Structure of the United States Armed Forces

Structure of the United States Armed Forces

The structure of the United States armed forces is a chain of command leading from the President (as commander-in-chief) to the newest recruits. The United States armed forces are organized through the United States Department of Defense, which oversees a complex and complicated structure of joint command and control functions with many units reporting to various commanding officers. The following is a "necessarily incomplete" list of the various major military units, commands, and DOD offices and agencies, including civilian and military chains of command.

Department of Defense

* Secretary of Defense: Robert Gates
** Deputy Secretary of Defense: Gordon R. England

Office of the Secretary of Defense

* Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller/Chief Financial Officer
** Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
** Director for Program Analysis and Evaluation
* Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
** Director of Defense Research and Engineering
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition and Technology)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Logistics and Material Readiness)
** Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs)
** Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition Reform)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Systems and Concepts)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Industrial Affairs)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Installations)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science and Technology)
* Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
** Assistant Secretary of Defense (Force Management Policy)
** Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
** Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Readiness)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Program Integration)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Planning)
* Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
** Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy)
** Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs)
** Assistant Secretary of Defense (Strategy and Threat Reduction)
** Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy Support)
** Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Technology Security Policy)
** Defense Advisor, U.S. Mission NATO
* Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
* Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence)
* Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs)
* Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
* General Counsel of the DoD
* Director of Operational Test and Evaluation
* Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Intelligence Oversight)
* Director of Administration and Management
* Director of Net Assessment

Inspector General's Office
* Inspector General of the Department of Defense: Thomas F. Gimble
** Principal Deputy Inspector General
*** Dean of Instruction
*** EEO
*** Senior Military Officer
*** Assistant Inspector General for Administration and Management
*** Assistant Inspector General, Congressional/Committee Liaison
*** General Counsel
*** Deputy Inspector General for Auditing
**** Principal Assistant Inspector General (Audit)
***** Assistant Inspector General (Auditing)
****** Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Auditing)
******* Service Audit Agencies
*** Deputy Inspector General for Policy and Oversight
**** Assistant Inspector General (Audit Policy Oversight)
**** Assistant Inspector General (Inspection & Evaluations)
**** Assistant Inspector General (Investigation Policy & Oversight)
**** Director of Hotline
**** Director of AFU
**** Director of QMD
**** Director of TAD
**** Director of Data Mining
**** Service Inspector Generals
*** Deputy Inspector General for Investigations
**** Director for Investigations of Senior Officials
**** Director for Military Reprisal Investigation
**** Director for Civilian Reprisal Investigation
**** Director for Defense Criminal Investigative Service
***** Deputy Director for Defense Criminal Investigative Service
**** U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
**** Naval Criminal Investigative Service
**** Air Force Office of Special Investigations
*** Deputy Inspector General for Intelligence
**** Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Intelligence Audits)
**** Deputy Assistant Inspector General (Intelligence Evaluation)
**** National Reconnaissance Office
**** Defense Intelligence Agency
**** National Security Agency
**** National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

Joint Chiefs of Staff and Joint Staff

* Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Admiral Michael Mullen, USN
**Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: General James E. Cartwright, USMC
*** Chief of Naval Operations: Admiral Gary Roughead, USN
*** Chief of Staff of the United States Army: General George Casey, USAR
*** Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force: General T. Michael Moseley, USAF
*** Commandant of the Marine Corps: General James T. Conway, USMC

Joint Staff
* Assistant to the Chairman: Lieutenant General William M. Fraser III
* Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Chairman: Command Sergeant Major William Joseph Gainey, USAR
* Director, the Joint Staff: Lieutenant General Walter L. Sharp
** Manpower and Personnel (J-1)
** Joint Staff Intelligence (J-2)
** Operations (J-3)
** Logistics (J-4)
** Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5)
** Command, Control, Communications and Computer Systems (J-6)
** Operational Plans and Interoperability (J-7)
** Force Structure Resources and Assessment (J-8)
** Directorate of Management

Department of the Navy

* Secretary of the Navy
** Under Secretary of the Navy
** Chief of Naval Operations
*** Bureau of Naval Personnel
*** Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
*** Naval Sea Systems Command
*** Naval Air Systems Command
*** Naval Facilities Engineering Command
*** Naval Supply Systems Command
*** Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
*** Strategic Systems Command
*** United States Naval Academy
*** Naval Education and Training Command
*** Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command
*** Naval Legal Service Command
*** United States Naval Observatory
*** Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center
*** Naval Safety Center
*** Naval Security Group Command
*** Naval Reserve Forces
*** Operational Test & Evaluation Forces
*** Naval Special Warfare Command
*** U.S. Naval Forces Central Command
*** Naval Network Warfare Command []
*** U.S. Naval Forces Europe
*** Military Sealift Command
*** U.S. Fleet Forces Command
*** U.S. Pacific Fleet
*** Naval Installations Command
** Commandant of the Marine Corps
** Chief of Information
** Chief of Legislative Affairs
** Auditor General
** Assistant for Administration
** Director of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
** Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition)
*** Chief of Naval Research
** Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
** Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller)
** Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment)
** General Counsel of the Department of the Navy
** Chief Information Officer
** Judge Advocate General of the Navy
** Naval Inspector General
** Director of Program Appraisal

