- List of species (Animorphs)
This is a list of fictional alien species from the science fiction series Animorphs, in alphabetical order. Major species are in bold.
It is notable that some of these species are sentient life forms, while others are alien "animals;" many (particularly those of Visser Three's morphs) are never definitively classified in the books.
Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 333- A species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Anati: Little is known of the Anati or their world; apparently a fleet of Yeerk ships disappeared around this planet, and Visser One was charged with overseeing the infestation of whatever race(s) lived there, with the punishment of death if she failed. Later on Taylor implies that the Anati situation has been badly handled, and indeed, Visser One's execution seems to indicate she failed.
- Andalite
- Antarean Bogg: the first creature Visser Three was seen morphing into in The Invasion, and the one with which he kills and eats Elfangor. It is a hulking, two-legged creature with an impossibly bloated head, arm-length teeth, merged features, and thick tentacles for arms. The Antarean Bogg was genetically engineered by the Arn.
- Arn
- B'heeon: Appears only in Alternamorphs #1: The First Journey. Ax sees and identifies it in the jungle during the false-timeline Sario Rip. The B'heeon has a three-foot-wide sticky pink tongue. It turns out that this is a morph that Visser Three has. Due to this book being non-canon and written by a ghostwriter, it is doubtful that a "B'heeon" actually exists in the Animorphs universe.
- Bievilerd: A creature from the planet Ondar. It is described as almost being a living stealth bomber, completely jet black, with several large wings and a huge mouth.
- Breet: ?? (list appearance and brief description)
- Capasin
- Chadoo: small, tree-dwelling creatures of the Hork-Bajir home-world. They are featured in the book The Hork-Bajir Chronicles. They have two elongated arms, four stubby legs, skin flaps, are covered in feathers and are very quick and agile. It is Aldrea's second morph. Tree sap attracts them.
The Arn are possibly related to them (when Dak Hamee decided that they were large, colourful Arns, Aldrea contradicted that they were just distant relatives).
- Chan Wath: minor species mentioned only in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Chee
- Daankin
- Dayang: They are a fairly unknown race of people. At least some of them are traders, and one of them found a Pemalite Crystal, though he did not know what it really was, and traded it to the Yeerks.
- Desbadeen: Only a couple minor mentions of this race are given in The Illusion, where Tobias has a flashback of Elfangor's memories of a space battle, when Elfangor remembers seeing "a Desbadeen tanker in the distinctive figure eight design" on the view screen, and in Visser, when Visser One compares Visser Three's host body to "that of an Earth deer or horse, or a Desbadeen limner".
- Djabala: small, six-legged creatures of the Andalite home-world. They have a rather simple physiology, and similar enough to Andalites' so that the djabala is the first creature that arisths (lowest rank) morph during basic training.
- Dule Fansa: Visser Three morphs it in The Discovery. Marco describes it as looking like a skinnier, more muscular version of Barney the Dinosaur, with a face located where most species' chests are. It has the ability to fire orange cones from its four arms, which can cause mass damage. He is first seen morphing it in David's room.
- Ellimist: The Ellimist is a creature that Ax says is all-powerful. He say he can make entire worlds disappear.
- The Animorphs first meet him in book 7 The Stranger just as they are about to be swallowed by a Taxxon.
- He then appears again in 13 The Change where he gives Tobias his morphing power back. He appears other time through the series as well, including 26 The Attack and uses them to fight The Howlers.
- endrid
- The Five: hunted the Venber to extinction, using the Venbers' melted forms as computer superconductors. After an encounter with the Andalites, the Five themselves disappeared completely.
- Folk: mentioned briefly in The Ellimist Chronicles as a eugenic species that kills up to ninety percent of its own children. During a challenge set up by Crayak, the Ellimist fails to save their planet from an asteroid, which destabilized the planet's orbit until it fell into their sun's gravity well.
- Fire Creature: Visser Three's second morph, seen near the end of the first book. A creature of immense size, it has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 heads, each with a mouth that can launch fireballs. This creature is so fearsome, even taxxons withdraw from Visser Three when he becomes it. No actual name is given for this creature, but the Visser kindly states he got it from "the 4th moon of the 2nd planet of a dying star."
