- List of experiments
:"See also:
timeline of scientific experiments andlist of famous discoveries "The following is a list of historically important scientific
experiment s. A historic scientific experiment is one which demonstrates something of great scientific interest, typically in an elegant or clever manner.Astronomy
Eratosthenes measures the earth's circumference (240 BC)
*Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī conducts the first elaborate experiments related to astronomical phenomena (c. 1020)
*Galileo Galilei uses atelescope to observe that the moons of Jupiter appear to circle Jupiter. This evidence supports theheliocentric model , and weakens thegeocentric model of the cosmos (1609)
*Ole Rømer makes the first quantitative estimate of thespeed of light in 1676 by timing the motions of Jupiter's satellite Io with a telescope
*Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson detect thecosmic microwave background radiation , giving support to the theory of theBig Bang (1964)
*Kerim Kerimov launches theCosmos 186 andCosmos 188 as experiments on automatic docking eventually leading to the development ofspace station s (1967)
* TheSupernova Cosmology Project and theHigh-z Supernova Search Team discover, by observingType Ia supernova e, that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating (1998)Biology
Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi (Rhazes) introduces controlled experiment into the field of medicine and carried out the first medical experiment in order to find the most hygienic place to build a hospital (10th century)
*Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi proves bothGalen 's theory ofhumorism andAristotle 's theory ofclassical element s false using experiments described in his "Doubts about Galen" (10th century)
*Avicenna (Ibn Sina) introduces experimentation andquantification into the study of medicine andphysiology , including the introduction of experimental medicine andclinical trial s, in "The Canon of Medicine " (c. 1020)
*Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) was the first physician known to have made human postmortemdissection s andautopsies . He proved that the skin diseasescabies was caused by aparasite , a discovery which upset theHippocratic andGalen ic theory ofhumorism (12th century)
*Abd-el-latif observed andexamine d a large number ofskeleton s, and he discovered thatGalen was incorrect regarding the formation of thebone s of the lowerjaw andsacrum (1200)
*Ibn al-Nafis carried outautopsies which led him to the discovery ofpulmonary circulation and thecirculatory system (1242)
*Robert Hooke , using amicroscope , observes cells (1665)
*Anton van Leeuwenhoek discoversmicroorganism s (1674-1676)
*James Lind , publishes 'A Treatise of the Scurvy' which describes a controlled ship board experiment using two identical populations but with only one variable, the consumption of citrus fruit. (1753)
*Edward Jenner tests his hypothesis for the protective action of mild cowpox infection forsmallpox , the firstvaccine (1796)
*Gregor Mendel 's experiments with the gardenpea led him to surmise many of the fundamental laws of genetics (dominant vs recessive genes, the 1-2-1 ratio, seeMendelian inheritance ) (1856-1863)
*Louis Pasteur uses S-shaped flasks to preventspore s from contaminating broth. Disproves the theory ofSpontaneous generation (also known asabiogenesis ). (1861) An extension of the rancid meat experiment ofFrancesco Redi to the micro scale.
*Charles Darwin and his sonFrancis , using dark-grown oat seedlings, discover the stimulus forphototropism is detected at the tip of the shoot (thecoleoptile tip), but the bending takes place in the region below the tip (1880).