Department of the Army

* Secretary of the Army
** Under Secretary of the Army
*** Inspector General of the Army
*** Army Auditor General
*** Deputy Under Secretary of the Army
*** Deputy Under Secretary of the Army for Business Transformation
*** Chief, Legislative Liaison
*** Chief, Public Affairs
*** Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Office
*** General Counsel of the Army
*** Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
*** Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
*** Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
*** Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller)
*** Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment)
*** Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
*** Chief Information Officer
**** United States Army Network Enterprise Technology Command/9th Signal Command
*** Director, Army Staff
*** The United States Military Academy
*** United States Army Intelligence and Security Command
*** United States Army Test and Evaluation Command
*** United States Army Criminal Investigation Command
*** United States Army Medical Command
*** United States Army Military District of Washington
*** United States Army Corps of Engineers
*** United States Army Reserve Command
*** United States Army Acquisition Support Center
** Chief of Staff of the Army
*** Vice Chief of Staff of the Army
**** Surgeon General of the Army
**** Chief, National Guard Bureau
**** Chief, Army Reserve
**** Judge Advocate General
**** Chief of Chaplains
**** Sergeant Major of the Army
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Logistics) (G-4)
**** Chief of Engineers
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Programs) (G-8)
**** Assistant Chief of Staff, Installation Management
***** United States Army Installation Management Command
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Manpower) (G-1)
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Intelligence) (G-2)
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Plans, Operations and Transformation) (G-3/5/7)
**** United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
**** United States Army Materiel Command
**** United States Army Forces Command
**** United States Army Central
**** United States Army Europe
**** United States Army North
**** United States Army South
**** United States Army Pacific
**** United States Army Special Operations Command
**** Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command
**** United States Army Space and Missile and Defense Command/Army Strategic Command
**** Eighth Army

Department of the Air Force

* Secretary of the Air Force
** Under Secretary of the Air Force
*** Administrative Assistant
*** Auditor General
*** Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition)
*** Director of Communication
*** Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller)
*** Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Installations, Environment and Logistics)
*** Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force (International Affairs)
*** Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
*** Director of Public Affairs
*** Director, Legislative Liaison
*** Inspector General of the Air Force
*** General Counsel of the Air Force
*** Chief of Warfighting Integration
*** Chief Information Officer
*** Air Force Historian
*** Director of Test and Evaluation
*** Chief Scientist of the Air Force
** Air Force Chief of Staff
*** Air Force Vice Chief of Staff
**** Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Personnel) (A1)
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) (A2)
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Air, Space and Information Operations, Plans and Requirements) (A3/5)
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Logistics, Installations and Mission Support) (A4/7)
**** Deputy Chief of Staff (Strategic Plans and Programs) (A8)
**** Director for Studies Analyses, Assessments and Lessons Learned (A9)
**** Chief of Chaplains
**** Judge Advocate General
**** Chief, Air Force Reserve
**** Chief of Safety
**** Surgeon General of the Air Force
**** Director, Air National Guard
**** Air Combat Command
**** Air Education and Training Command
**** Air Force Material Command
**** Air Force Reserve Command
**** Air Force Space Command
**** Air Force Special Operations Command
**** Air Mobility Command
**** Pacific Air Forces
**** U.S. Air Forces in Europe

U.S. Strategic Command


* Commander, USSTRATCOM: General Kevin P. Chilton, USAF
** Deputy Commander, USSTRATCOM: Lieutenant General C. Robert "Bob" Kehler
*** Chief of Staff: Major General Howard B. Bromberg
*** Command Master Chief: Fleet Master Chief William N. Nissen

Order of Battle

* United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) (Offutt AFB, NE)
** Joint Information Operations Center (Offutt AFB, NE)
** Strategic Communications Wing 1 (SCW 1) (TACAMO) (E-6B) (Tinker AFB, OK)
** 20th Air Force (F. E. Warren AFB, WY)
*** 90th Space Wing (LGM-118A, LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Francis E Warren AFB, WY)
*** 91st Space Wing (LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Minot AFB, ND)
*** 341st Space Wing (LGM-30G, UH-1N) (Malmstrom AFB, MT)
** (8th Air Force (Barksdale AFB, LA))
** 14th Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF) (Vandenberg AFB, CA)
*** 21st Space Wing (Missile Warning) (Peterson AFB, CO)
*** 30th Space Wing (Missile Testing and Booster Launching) (LGM-30G, LGM-118A, UH-1N) (Vandenberg AFB, CA)
*** 45th Space Wing (Booster Launching and NASA Support) (Patrick AFB, FL)
*** 50th Space Wing (Satellite Operations) (Schriever AFB, CO)
*** 614th Space Operations Group (Vandenberg AFB, CA)
*** 460th Air Base Wing (Buckley ANGB, CO)
** Naval Submarine Forces (NAVSUBFOR) (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (SUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Submarine Group 10 (SUBGRU 10) (NSB Kings Bay, GA)
*** Submarine Force Pacific Fleet (SUBPAC) (NB Pearl Harbor, HI)
**** Submarine Group 9 (SUBGRU 9) (NB Kitsap, WA)
** Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) (Peterson AFB, CO)
*** (20th Air Force (Francis E Warren AFB, WY))
*** (14th Air Force / US Space Air Force (USSPACEAF) (Vandenberg AFB, CA))
** Fleet Forces Command (FFC) (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** (Naval Submarine Forces (NAVSUBFOR) (NB Norfolk, VA))
** US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (USARSPACE) / US Army Forces Strategic Command (USARSTRAT) (Arlington, VA)
*** 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-based Missile Defense) (Peterson AFB, CO)
*** 1st Space Brigade (Provisional) (Peterson AFB, CO?)
** Marine Forces Strategic Command (MARFORSTRAT) (Offutt AFB, NE)
** US Naval Network Warfare Command (NETWARCOM) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
** Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations (Offutt AFB, NE)

