Naser Khader

Naser Khader
Naser Khader
Member of the Danish Parliament
for Brønshøjkredsen
In office
November 20, 2001 – September 15, 2011
Personal details
Born July 1, 1963
Damaskus, Syria
Citizenship Danish
Nationality Syrian
Political party Konservative
Other political
Radikale Venstre, Ny Alliance
Domestic partner Bente Dalsbæk (until 2010)
Children 3
Occupation Translator, Consultant
Profession Cand.polit.
Religion Islam

Naser Khader (Arabic: ناصر خضر‎) (born July 1, 1963) is Danish-Syrian and a former member of the Parliament of Denmark for the Conservative Party. As a member of Parliament, he has represented both Social Liberal Party and Liberal Alliance, the latter as founding leader, until January 5, 2009. A leading proponent of peaceful co-existence of democracy and Islam, he established a new movement, Moderate Muslims (later renamed Democratic Muslims), when the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy began.

In the national elections on 13 November 2007, Naser Khader's Liberal Alliance party won five parliamentary seats. After a crumbling of the party and its membership base, Naser Khader himself left the party. Following a short period as an Independent Member of the Danish Parliament, Naser Khader joined the Conservative People's Party on on March 17, 2009. Khader lost his mandate in the 2011 Danish parliamentary election.[1]

Khader is co-founder of an association of globally critically acclaimed Islamism critics, who work to promote freedom of speech and inspire moderate Muslims worldwide.[2] Khader, and the Conservative Party advocate a complete ban on the burqa as part of an integration initiative by the Conservatives' parliamentary group, describing it as un-Danish and oppression against women.[3]



Naser Khader is the son of a Palestinian father and a Syrian mother. He was raised in a small rural town outside Damascus in the traditional Syrian way. As a Palestinian refugee, his father had difficulties getting a good job in Syria, and although they lived in the village of his wife, she was often referred to as "The one who married a stranger".

Naser Khader was named after Egyptian president Nasser, but the name lost an s in transliteration to the Latin alphabet, once Khader's father emigrated to Europe in the 1960s—a period when European countries had begun the call for foreign workers. Naser himself did not join his father until 1974, when he moved from his village in Syria to a flat in central Copenhagen, Denmark. He graduated from the Rysensteen Gymnasium in 1983.

In 2006, he was awarded Danish "Freedom of Expression" award. The prize was awarded by an organisation that counts anti-Muslim writers and Jyllands-Posten (the newspaper that published cartoons of the Islamic prophet Muhammad), and thus, according to Tim Jensen, affects Khader's perception by "practicing Muslims".[4]

Possible death threat

When it was reported that Ahmed Akkari, spokesman for the group of Danish Imams that toured the Middle East seeking support during the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, said "...If Khader becomes Minister of Integration, it would be likely that someone dispatched two guys to blow him and the Ministry up?...".Vid. (Fr.)[dead link] Naser Khader stated that he had to consider whether or not to continue in politics. When Akkari was later confronted with his statement, he said that he was joking. Later, on April 1, 2006, Khader indicated that he would return to politics.

Network of journalists and political consultants

Naser Khader is well connected among political commentators and journalists. He is on friendly terms with two of the former press secretaries of the Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, as well as the current press secretary, Michael Ulveman.[5] In a documentary about the Mohammed-cartoons, Naser Khader is shown in jogging with political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, exclaiming: "I don't want to give that idiot any more screentime" (referring to Ahmed Akkari). Naser Khader later tried to get the documentary stopped before it was aired.

During the 2007 parliamentary election campaign, Qvortrup published a story in his tabloid magazine Se og Hør, accusing Khader of tax evasion.[citation needed] Several anonymous workers apparently admit to moonlighting at Khader's private home.[citation needed] In reaction, Khader called Qvortrup a "swine", a common Danish insult similar to the word 'jerk', and declined to comment on the story;[6][dead link] shortly after, he expressed regret for the use of that word.[7] Khader claims he has documents proving that everything was legal and has threatened to sue the magazine for libel,[8] a threat he later revoked after advice from his lawyer, instead he has complained to the Danish press board.[9] Qvortrup, on the other hand, maintains that the story is correct.[10]

New Political Party

Previously a member of the Social Liberals Party, Khader withdrew from the Party on 7 May 2007 in order to create his own party, Liberal Alliance.[11][12]

In the national election held on 13 November 2007, Naser Khader's Liberal Alliance party succeeded in winning five seats. Due to reduced support for his two-party coalition, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who won his third term as Prime Minister, could have to seek support from Liberal Alliance.[13][14][15] On 5 January 2009 Khader himself left the party, retaining his seat in the Danish Parliament. He considered joining either the Liberal or the Conservative Party, and told the press he already had made a decision, but wouldn't tell yet, what it was.[16]



  • Khader, Naser (2000). Aschehoug, Denmark. ISBN 87-11-11464-9 (biography).
  • Khader, Naser (2001). Nasers brevkasse Gyldendal Uddannelse, Denmark. ISBN 87-00-49372-4 (Naser's mailbox).
  • Khader, Naser (2003). Ære og skam Borgen, Denmark. ISBN 87-21-02298-4 (about the islamic family- and lifepattern in Denmark and the Middle East).
  • Khader, Naser (2003). Modsætninger mødes Forum, Denmark. ISBN 87-553-3331-1 (discussions with the former Jewish rabbi Bent Melchior).
  • Dalsbæk, Bente (2006): Med underkop - Livet med min muslimiske svigermor. Ekstra Bladets forlag, Denmark. ISBN 87-7731-276-7 (about Khader's mother Sada, and Arab-Danish family life under the Muhammad cartoons controversy).

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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