*Alexander Fleming demonstrates that the zone of inhibition around a growth ofpenicillin mould on a culture dish of bacteria is caused by a diffusible substance secreted by the mould. (1928)
*Frederick Griffith demonstrates (Griffith's experiment ) that living cells can be transformed via atransforming principle , later discovered to beDNA (1928)
*Karl von Frisch decodes thewaggle dance honey bee s use to communicate the location of flowers (1940)
*George Wells Beadle andEdward Lawrie Tatum prove the "one gene, one enzyme" hypothesis using induced mutations in bread mold,Neurospora crassa (1941)
*Luria-Delbrück experiment demonstrates that in bacteria, beneficial mutations arise in the absence of selection, rather than being a response to selection. (1943)
*Barbara McClintock breedsmaize plants for color, which leads to the discovery of transposable elements or jumping genes. (1944)
*Linus Pauling and colleagues show that a human genetic disease,sickle cell anemia , is caused by a molecular change in a specific protein,hemoglobin . (1949)
*Hershey-Chase experiment (byAlfred Hershey andMartha Chase ) usesbacteriophage to prove thatDNA is the hereditary material (1952)
*Miller-Urey experiment demonstrates thatorganic compound s can arise spontaneously from inorganic ones (1953)
*Meselson-Stahl experiment proves thatDNA replication is semiconservative (1958)
*Crick, Brenner et al. experiment using frameshift mutations to support the triplet nature of the genetic code (1961)
*Nirenberg and Matthaei experiment with "in vitro"protein synthesis using synthetic RNA as to substitute for messenger RNA (1961).
*John Gurdon clones an animal, afrog tadpole, from an egg cell using the nucleus from an intestinal cell (1962).
*Roger W. Sperry shows the potential independence of the two sides of the human brain using "split-brain" patients (1962-1965)
*Nirenberg and Leder experiment , bindingtRNA to ribosomes with synthetic RNA to decipher the genetic code (1964)
* Demonstration of the role ofreverse transcriptase s in tumorvirus es, independently byHoward Temin andDavid Baltimore , 1970
*Herbert Boyer andStanley Cohen selectively clone genes in bacteria, using bacterial plasmids cut by specific endonucleases (1975).
*Mary-Dell Chilton shows that crown gall tumors of plants are caused by the transfer of a small piece of DNA from the bacterium, "Agrobacterium tumefaciens", into the host plant, where it becomes part of its genome (1977).
* Napoli, Lemieux and Jorgensen discover the principle ofRNA interference (1990)Chemistry
Geber (Jabir ibn Hayyan) introduces the experimental method and controlled experiment in chemistry (8th century)
*Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi (Rhazes) proves bothAristotle 's theory ofclassical element s andGalen 's theory ofhumorism false using experiments described in his "Doubts about Galen" (10th century)
*Blaise Pascal carries abarometer up a church tower and a mountain to determine that atmospheric pressure is due to a column of air (1648).
*Robert Boyle uses anair pump to determine the inverse relationship between thepressure andvolume of agas . This relationship came to be known asBoyle's law (1660-1662).
*Joseph Priestley suspends a bowl of water above a beer vat at a brewery and synthesizescarbonated water (1767).
*Antoine Lavoisier determines thatoxygen combines with materials uponcombustion , thus disprovingphlogiston theory (1783).
*Antoine Lavoisier determines thatchemical reactions in a closed container do not alter total mass. From these observations he establishes the law ofconservation of mass (1789).
*Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford demonstrates that the heat developed by the friction of boring cannon is nearly inexhaustible. This result was presented in opposition tocaloric theory (1798).
*Humphry Davy useselectrolysis to isolate elementalpotassium ,sodium ,calcium ,strontium ,barium ,magnesium , andchlorine (1807-1810).
*Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac studies reactions among gases and determines that their volumes combine chemically in simple integer ratios (1809).
*Robert Brown studies very small particles in water under the microscope and observesBrownian motion which was later named in his honor (1827).
*Friedrich Wöhler synthesizes theorganic compound urea using inorganic reactants, disproving the application ofvitalism to chemical processes (1828).
*Thomas Graham measures the rates ofeffusion for different gases and establishesGraham's law of effusion anddiffusion (1833).
*Julius Robert von Mayer andJames Prescott Joule measure the heat generated by mechanical work. This establishes the principle ofconservation of energy and thekinetic theory of heat (1842-1843).
*Louis Pasteur separates aracemic mixture of twoenantiomers by sorting individualcrystals , and demonstrates their impact on thepolarization of light (1849).