U.S. Northern Command


* Commander, USNORTHCOM: General Victor E. Renuart Jr., USAF
** Deputy Commander, USNORTHCOM: Lieutenant General William G. Webster Jr., United States Army
*** Chief of Staff: Major General Paul J. Sullivan, USAF
*** Command Senior Enlisted Leader: Command Sergeant Major Daniel R. Wood

Order of Battle

* United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) (Peterson AFB, CO)
** North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) (Peterson AFB, CO)
*** Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (Peterson AFB, CO)
*** 1st Air Force / Continental US (CONUS) NORAD Region (Tyndall AFB, FL)
**** Eastern Air Defense Sector (The Northeast took over the Southeast's role in 2007) (NY ANG) (Rome, NY)
***** 104th Fighter Wing (MA ANG) (F-15C, C-26B) (Barned MAP, MA)
*****125th Fighter Wing (FL ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B) (Jacksonville IAP, FL)
****** Detachment 1 (FL ANG) (F-15A/B) (Homestead ARB, FL)
***** 158th Fighter Wing (VT ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B) (Burlington IAP, VT)
***** Detachment 1, 119th Fighter Wing (ND ANG) (F-16A/B (Langley AFB, VA)
**** Western Air Defense Sector (WA ANG) (McChord AFB, WA)
***** 142nd Fighter Wing (OR ANG) (F-15A/B, C-26B) (Portland IAP, OR)
***** 119th Fighter Wing (ND ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B) (Hector Fd, ND)
***** 120th Fighter Wing (MT ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B) (Great Falls IAP, MT)
***** 144th Fighter Wing (CA ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B) (Fresno Yosemite AIP, CA)
****** Detachment 1 (CA ANG) (F-16C/D) (March ARB, CA)
***** 148th Fighter Wing (MN ANG) (F-16A/B, C-26B) (Duluth IAP, MN)
**** (11th Air Force / Alaska NORAD Region (Elmendorf AFB, AK))
**** (1 Canadian Air Division/Canadian NORAD Region (Winnipeg, MB))
*** US Army North / US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
*** Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR) (Ft McNair, DC)
**** 3rd Infantry Regimental Combat Team (Ft Myer, VA)
**** Military District of Washington (MDW) (Ft McNair, DC)
**** 11th Wing / Air Force District of Washington (Bolling AFB, DC)
**** Naval District Washington (NDW) (Washington Navy Yard, DC)
**** Marine Corps National Capital Region Command (MCNCRC) (MCB Quantico, VA)
***JTF North (formerly JTF 6) and other JTFs

U.S. Joint Forces Command


* Commander, USJFCOM: General James M. Mattis, USMC
** Deputy Commander, USJFCOM: Lieutenant General John R. Wood
*** Chief of Staff: Rear Admiral Miles B. Wachendorf
*** Command Master Chief: Command Sergeant Major Mark S. Ripka

