
Fox Brush Orchid
Aerides falcatum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
Order: Asparagales
Family: Orchidaceae
Subfamily: Epidendroideae
Tribe: Vandeae
Subtribe: Aeridinae
Alliance: Phalaenopsis
Genus: Aerides
Lour., 1790
  • Aerides augustianum
  • Aerides crassifolium
  • Aerides crispum
  • Aerides emericii
  • Aerides falcata
  • Aerides flabellata
  • Aerides houlletiana
  • Aerides inflexa
  • Aerides × jansonii
  • Aerides jarckiana (synomym of Aerides leeana)
  • Aerides krabiense
  • Aerides lawrenciae
  • Aerides leeana
  • Aerides macmorlandii
  • Aerides maculosa
  • Aerides multiflorum
  • Aerides odorata
  • Aerides orthocentrum
  • Aerides quinquevulnera
  • Aerides ringens
  • Aerides roebelenii
  • Aerides rosea
  • Aerides savageanum
  • Aerides shibatianum
  • Aerides sukauensis
  • Aerides thibautianum
  • Aerides timoranum
  • Aeridium Salisb.
  • Dendrorkis Thouars
  • Orxera Raf.

Aerides also known as the Cat's-tail Orchid or the Fox Brush Orchid, is a genus belonging to the Orchid family (Orchidaceae) (subfamily Epidendroideae, tribe Vandeae, subtribe Aeridinae). It is a group of tropical epiphyte orchids that grow mainly in the warm low-lands of the tropics of Asia.[1] The naming of the genus refers to the epiphytic growth habit of the species,[2] and literally means 'air-plant'.[1] The type species, Aerides odoratum was described by João de Loureiro in 1790.[2] This genus is abbreviated Aer in horticultural trade.



The species in this genus, range from small to large monopodial epiphytes, except for Aerides krabiensis, which is a lithophyte.[1] They form pendulous racemes with many long-lasting and fragrant, waxy flowers, in white with purple or pink edges. Some species of the Aerides genus have purple or pink colors with a rare few pocessing yellow colours. They have a forward-facing spur, growing on sharp, stout many-leaved stems from the leaf axils and thick roots.[3][4] The leaves grow distichously (in two vertical rows). The leaf margins are bilobed, while the apex is emarginate. There are ligules. Morphologically, they are very similar to species in the Vanda genus.[3]


The genus grows in the tropics of Asia, in India, Nepal, Southern China, South-East Asia, The Philippines and New Guinea. They flower from June to July.[3] Temperature requirements vary from cool to warm growing depending on the species.


Most Aerides species are considered easy to grow. Their flowers are long-lived and highly perfumedtraits which make them popular in horticulture as cut flowers and potted plants.[1] Aerides kept as houseplants, are best grown in hanging baskets, teak containers or net pots, which affords the roots freedom to extend into the air. They prefer to be grown in media that is well drained such as tree fern fibers (for small plants), medium fir bark, or sphagnum moss. This growing method however usually requires full sunlight and warm temperatures where the roots must be watered frequently.[2]


There are 25 monopodial epiphytic species in this genus, (with the exception of Aerides krabiense, which is a lithophyte).


Natural: Aerides × jansonii (Aerides falcata x Aerides odorata)

Many hybrids have been made between the Aerides and other member of the "Vanda" family. The genus Christieara is a three-way hybrid involving Aerides, Ascocentrum and Vanda. Many of these hybrids come in a wide range of colours due to the high degree of genetic diversity.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e Banks, David P. (1999), Tropical Orchids: Of Southeast Asia, Tuttle Publishing, p8, ISBN 9789625931562, 
  2. ^ a b c "Aerides Orchid Genus". Species Specific. Bill Hunter. Retrieved 18 June 2010. 
  3. ^ a b c Peter, K. V. (2007), Underutilized and underexploited horticultural crops, Volume 1, New India Publishing, p118, ISBN 9788189422608, 
  4. ^ Kramer, Jack (2006), 100 Orchids for Florida, Pineapple Press Inc, p32, ISBN 9781561643677, 
Aerides odoratum

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