Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo

Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo
The main façade of the "Torre do Tombo"

The Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (English: National Archive of the Tower of the Tomb) is the Portuguese national archive established in 1378. It is located in Lisbon. It was renamed in 2009 as Instituto dos Arquivos Nacionais (English: Institute of the National Archives).

Significant collections

Among the significant collections at the Arquivo are items relating to the Portuguese explorations and discoveries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Corpo Cronológico (Chronological Corpus), a collection of manuscripts on the Portuguese discoveries, was inscribed on UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in 2007 in recognition of its historical value "for acquiring knowledge of the political, diplomatic, military, economic and religious history of numerous countries at the time of the Portuguese Discoveries." [1] Another item relating to the Portuguese discoveries, the Carta de Pêro Vaz de Caminha (Letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha), was also inscribed on the Memory of the World Register in 2005. This letter is the first document describing the land and people of what became Brazil.[2]


  1. ^ "Corpo Cronológico (Collection of Manuscripts on the Portuguese Discoveries)". UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. 2008-05-16. Retrieved 2009-12-14. 
  2. ^ "Letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha". UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. 2008-05-16. Retrieved 2009-12-14. 

External links

Coordinates: 8°4517N 9°0923W / 8.7546°N 9.1565°W / 8.7546; -9.1565

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