Order of Battle

* United States Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) (Norfolk NB, VA)
** United States Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) (Ft McPherson, GA)
**** 1st Infantry Division (Fort Riley, Kansas)
*** III Corps (United States) (Fort Hood, TX)
**** 1st Cavalry Division (Fort Hood, TX)
**** 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Fort Hood, TX, deployed to Iraq))
**** 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (Fort Hood, TX, deployed to Iraq))
**** 6th Aviation Brigade (Fort Hood, TX?)
**** 21st Cavalry Brigade (Air Combat) (Combat Aviation Training) (Fort Hood, TX)
**** III Corps Artillery (Fort Sill, OK)
**** 263rd Army Air and Missile Defense Command (SC ARNG) (Anderson, SC)
**** 420th Engineer Brigade (Corps) (USAR) (Bryan, TX)
**** 89th Military Police Brigade (Fort Hood, TX; deployed to Iraq))
**** 460th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (North Little Rock, AR)
**** 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) (Fort Hood, TX; deployed to Iraq))
**** 937th Engineer Group (Combat) (Combat Support and Combat Service Support) (Ft Riley, KS)
**** 3rd Signal Brigade (Fort Hood, TX)
**** 504th Military Intelligence Brigade (Fort Hood, TX; deployed to Iraq))
**** 3rd Air Support Operations Group (USAF) (Fort Hood, TX)
*** XVIII Airborne Corps (Fort Bragg, NC)
**** 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Fort Stewart, GA)
**** 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) (Fort Drum, NY; deployed to Afghanistan))
**** 82nd Airborne Division (Fort Bragg, NC)
**** 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) (Fort Campbell, KY; deployed to Iraq))
**** (11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPFOR) (Fort Irwin, CA)
**** 18th Aviation Brigade (Airborne) (Fort Bragg, NC; deployed to Iraq))
**** XVIII Airborne Corps Artillery (Fort Bragg, NC)
**** 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
**** 16th Military Police Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
**** 20th Engineer Brigade (Combat) (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
**** 30th Engineer Brigade (Theater Army) (NC ARNG) (Charlotte, NC)
**** 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
**** 35th Signal Brigade (Airborne) (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
**** 1st Sustainment Command (Ft Bragg, NC (Deployed to Iraq))
**** (350th Civil Affairs Command (USAR) (Pensacola, FL))
**** 44th Medical Brigade (Ft Bragg, NC)
**** Dragon Brigade (Rear Operations Headquarters) (Ft Bragg, NC)
**** 18th Air Support Operations Group (Pope AFB, NC)
*** 32nd Air and Missile Defense Command (Ft Bliss, TX)
**** 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Ft Bliss, TX)
**** (35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Osan AB, South Korea))
**** Detachment 1 (FL ARNG) (Orlando, FL)
*** Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM) / 9th Army Signal Command (Ft Huachuca, AZ)
**** 11th Signal Brigade (Ft Huachuca, AZ)
**** 21st Signal Brigade (Ft Detrick, MD)
**** (5th Signal Command (Mannheim, Germany))
**** (311th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (Ft Meade, MD))
***** 1st Signal Brigade (Seoul, South Korea)
**** 335th Theater Signal Command (USAR) (East Point, GA (Deployed to Kuwait))
***** 160th Signal Brigade (Strategic) (Cp Arifjan, Kuwait)
**** (93rd Signal Brigade (Ft Gordon, GA))
**** (516th Signal Brigade (Ft Shafter, HI))
*** 52nd Ordinance Group (Ft Gillem, GA)
*** 111th Ordinance Group (AL ARNG) (Ft Gillem, GA)
*** National Training Center (NTC) (Ft Irwin, CA)
**** 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (OPFOR) (Ft Irwin, CA)
*** Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) (Ft Polk, LA)
**** Warrior Brigade (Support) (Ft Polk, LA)
*** 1st Army (Ft Gillem, GA)
**** 24th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (Ft Riley, KS)
**** 28th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (PA ARNG) (Harrisburg, PA)
**** 34th Infantry Division (Medium) (MN ARNG) (Rosemount, MN)
**** 35th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (KS ARNG) (Ft Leavenworth, KS)
**** 38th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (IN ARNG) (Indianapolis, IN)
**** 42nd Infantry Division (Mechanized) (NY ARNG) (Troy, NY)
**** 29th Infantry Division (Light) (VA ARNG) (Ft Belvoir, VA)
**** 155th Armored Brigade (Enhanced Readiness) (MS ARNG) (Tupelo, MS (Deployed to Iraq))
**** 27th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness) (NY ARNG) (Syracuse, NY)
**** 32nd Infantry Brigade (Light) (WI ARNG) (Madison, WI)
**** 76th Infantry Brigade (Light) (Enhanced Readiness) (IN ARNG) (Indianapolis, IN)
**** 256th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized) (Enhanced Readiness) (LA ARNG) (Lafayette, LA)
**** 631st Field Artillery Brigade (MS ARNG) (Grenada, MS)
**** 168th Engineer Group (MS ARNG) (Vicksburg, MS)
**** 43rd Military Police Brigade (RI ARNG) (Warwick, RI)
**** 244th Theater Aviation Brigade (Lift) (USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
**** 31st Chemical Brigade (AL ARNG) (Northport, AL)
**** 228th Signal Brigade (SC ARNG) (Spartanburg, SC)
**** 261st Signal Brigade (DE ARNG) (Dover, DE)
**** 184th Transportation Group (Composite) (MS ARNG) (Laurel, MS)
**** 78th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Dix, NJ)
**** 85th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Arlington Heights, IL)
**** 87th Division (Exercise) (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
*** 5th Army (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
**** 7th Infantry Division (Light) (Ft Carson, CO)
**** 36th Infantry Division (Mechanized) (TX ARNG) (Austin, TX)