*Anders Jonas Ångström observes the presence ofhydrogen and other elements in thespectrum of thesun (1862).
*François-Marie Raoult demonstrates that the decrease in thevapor pressure and freezing point of liquids caused by the addition of solutes is proportional to the number of solute molecules present. This establishes the concept ofcolligative properties (1878).
*Svante Arrhenius studies the conductivity ofsalt solutions and determines that saltsdissociate intoions in water. (1884)
*Svante Arrhenius determines the impact of temperature onreaction rates and formulates the concept ofactivation energy . (1889)
*William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh (John Strutt) isolate thenoble gases (1894-1898).
*Henri Becquerel ,Marie Curie , andPierre Curie discoverradioactivity and describe its properties. (1896)
*Mikhail Tsvet (Mikhail Semyonovich Tsvet) separateschlorophyll from other plant pigments usingchromatography (1901).
*Frederick Soddy andWilliam Ramsay observe the production ofhelium (fromalpha particles duringradioactive decay (1903).
*Lise Meitner ,Otto Hahn andFritz Strassmann observenuclear fission (1938).
*Glenn Theodore Seaborg creates and isolates fivetransuranium elements . He reorganizes theperiodic table to its current form. (1941-1950).
*Melvin Calvin andAndrew Benson delineate the path of carbon inphotosynthesis using "Chlorella " andcarbon dioxide labeled withcarbon-14 (14CO2) (1945) - (1954).
*Erwin Chargaff disproves the "tetranucleoide theory" ofDNA structure and determines that the composition of double-stranded DNA follows the rule, %A = %T and %G = %C (Chargaff's rule ). This discovery was critical to the formulation of the Watson-Crick Model of DNA structure.
*Neil Bartlett mixesxenon andplatinum hexafluoride leading to the first synthesis of anoble gas compound ,xenon hexafluoroplatinate (1962).
*Robert Burns Woodward announces the total synthesis ofVitamin B-12 by a team he led (1973). Insights from this work lead him andRoald Hoffmann to formulate theWoodward-Hoffmann rules for elucidating thestereochemistry of the products of organic reactions.
*Frederick Sanger demonstrates the dideoxy- orchain termination method for determining DNA sequences 1975.
*Kary Mullis demonstrates thepolymerase chain reaction , a method for amplifying specific bits of DNA (1983).Physics
Eratosthenes evaluates the diameter of theEarth by comparing the length of the shortest shadow of the day with the distance between that location and a place where the sun shines to the bottom of the well at midday (240 BC)
*Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen) pioneers the experimentalscientific method andexperimental physics , and devises the first scientific experiments onoptics andphysics in his "Book of Optics " (1021), including the first use of thecamera obscura to prove thatlight travels in straight lines and the first experimental proof thatvisual perception is caused by light rays travelling to the eyes
*Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī introduces the experimental method into astronomy and mechanics (11th century)
*Al-Khazini makes extensive use of the experimental method to prove his theories on mechanics in "The Book of the Balance of Wisdom" (1121)
*Kamāl al-Dīn al-Fārisī provides the first correct explanation of therainbow phenomenon and uses the experimental method to prove his theory (13th century)
*Galileo Galilei uses rolling balls to disprove the Aristotelian theory of motion (1602 - 1607)
*Henry Cavendish 'storsion bar experiment (1798)
*Thomas Young'sdouble-slit experiment (c. 1805)
*Hans Christian Ørsted discovers the connection ofelectricity andmagnetism by experiments involving acompass andelectric circuit s (1820)
*James Prescott Joule demonstrates themechanical equivalent of heat , an important step in the development ofthermodynamics . (1834)
*Christian Doppler arranges to have trumpets played from a passingtrain . The ground-observed pitch was higher than that played when the train was approaching then lower than that played as the train passed and moved away, demonstrating theDoppler effect (1845)
*Léon Foucault 's namesakeFoucault pendulum is first exhibited. It demonstrates theCoriolis effect and the rotation of theEarth (1851)
*Edwin Hall discovers a voltage across a conductor with a transverse applied magnetic field, theHall effect 1879
*Michelson-Morley experiment exposes weaknesses of the prevailing variant of the theory ofluminiferous aether . (1887)
*Guglielmo Marconi demonstrates thatradio signals can travel between two points separated by an obstacle. Marconi's servant is behind a hill 3kilometer s away and fires his rifle upon receiving the signals (1895).
