Costochondral joint

Costochondral joint
Costochondral articulations
Latin articulationes costochondrales
Gray's subject #77 304

The costochondral joints are the articulations between the ribs and costal cartilage. They are hyaline cartilagenous joints. Each rib has a depression shaped like a cup that the costal cartilage articulates with. There is normally no movement at these joints. Joints between costal cartilages of ribs 6-9 are plane synovial joints. Articulation between costal cartilage of rib 9 and rib 10 is fibrous.

Costochondral Articulations.—The lateral end of each costal cartilage is received into a depression in the sternal end of the rib, and the two are held together by the periosteum.

Ed. Adams,2007

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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