**** 57th Field Artillery Brigade (WI ARNG) (Milwaukee, WI)
**** 115th Engineer Group (Construction) (UT ARNG) (Draper, UT)
**** 300th Military Intelligence Brigade (Linguist) (UT ARNG) (Draper, UT)
**** 75th Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft Sam Houston, TX)
**** 91st Division (Training Support) (USAR) (Ft. Baker, CA)
**** 67th Area Support Group (NE ARNG) (Lincoln, NE)
*** US Army Reserve Command (USARC) (Atlanta, GA)
**** 63rd Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Los Alamitos, CA)
***** 104th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Vancouver Bks, WA)
***** 653rd Area Support Group (USAR) (Moreno Valley, CA)
***** 2nd Medical Brigade (USAR) (Hamilton Fd, CA)
**** 70th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Lawton, WA)
***** 654th Area Support Group (Tumwater, WA)
**** 77th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Totten, NY)
***** 800th Military Police Brigade (Enemy Prisoner of War) (USAR) (Uniondale, NY)
***** 455th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Dix, NJ)
***** 98th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Rochester, NY)
***** 301st Area Support Group (USAR) (Flushing, NY)
***** 8th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Wadsworth, NY)
***** 77th Infantry Division (Reinforcement Training Unit) (USAR) (Ft Totten, NY)
**** 81st Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
***** 100th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Louisville, KY)
***** 108th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Charlotte, NC)
***** 926th Engineer Group (USAR) (Montgomery, AL)
***** 415th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Greenville, SC)
***** 81st Regional Support Group (USAR) (Ft Jackson, SC)
***** 171st Area Support Group (USAR) (Garner, NC)
***** 640th Area Support Group (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
***** 641st Area Support Group (USAR) (St Petersburg, FL)
***** 642nd Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Gordon, GA)
***** 1st Headquarters Brigade (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
***** 332nd Medical Brigade (USAR) (Nashville, TN)
***** 5th Medical Group (USAR) (Birmingham, AL)
**** 88th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Fort Snelling, MN)
***** 84th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Milwaukee, WI)
***** 300th Military Police Command (USAR) (Inkster, MI)
***** 303rd Ordinance Group (USAR) (Springfield, IL)
***** 88th Regional Readiness Group (USAR) (Indianapolis, IN)
***** 643rd Area Support Group (USAR) (Whitehall, OH)
***** 644th Area Support Group (USAR) (Ft Snelling, MN)
***** 645th Area Support Group (USAR) (Southfield, MI)
***** 646th Area Support Group (USAR) (Madison, WI)
***** 330th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
**** 89th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Wichita, KS)
***** 95th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Oklahoma City, OK)
***** 166th Aviation Brigade (Training Support) (Ft Riley, KS)
***** 561st Corps Support Group (USAR) (Omaha, NE)
***** 917th Corps Support Group (USAR) (Belton, MO)
***** 326th Area Support Group (USAR) (Kansas City, KS)
***** 648th Area Support Group (USAR) (St Louis, MO)
***** 331st Medical Group (USAR) (Wichita, KS)
**** 90th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Little Rock AFB, AR)
***** 647th Area Support Group (USAR) (El Paso, TX)
***** 90th Regional Support Group (USAR) (San Antonio, TX)
**** 94th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Devens, MA)
***** 167th Area Support Group (USAR) (Manchester, NH (Deployed to Iraq))
***** 804th Medical Brigade (USAR) (Ft Devens, MA)
**** 96th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Ft Douglas, UT)
**** 99th Regional Readiness Command (USAR) (Moon Township, PA)
***** 220th Military Police Brigade (USAR) (Gaithersburg, MD)
***** 367th Military Police Group (USAR) (Ashley, PA)
***** 80th Division (Institutional Training) (USAR) (Richmond, VA)
***** 38th Ordnance Group (USAR) (Charleston, WV)
***** 464th Chemical Brigade (USAR) (Johnstown, PA)
***** 475th Quartermaster Group (Petroleum & Water) (USAR) (Farrell, PA)
***** 656th Area Support Group (USAR) (NAS Willow Grove, PA)
***** 309th Medical Group (USAR) (Rockville, MD)
***** 99th Headquarters Brigade (USAR) (Willow Grove, PA)
** US Air Force Air Combat Command (ACC) (Langley AFB, VA)
*** (1st Air Force (Tyndall AFB, FL))
*** 8th Air Force (Barksdale AFB, LA)
**** 2nd Bomb Wing (B-52H) (Barksdale AFB, LA)
**** 5th Bomb Wing (B-52H) (Minot AFB, ND)
**** (917th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (AFRes) (B-52H, OA/A-10A) (Barksdale, AFB))
**** 509th Bomb Wing (B-2A, T-38A) (Whiteman AFB, MO)
**** 9th Reconnaissance Wing(U-2S, TU-2S, T-38A) (Beale AFB, CA)
**** 55th Wing (Reconnaissance and Air Control) (RC-135S/U/V/W, OC-135B, WC-135C/W, TC-135S/W, E-4B)
**** 552nd Air Control Wing (E-3B/C, TC-18E) (Tinker AFB, OK)
***** 513th Air Control Group (AFRes) (Associate unit) (E-3B/C) (Tinker AFB, OK)
**** 116th Air Control Wing (E-8C JSTARS) (GA ARNG) (Robins AFB, GA)
**** 67th Network Warfare Wing (Lackland AFB, TX)
**** 70th Intelligence Wing (Ft Meade, MD)
*** 9th Air Force (Shaw AFB, SC)
**** 1st Fighter Wing (F-15C/D) (Langley AFB, VA)
**** 33rd Fighter Wing (F-15C/D) (Eglin AFB, FL)
**** 4th Fighter Wing (F-15E) (Seymour Johnson AFB, NC)
**** 20th Fighter Wing (SEAD) (F-16CJ/DJ) (Shaw AFB, SC)
**** 820th Security Forces Group (Moody AFB, GA)
**** 5th Combat Communications Group (Robins AFB, GA)
*** 12th Air Force (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
**** 7th Bomb Wing (B-1B) (Dyess AFB, TX)
**** 28th Bomb Wing (B-1B) (Ellsworth AFB, SD)
**** 366th Fighter Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (B-1B, F-15C/D/E, F-16CJ/DJ, KC-135R) (Mountain Home AFB, ID)
**** 388th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DJ) (Hill AFB, UT)
**** 27th Fighter Wing (F-16CG/DG) (Cannon AFB, NM)
**** 301st Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX)
**** 49th Fighter Wing (F-117A, AT-38B, T-38A) (Holloman AFB, NM)
**** 355th Wing (Fighter and Electronic Countermeasures) (OA/A-10A, EC-130E/H) (Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ)
**** 507th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R, E-3B/C, TC-18E) (Tinker AFB, OK)
*** 10th Air Force (AFRes) (NAS Fort Worth JRB, TX)
**** 917th Wing (Fighter and Bomber) (AFRes) (B-52H, OA/A-10A) (Barksdale, AFB)
**** 419th Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (Hill AFB, UT)
**** 482d Fighter Wing (AFRes) (F-16C/D) (Homestead ARB, FL)
**** 442d Fighter Wing (AFRes) (OA/A-10A) (Whiteman AFB, MO)
**** 926th Fighter Wing (AFRes) (OA/A-10A) (NAS New Orleans JRB, TX)
**** 920th Rescue Wing (AFRes) (HC-130P, C-130E, HH-60G) (Patrick AFB, FL)
*** Air Warfare Center (Nellis AFB, NV)
**** 53rd Wing (Test and Evaluation) (F-15C/D/E, F-16C/CG/CJ/D/DG/DJ, F-117A, OA/A-10A, E-9A, Boeing 707, QF-4E/G, QRF-4C, HH-60G) (Eglin AFB, FL)
**** 57th Wing (Combat Training, Test and Evaluation) (F-15C/D/E, F-16C/CG/CJ/D/DG/DJ, OA/A-10A, HH-60G, RQ-1A) (Nellis AFB, NV)
**** 505th Command and Control Wing (Hurlburt Field, FL)
**** 99th Air Base Wing (Nellis AFB, NV)
*** Air National Guard (ANG)
**** 131st Fighter Wing (MO ANG) (F-15A/B) (Lambert Fd, St Louis, MO)
**** 159th Fighter Wing (LA ANG) (F-15A/B, C-130E) (NAS New Orleans JRB, LA)
**** 113th Wing (Fighter & Airlift) (DC ANG) (F-16C/D, C-21A, C-38A) (Andrews AFB, MD)
**** 114th Fighter Wing (SD ANG) (F-16C/D) (Joes Foss Fd, Sioux Falls, SD)
**** 115th Fighter Wing (WI ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B) (Dane CAP, Truax Fd, WI)
**** 122nd Fighter Wing (IN ANG) (F-16C/D) (Fort Wayne MAP, IN)
**** 127th Wing (Fighter and Airlift) (MI ANG) (F-16C/D, C-130E, C-26B) (Selfridge ANBG, MI)
**** 132nd Fighter Wing (IA ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Des Moines MAP, IA)
**** 138th Fighter Wing (OK ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Tulsa IAP, OK)
**** 140th Wing (Fighter & Training) (CO ANG) (F-16C/D, C-21A, C-26A) (Buckley ANGB, CO)
**** 150th Fighter Wing (NM ANG) (F-16C/CG/D/DG, C-26B) (Kirtland AFB, NM)
**** 174th Reconnaissance Wing (NY ANG) (M-9 Reaper) (Syracuse-Hancock Fd, NY)
**** 177th Fighter Wing (NJ ANG) (F-16C/D) (Atlantic City IAP, NJ)
**** 180th Fighter Wing (OH ANG) (F-16CG/DG) (Toledo Express AP, OH)
**** 181st Intelligence Wing (IN ANG) (Hulman Fd, Terre Haute, IN)
**** 183rd Fighter Wing (IL ANG) (F-16C/D) (Capitol AP, Springfield, IL)
**** 187th Fighter Wing (AL ANG) (F-16C/D, C-26B) (Montgomery-Dannelly Fd, AL)
**** 188th Fighter Wing (AR ANG) (F-16C/D) (Ft Rock MAP, AR)
**** 192nd Fighter Wing (VA ANG) (F-16C/D) (Richard E Byrd IAP, VA)
**** 169th Fighter Wing (SEAD) (SC ANG) (F-16CJ/D, C-130E) (McEntire ANGB, SC)
**** 103d Airlift Wing (CT ANG) (O/A-10A) (Bradley ANGB, CT)
**** 104th Fighter Wing (MA ANG) (O/A-10A) (Barnes MAP, Westfield, MA)
**** 110th Fighter Wing (MI ANG) (O/A-10A) (Battle Creek ANGB, MI)
**** 111th Fighter Wing (PA ANG) (OA/A-10A, C-26A) (NAS Willow Grove, PA)
**** 124th Wing (ID ANG) (O/A-10A) (Boise AT, ID)
**** 175th Wing (Fighter and Airlift) (MD ANG) (OA/A-10A) (Glenn L Martin AP, Baltimore, MD)
**** 106th Rescue Wing (NY ANG) (HC-130N/P, HH-60G) (Francis Gabreski ANGB, NY)
**** 129th Rescue Wing (CA ANG) (HC-130P, HH-60G) (NAS Moffett Fd, CA)
**** 147th Reconnaissance Wing (TX ANG) (MQ-1 Predator) (Ellington ANGB, Houston, TX)
**** 163rd Reconnaissance Wing (CA ANG) (MQ-1 Predator) (March AFB, CA)
**** 102nd Intelligence Wing (MA ANG) (Unknown) (Otis ANGB, Falmouth, MA)
**** 184th Intelligence Wing (KS ANG) (Unknown) (McConnell AFB, KS)
** United States Fleet Forces Command (USFLTFORCOM) (Norfolk NB, VA)
*** 2nd Fleet (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Task Force 20 (2nd Fleet Battle Force)
***** Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 2 (CARSTRKGRU 2) (USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Surge Ready))
***** Harry S. Truman Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 10 (CARSTRKGRU 10) (USS Harry Truman (CVN 75)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Post-Deployment))
***** John F. Kennedy Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 6 (CARSTRKGRU 6) (USS John F Kennedy (CV 67)) (NS Mayport, FL (Post-Deployment))
***** Eisenhower Strike Group / Carrier Strike Group 8 (CARSTRKGRU 8) (USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Basic Training))
***** Enterprise Strike Group / Cruiser Strike Group 12 (CARSTRKGRU 12) (USS Enterprise (CVN 65)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Maintenance))
***** George Washington Strike Group (USS George Washington (CVN 73)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Maintenance))
***** Carrier Strike Group 14 (CARSTRKGRU 14) (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Task Force 21 (2nd Fleet Patrol Reconnaissance Force) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
**** Task Force 22 (2nd Fleet Amphibious Force) / Amphibious Group 2 (PHIBGRU 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
***** Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike Group 6 / Amphibious Squadron 8 (PHIBRON 8) (USS Kearsarge (LHD 3)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Deployed))
***** Saipan Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike Group 4 / Amphibious Squadron 2 (PHIBRON 2) (USS Saipan (LHA 2)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Deployed))
***** Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group / Expeditionary Strike Group 2 / Amphibious Squadron 4 (PHIBRON 4) (USS Wasp (LHD 1)) (NB Norfolk, VA (Post-Deployment))
***** Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group (USS Bataan (LHD 5)) (NAB Little Creek, VA (Intermediate Training))
***** Naval Coastal Warfare Group Two (Williamsburg, VA)
***** Tactical Air Control Group 2 (TACGRU 2) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
***** Naval Beach Group 2 (NAVBEACHGRU 2) (NB Norfolk, VA?)
