www.prowrestling.com/article/news/8474 | title = prowrestling.com | author = pw ] [cite web | url = http://www.myspace.com/sexandviolencemovie | title = Bloodstained Memoirs Official Source| author = BM ]

Personal life

Reso graduated from Orangeville District Secondary School alongside fellow wrestler and best friend, Adam "Edge" Copeland. Both Copeland and Reso keep in touch and are still friends, the two also live in Tampa, Florida. Reso has been married to his wife, Denise Malkoc since May 25, 2001.Fact|date=July 2008


External links

* [http://www.tnawrestling.com/content/view/268/37/ TNA Profile]
*imdb name|id=0720354|name=Jason Reso
* [http://www.darkrisingthemovie.com Dark Rising the Movie]

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  • Jason Reso — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Christian. Jason Reso …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jason Reso — Nacimiento 30 de noviembre de 1973 (37 años)[1] …   Wikipedia Español

  • Jason Reso — William Jason Reso William Jason Reso (2006) Daten Ringname(n) Christian Christian Cage …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Christian Cage (Jason Reso) — Jason Reso Pour les articles homonymes, voir Christian. Jason Reso …   Wikipédia en Français

  • William Jason Reso — (2006) Daten Ringname(n) Christian Christian Cage …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reso — can signify many things:* Raisio (Reso in Swedish), a city in southwestern Finland * RÉSO, the current name for Montreal s underground city * Jason Reso, Canadian professional wrestler …   Wikipedia

  • William Reso — Jason Reso Pour les articles homonymes, voir Christian. Jason Reso …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Jay Reso — William Jason Reso William Jason Reso (2006) Daten Ringname(n) Christian Christian Cage …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Christian Cage — Jason Reso Pour les articles homonymes, voir Christian. Jason Reso …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Christian (wrestler) — Christian Reso in September 2008 during his time with TNA. Ring name(s) Christian[1] Christian Cage …   Wikipedia

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