*J. J. Thomson 's cathode ray tube experiments (discovers theelectron and its negative charge) (1897)
*Roland von Eötvös publishes the result of the second series of experiments, clearly demonstrating that inertial and gravitational mass are one and the same. (1909)
*Robert Millikan 'soil-drop experiment , which suggests thatelectric charge occurs as "quanta" (whole units), (1909)
*Heike Kamerlingh Onnes demonstratessuperconductivity (1911)
*Ernest Rutherford 's gold foil experiment demonstrated that the positive charge and mass of an atom is concentrated in a small, centralatomic nucleus , disproving the then-popularplum pudding model of theatom (1911)
*Arthur Eddington [http://www.firstscience.com/site/articles/coles.asp leads an expedition] to the island of Principe to observe a total solar eclipse (gravitational lens ing). This allows for an observation of the bending of starlight under gravity, a prediction ofAlbert Einstein 'stheory of relativity . It was confirmed (although it was later shown that the margin of error was as great as the observed bending) (1919)
*Otto Stern andWalther Gerlach conduct theStern-Gerlach experiment , which demonstrates particle spin (1920)
*Enrico Fermi splits the atom (1934, although the results were not fully understood until 1939, byOtto Hahn andFritz Strassmann )
*Enrico Fermi builds the first critical nuclear reactor (1942)
*The Manhattan Project A team of scientists led byJ. Robert Oppenheimer developed theatomic bomb in New Mexico. (1945)
*John Bardeen andWalter Brattain fabricate the first workingtransistor (1947)
*Clyde L. Cowan andFrederick Reines confirm the existence of theneutrino in theneutrino experiment (1955)
*TheScout rocket experiment confirms thetime dilation effect ofgravity . (1976)
*Alain Aspect performs theBell test experiments in the 1980s.
*Eric A. Cornell andCarl E. Wieman synthesizeBose-Einstein condensate at theUniversity of Colorado at Boulder (1995)
*Cockcroft-Walton generator Psychology
Ibn al-Haytham (Alhacen) pioneersexperimental psychology andpsychophysics in his "Book of Optics " (1021)
*Ivan Pavlov 's experiments with dogs andclassical conditioning (1900s)
*John B. Watson andRosalie Rayner conduct theLittle Albert experiment showing evidence ofclassical conditioning (1920)
*Solomon Asch 's conformity experiments shows how group pressure can persuade an individual to conform to an obviously wrong opinion (1951)
*B.F. Skinner 's demonstrations ofoperant conditioning (1930s - 1960s)
*Harry Harlow 's experiments with baby monkeys and wire and cloth surrogate mothers (1957-1974)
*Stanley Milgram 's experiments on human obedience (1963)
*Philip Zimbardo 'sStanford prison experiment (1971)
* Allan andBeatrice Gardner ' attempts to teachAmerican Sign Language to thechimpanzee Washoe (1970s)
*Martin Seligman studieslearned helplessness in dogs (1970s)
*Rosenhan experiment (1972)
*Kansas City preventive patrol experiment (1972-1973)
*Elizabeth Loftus ' andJohn C. Palmer 's car crash experiment shows thatleading question s can produce false memories (1974)Economics and Political Science
* The experiments of
Muhammad Yunus on the applications ofmicrocredit andmicrofinance in ruralBangladesh (1971)
*Robert Axelrod 'sprisoner's dilemma computer tournaments, later documented in "The Evolution of Cooperation " (1984)
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