DirectX Media

DirectX Media
Logo of the DirectX Media SDK

DirectX Media is a set of multimedia-related APIs for Microsoft Windows complementing DirectX. It included DirectAnimation for 2D/3D[1] web animation, DirectShow for multimedia playback and streaming media, DirectX Transform for web interactivity, and Direct3D Retained Mode for higher level 3D graphics. DirectShow additionally contained DirectX plugins for audio signal processing and DirectX Video Acceleration for accelerated video playback.

DirectX Media runtime components were distributed as part of Internet Explorer. DirectX Media SDK and DirectX SDK existed as two separate SDKs until DirectX 6.0. Later on, Microsoft deprecated DirectX Media and integrated DirectShow, the key part of DirectX Media, into DirectX. As of April 2005, DirectShow was removed from DirectX and moved to the Microsoft Platform SDK instead. DirectX is, however, still required to build the DirectShow samples. DirectShow and its components are to be gradually deprecated in favor of the newer Media Foundation.



External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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