National Anthem of Colombia

National Anthem of Colombia
Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia
English: National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia

National anthem of

Lyrics Rafael Núñez, 1887
Music Oreste Sindici, 1887
Adopted 1920
Music sample
National Anthem of Colombia (instrumental)

Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia (National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia) is the official name of the national anthem of Colombia. The anthem, commonly known as ¡Oh gloria inmarcesible! (O Unfading Glory), was largely the creation of José Domingo Torres, an actor from Bogotá, who took a poem written by former Colombian president Rafael Núñez and asked a friend, opera singer Oreste Sindici, to set it to music.[1]

The official announcement came in the form of Act 33 of October 28 of 1920. The law 198 of 1995, which legislates national symbols, its distribution became mandatory in all radio and television in the country both at 6:00 am as at 18:00 h (the latter half, at various times for private open signal and not applicable to national TV channels by cable), and public intervention in the President of the Republic and other official events.


Sheet music


Culture of
Sombrero vueltiao stylized.svg

Radio & Television

Spanish lyrics English translation
¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!

¡Oh júbilo inmortal!
En surcos de dolores
el bien germina ya. (repeat)
((Repeat all))

O unfading glory!
O inmortal joy!
In furrows of pain
the good now germinates. (Repeat)
((Repeat all))

Cesó la horrible noche,

la libertad sublime
derrama las auroras
de su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera,
que entre cadenas gime,
comprende las palabras
del que murió en la cruz.

The fearful night has ceased,
Liberty sublime
shines forth the dawning
of its invincible light.
All of mankind,
moaning in chains,
understands the words
of the one who died on the cross.

"¡Independencia!" grita

el mundo americano;
se baña en sangre de héroes
la tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio,
"El rey no es soberano"[2]
resuena, y los que sufren
bendicen su pasión.

"Independence!" cries
the American world;
The land of Columbus.
Is bathed in heroes' blood.
But this great principle,
"The king is not sovereign",
resounds, and those who suffer
bless the heroes' suffering.

Del Orinoco el cauce

se colma de despojos,
de sangre y llanto un río
se mira allí correr.
En Bárbula no saben
las almas ni los ojos,
si admiración o espanto
sentir o padecer.

The Orinoco's bed
Is heaped with plunder,
The river runs
With blood and weeping.
In Bárbula
neither soul nor eyes,
know whether to feel shock
or to suffer fright.

A orillas del Caribe,

hambriento un pueblo lucha,
horrores prefiriendo
a pérfida salud.
¡Oh, sí!, de Cartagena
la abnegación es mucha,
y escombros de la muerte
desprecia su virtud.

On the shores of the Caribbean,
the famished people fight,
choosing the horrors
over fickle health.
O, aye! for Cartagena
heavy is the hardship,
but her virtue
disdains death's rubble.

De Boyacá en los campos,

el genio de la gloria,
con cada espiga un héroe
invicto coronó.
Soldados sin coraza
ganaron la victoria;
su varonil aliento
de escudo les sirvió.

From Boyacá in the fields,
the genius of glory,
for every ear a hero
undefeated crowned.
Soldiers without breastplate
won victory;
their virile breath
as shield served.

Bolívar cruza el Ande

que riegan dos océanos,
espadas cual centellas
fulguran en Junín.
Centauros indomables
descienden a los llanos,
y empieza a presentirse,
de la epopeya el fin.

Bolívar crosses the Andes
that two oceans bathe,
swords as sparks
shine in Junín.
Untameable centaurs
descend to the plains,
and a prescience begins to be felt,
the epic' end has come.

La trompa victoriosa

en Ayacucho truena,
que en cada triunfo crece
su formidable son.
En su expansivo empuje
la libertad se estrena,
del cielo americano
formando un pabellón.

The victorious trumpet
in Ayacucho loudly thunders,
that in every triumph grows
its formidable sound.
In its expansive thrust
Liberty is worn for the first time,
from the American sky
a pavilion forming up.

La virgen sus cabellos

arranca en agonía
y de su amor viuda
los cuelga del ciprés.
Lamenta su esperanza
que cubre loza fría,
pero glorioso orgullo
circunda su alba tez.

In agony, the Virgin
Tears out her hair,
and bereft of her love,
leaves it to hang on a cypress.
Regretting her hope
is covered by a cold headstone,
but glorious pride
hallows her fair skin.

La patria así se forma,

termópilas brotando;
constelación de cíclopes
su noche iluminó.
La flor estremecida
mortal el viento hallando,
debajo los laureles
seguridad buscó.

Thus the motherland is formed,
Thermopylaes are breaking forth;
constellation of cyclops
its night brightened.
The trembling flower
finding the wind mortal,
underneath the laurels
its safety sought.

Mas no es completa gloria

vencer en la batalla,
que el brazo que combate
lo anima la verdad.
La independencia sola
el gran clamor no acalla;
si el sol alumbra a todos,
justicia es libertad.

But it's not complete glory
to defeat in battle,
that the arm that fights
is encouraged by truth.
For independence alone
The great clamour doesn't silence;
if the sun illuminates everyone,
justice is liberty.

Del hombre los derechos

Nariño predicando,
el alma de la lucha
profético enseñó.
Ricaurte en San Mateo,
en átomos volando,
"Deber antes que vida,"
con llamas escribió.

From men the rights
Nariño's preaching,
the soul of struggle
was prophetically taught.
When Ricaurte in San Mateo,
in atoms flying,
"Duty before life,"
with flames he wrote.

Instrumental Introduction Lyrics

During the border conflict with Peru (1932-1934), the soldiers who defended Colombia's national sovereignty added a new verse after the trumpet fanfare. Written specifically for that time of war, it soon fell into disuse.[3] The words are:

Hoy que la madre patria se halla herida,
Hoy que debemos todos combatir, combatir,
Demos por ella nuestra vida
Que morir por la patria no es morir, es vivir
Now when the motherland is wounded,
Now when we must all fight, fight,
Let us give our life for her,
Because to die for one's country is not to die but live.

According to José Antonio Amaya, elementary school students in the 1930s were taught this stanza.

The final line is very similar to a line in the national anthem of Cuba that goes, "¡Qué morir por la patría es vivir!"


By law, radio and TV broadcasts must play the national anthem at 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM in the following manner: Chorus, first verse* and chorus once again. This is also how it is customarily performed in all public, political, and other official events.

Although the first verse is usually sung in between choruses, any of the eleven verses may be used. The anthem must be played chorus-verse-chorus regardless of which verse is selected.

In sports events is played instrumental introduction-chorus-verse,instrumental introduction-chorus or chorus-verse

In ceremonies of the Colombian Artillery, the last verse is used instead of the first verse.[citation needed]

References and notes

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