- Galilash: A species native to the Hork-Bajir homeworld, created by the Arn to prevent Hork-Bajir from crossing the zone of separation. The Galilish, are fourteen feet tall, with green and red reptilian flesh and razored tentacles.
- Garatron: similar in appearance to the (presumably) unrelated Andalites, with a few differences, such as lacking stalk eyes or a tail blade. They are also capable of instantaneously fast movement that far surpasses the speed of just about any Earth animal. They use a form of thought speech that is very fast and condensed compared to the standard form of thought speak, lacking any pauses between words or punctuation. They are capable of running on water as seen in #37: The Weakness when a Garatron-Controller ran across the surface of a Yeerk Pool. The Garatron-Controller was killed by Marco in cobra morph, when he bit and poisoned the Garatron. The poisoned Garatron was surprised by the speed of the cobra. It is possible that the Garatron has an advanced metabolism that allowed the poison to spread more quickly than it would in a human.
- Gedds
- Generationals: mentioned only in The Ellimist Chronicles as being a "corporate life form" the Ketrans were familiar with. Each generation of theirs is numbered. (e.g. Generation 9561)
- Gofinickilast: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Gork: A species native to the Hork-Bajir homeworld, created by the Arn to prevent Hork-Bajir from crossing the zone of separation. The Gork are described as being, three feet tall, but twenty feet across, they shuffle on twelve legs with snapping, extending mouths on all sides.
- Graffen's Children: They resemble Gumby, and are very peaceful. They were wiped out by the Howlers.
- Grasper: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Hawjabran: Members of this species also have the unusual characteristic of having a brain that is not centralized in one place, as the human brain is centered in the head; theirs is spread in bits throughout their bodies, which makes them useless as hosts to the Yeerks. Early on, the Yeerks who escaped from their homeworld attacked a Hawjabran ship and, finding them useless, allowed all six thousand inhabitants to die from a lack of life-support systems. Their freighters resemble the star-ship Enterprise from Star Trek, according to Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (Ax).
- Hayati: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Helmacron
- Hoober: Small ground creatures from the Andalite Homeworld that jump on tendrils and have bulging eyes.
- Hork-Bajir
- Howler
- Illaman: mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles as a species known to the Ketrans.
- Inner Worlders: a species of winged, multiple-eyed aliens that are in a long-standing conflict with the Jallians.
- Iskoort
- Jallian: a species of slug-like, multi-armed aliens in a long-standing conflict with the Inner Worlders. Their entire species is eventually destroyed by the Inner Worlders.
- Jubba-Jubba: A species native to the Hork-Bajir homeworld, created by the Arn to prevent Hork-Bajir from crossing the zone of separation. Large and terrifyingly strong, three fingered creatures, the jubba-jubba are capable of pulling limbs from bodies with complete ease.
- Kafit Bird: Andalite homeworld. There are only three species of bird, and the kafit is considered the best, with six powerful wings and a razor bill for a beak. In the early days of the Yeerk-Andalite war, training arisths acquired the kafit and flew around for amusement.
- Kaftid: A creature from the Hork-Bajir world, with eight legs, a seahorse-like head, slimy skin, and the ability to shoot acid.
- Kelbrid: aggressive yet trustworthy enemies of the Andalites mentioned only in The Beginning. Their powerful empire borders Andalite space, but neither side is allowed to interact with the territory of the other; as a result Andalites do not even know what the Kelbrid look like.
- Ketran
- Korla: mentioned in Megamorphs #2: In the Time of Dinosaurs by Ax, who implies that they are rather odd-looking, as the Taxxons and Skrit are.
- Laga: a peaceful race mentioned only in The Ellimist Chronicles. The Ellimist fails to save their planet from an asteroid sent by Crayak.
- Lebtin Javelin Fish: a large yellow-coloured aquatic creature, with brightly coloured natural harpoons stored within its body. The colour of these harpoons is probably a means of camouflage on its home planet. (Book 12)
- Leeran
- Lerdethak
- Luminar: morphed by Visser Three in The Mutation, the Luminar is vaguely humanoid and capable of generating enough heat that it can burn its victims to ash from a few feet away. Unsurprisingly, it is incredibly vulnerable to water. Water does not seem to hurt it, though it does seem to lose its fire power while in water (temporarily).