**** Task Force 23 (2nd Fleet Landing Force)
**** Task Force 24 (2nd Fleet ASW Force)
**** Task Force 25 (2nd Fleet Mobile Logistics Support Force) / Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Task Force 26 (2nd Fleet Patrol Air Force) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
**** Task Force 28 (2nd Fleet Caribbean Contingency Force) (NS Mayport, FL)
**** Carrier Group 4 (CARGRU 4) / Carrier Striking Force (Battle Group Training) (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** Task Force 40 / Naval Surface Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSURFLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (COMLOGRON 2) (NWS Earle, NJ)
*** Task Force 41 / Naval Air Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVAIRLANT) (NAS Oceana, VA)
**** Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet (FITWINGLANT) (NAS Oceana, VA)
**** Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic Fleet (STRIKFIGHTWINGLANT) (NAS Cecil Field, FL)
**** Sea Control Wing Atlantic Fleet (SEACONWINGLANT) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
**** Helicopter Anti-Submarine Wing Atlantic Fleet (HSWINGLANT) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
**** Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Wing Atlantic Fleet (HSLWINGLANT) (NS Mayport, FL)
**** Helicopter Tactical Wing Atlantic Fleet (HELTACWINGLANT) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
**** Airborne Early Warning Wing Atlantic Fleet (AEWWINGLANT) (NAS Norfolk, VA)
**** Reserve Carrier Air Wing 20 (CVWR 20) (NAS Atlanta, GA)
*** Task Force 42 / Naval Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Submarine Group 2 (SUBGRU 2) (NSB New London, CT)
***** Naval Submarine Support Center (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** Task Force 43 (Training Command Atlantic Fleet?)
*** Task Force 44 (Coast Guard Force Atlantic Fleet) / Coast Guard Atlantic Area (Portsmouth, VA)
*** Task Force 45 / Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic (MARFORLANT) (Norfolk NB, VA)
*** Task Force 46 (Mine Warfare Command Atlantic Fleet (MINEWARCOM)) (USS Inchon (MCS 12)) (NS Ingleside, TX)
*** Task Force 48 (Naval Construction Battalions Atlantic Fleet) (NAB Little Creek, VA)
*** Task Force 80 (Naval Patrol and Protection of Shipping Atlantic Fleet)
*** Task Force 81 (Sea Control and Surveillance Force Atlantic Fleet) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
*** Task Force 82 (Amphibious Task Force)
*** Task Force 83 (Landing Force (II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)) (Cp Lejeune, NC)
*** Task Force 84 (ASW Force Atlantic Fleet) / Naval Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet (NAVSUBLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** Task Force 85 (Mobile Logistics Support Force Atlantic Fleet) / Combat Logistics Squadron 2 (LOGRON 2) (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** Task Force 86 (Patrol Air Force Atlantic Fleet) / Patrol and Reconnaissance Force Atlantic Fleet (PATRECONFORLANT) (NS Norfolk, VA)
**** Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 5 (PATRECONWING 5) (NAS Brunswick, ME)
**** Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 11 (PATRECONWING 11) (NAS Jacksonville, FL)
**** Reserve Patrol Wing (RESPATWING) (NAS Oceana, VA)
*** Task Force 87 (Tactical Development and Evaluation and Transit Force Atlantic Fleet)
*** Task Force 88 (Training Force Atlantic Fleet) (NB Norfolk, VA)
*** Task Force 89 (Maritime Defense Zone Atlantic Fleet) (USCGS Portsmouth, VA)
*** Task Force 125 (Naval Surface Group 2 (NAVSURFGRU 2)) (NS Mayport, FL)
*** Task Force 137 (Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic) (Naples, Italy)
*** Task Force 138 (Naval Forces South Atlantic)
*** Task Force 139 (Multilateral Special Operations Force)
*** Task Force 142 (Operational Test and Evaluation Force) (NB Norfolk, VA)
** United States Marine Corps Forces Command (Norfolk NB, VA)
*** II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) (Camp Lejeune, NC)
**** 2nd Marine Division (Camp Lejeune, NC)
**** 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Camp Lejeune, NC)
**** 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW) (MCAS Cherry Point, NC)
**** 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Camp Lejeune, NC)
*** Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) (New Orleans, LA)
**** 4th Marine Division (MARFORRES) (New Orleans, LA)
**** 4th Marine Air Wing (4th MAW) (MARFORRES) (New Orleans, LA)
**** 4th Marine Logistics Group (MARFORRES) (New Orleans, LA)
*** 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade (Anti-Terrorism) (Camp Lejeune, NC)
** Iceland Defense Force (IDF) (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
*** 85th Group (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
*** Fleet Air Keflavik (FAIRKEF) (NAS Keflavik, Iceland)
** U.S. Forces Azores (USAFORAZ) (Lajes Field, Azores)
*** 65th Air Base Wing (Lajes Field, Azores)
** Special Operations Command Joint Forces Command (SOCJFCOM) (Norfolk NB, VA)