- Mardrut: a whale-sized creature, dark red in color with tiny thrashing 'fish tails' all along its back, that lives on one of the moons orbiting the Andalite home world. It moves by shooting water out of three huge water sacs. Visser Three has this creature as a morph, used in The Message.
- Mak: Temrash 114 claimed that the Yeerks had conquered this species.
- Mamathisk: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Mashtimee: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles. Also mentioned in Animorphs 26 The Attack as a species wiped out by the Howlers.
- Mercora
- Mortrons: Composed of two separate entities (a yellow and black bottom half with wheels, and a red elongated head with razor-sharp teeth and concealed wings), the Mortrons were a pet species of Esplin 9466. Mortrons are regenerative, meaning if one of them is cut in half, it will sprout into two full Mortrons.
- Multitudinal: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles.
- Nahara: A species that have been completely enslaved by the Yeerks.
- Nartec
- Nesk
- Norshk: at least some of them are space pirates, mentioned only in The Beginning.
- Nostnavay: a species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles. Also mentioned in Animorphs 26 The Attack as a species wiped out by the Howlers.
- Ongachic: Some of their race have been taken by the Yeerks, but they fled their homeworld long ago. Now they live all throughout the galaxy as a nomadic tribe, and as a result of their decentralization, only a few are known to be Controllers. While watching a Star Trek movie in book 8 (either First Contact or Insurrection), Ax once commented that a Klingon - presumably Worf - was "clearly an Ongachic female." In The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, Esplin 9466 comments that the Galard language was learned from Ongachic hosts, because the Yeerk language (clicks and ultrasonic squeaks) was impossible to speak with Gedd mouths. Galard became the common intergalactic language. Ongachic wave-particle technology was also combined with Andalite shredder technology to create the Dracon Beam.
- Orff
- Pangaban: A species mentioned in The Ellimist Chronicles
- Pemalite
- Pon: a species destroyed by the Howlers
- Sharf Den: a species that the Howlers will greet by attempting to kiss them.
- Skrit Na
- Sstram: Temrash 114 claimed that the Yeerks had conquered this species.
- Unemite: They are non-spacefaring. Their appearance varies drastically among members of the species; face and hair colors vary, and the number of arms ranges from three to nine. They have two eyes facing forward, and one backward. They enjoy the music of the adge, an instrument with a mouthpiece and seven strings. In The Ellimist Chronicles, Skrit Na captured a Unemite. They were eventually "merged" into "Father", who used music as a game to play against the Ellimist. The Unemite eventually became part of the Ellimist as he collected Father's minds.
- Vanarx: Also known as the Yeerkbane, they look like large, transparent purple bipeds with raptor-like bodies and a long tubelike head. They eat Yeerks by sucking the controller's head until the Yeerk comes out.
- Veleek
- Venber: Venbers are a race of hydrogen-based aliens, about human size but much taller. They are silver with streaks of blood-red or midnight-blue on their shoulders, waist, and hammerhead shark-like head. Venbers have 4 arms, the lower two of which hold pole-like appendages. Venber live in very low temperature conditions, and because of their hydrogen-based constitution, when they reach temperatures above freezing, they melt. At one time, they lived on a freezing moon and were among the first alien species that the Andalites came in contact with, but they were wiped out by a race known as The Five who melted their bodies for superconductors, and who in turn were wiped out by the Andalites in retaliation. The Yeerks made a crossbreed of Human and Venber for use as biological robots in a secret facility in the Arctic; using them as hosts would have been impractical because the Yeerks would freeze to death.Because of this, it cannot be decided which parts of the Venber are human.
- wurb: Made up creature not described.
- Yamphut: A virus from the andalite homeworld. It can be fatal in andalites, causing the tria gland to burst. It is communicable to humans and causes flu-like symptoms in them.
- Yeerk
- Yoort
K. A. Applegate's Animorphs series Main series Megamorphs Chronicles Alternamorphs Animorphs Television series Video games Animorphs: Know the Secret · Animorphs: Shattered Reality · Game Boy Color gameSecondary characters Aldrea · Alloran · Arbron · Crayak · Drode · Elfangor · Ellimist · Erek King · Toby Hamee · Visser One · Visser ThreeMinor characters Species Categories:- Animorphs alien species
- Fictional extraterrestrial life forms
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