U.S. European Command


* Commander, USEUCOM: General Bantz J. Craddock, USA
** Deputy Commander, USEUCOM:
*** Chief of Staff: Major General William D. Catto
*** Command Master Chief: Command Sergeant Major Mark Farley

Order of Battle

* US Army Europe (USAREUR), 7th US Army
** Multinational Task Force (East) (Kosovo, Yugoslavia)
** V Corps (Heidelberg, Germany)
*** 1st Armored Division (Wiesbaden, Germany)
**** 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Friedberg, Germany)
**** 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Baumholder, Germany)
**** 2nd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division (Schweinfurt, Germany)
**** 2nd Cavalry Regiment Stryker Brigade Combat Team (Grafenwoehr, Germany)
**** 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division (Fort Riley, Kansas)
**** 12th Combat Aviation Brigade (Ansbach, Germany)
**** 1st Armored Division Artillery (Baumholder, Germany)
**** 1st Armored Division Engineers (Giessen, Germany)
**** 1st Armored Division Support Command (Wiesbaden, Germany)
**** Separate Units (Hessen, Germany)
***** 1st Armored Division Band
***** 1st Armored Division HHC
***** 141st Signal Battalion
***** 501st Military Intelligence Battalion
***** 501st Military Police Company
*** 18th Engineer Brigade (Heidelberg, Germany)
*** 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (Wuerzburg, Germany)
*** 130th Engineer Brigade
*** 205th Military Intelligence Brigade
*** V Corps Artillery
*** Special Troops Battalion
** Southern European Task Force (Airborne) (Vicenza, Italy)
** 21st Theater Support Command (Kaiserslautern, Germany)
** 3rd Corps Support Command (Wiesbaden, Germany)
** 7th Army Reserve Command (Schwetzingen, Germany)
** Joint Multinational Training Command (Grafenwoehr, Germany)
** 5th Signal Command (Mannheim, Germany)
** 1st Personnel Command (Schwetzingen, Germany)
** 266th Finance Command (Heidelberg, Germany)
** Europe Regional Medical Command (Heidelberg, Germany)

U.S. Central Command


* Commander, USCENTCOM: Admiral William J. Fallon, USN

U.S. Pacific Command


* Commander, USPACOM: Admiral Timothy J. Keating, USN

Order of Battle

* United States Pacific Command
** United States Army Pacific
*** United States Army Japan
**** 9th Theater Support Command
***** 10th Area Support Group
***** 17th Area Support Group
***** 300th Area Support Group
*** United States Army Alaska
**** 172nd Infantry Brigade
**** 4th Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
**** Arctic Support Brigade
*** United States Army Hawaii
**** Military Police Brigade - Hawaii
*** I Corps
**** 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division
**** 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division
**** 1st Military Police Brigade
**** 1st Personnel Group
**** 14th PSYOPS Battalion
**** 62nd Medical Brigade
**** 201st Military Intelligence Brigade
**** 311th Corps Support Command
**** 555th Combat Engineer Group
**** 593rd Corps Support Group
*** 25th Infantry Division (Light)
*** 196th Infantry Brigade
*** 516th Signal Brigade
*** 9th Regional Readiness Command
** United States Pacific Fleet
*** 3rd Fleet
**** CTF-30/ Battle Force
**** CTF-31/ Combat Support Force
**** CTF-32/ Patrol and Reconnaissance Force
**** CTF-33/ Logistic Support Force
**** CTF-34/ Submarine Force
**** CTF-35/ Surface Combatant Force
**** CTF-36/ Landing Force
**** CTF-37/ Amphibious Force
**** CTF-38/ Carrier Strike Force
*** 7th Fleet
**** CTF-70/ Battle Force
**** CTF-71/ Combat Support Force
**** CTF-72/ Patrol and Reconnaissance Force
**** CTF-73/ Logistic Support Force
**** CTF-74/ Submarine Force
**** CTF-75/ Surface Combatant Force
**** CTF-76/ Amphibious Force
**** CTF-77/ Carrier Strike Force
**** CTF-79/ Landing Force
*** Naval Surface Forces, United States Pacific Fleet
**** Destroyer Squadron 1
**** Destroyer Squadron 7
**** Destroyer Squadron 15
**** Destroyer Squadron 21
**** Destroyer Squadron 23
**** Destroyer Squadron 28
**** Carrier Group 1
**** Carrier Group 3
**** Carrier Group 5
**** Carrier Group 7
**** Cruiser Destroyer Group 1
**** Cruiser Destroyer Group 3
**** Cruiser Destroyer Group 5
**** Surface Group PACNORWEST
**** Surface Group MIDPAC
**** Logistics Group WESTPAC
**** Amphibious Group 1
**** Amphibious Group 3
**** Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 1
*** Naval Submarine Forces, United States Pacific Fleet
**** Submarine Group 7
**** Submarine Group 9
*** Naval Air Forces, United States Pacific Fleet
**** Fleet Air, West Pacific
**** Airborne Early Warning Wing
***** VAW-112
***** VAW-113
***** VAW-115
***** VAW-116
***** VAW-117
***** VRC-30
*** Naval Region, Southwest
*** Naval Region, Northwest
*** Naval Region, Hawaii
*** Maritime Defense Zone Pacific
*** United States Naval Forces Marianas
** Marine Forces Pacific
** United States Pacific Air Forces
** United States Forces, Japan
** United States Forces, Korea
** Alaskan Command
** Special Operations Command Pacific
** Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
** Information Systems Support Activity
** Pacific Automated Server Site Japan
** Cruise Missile Support Activity
** Special Intelligence Communications
** Joint Intelligence Center Pacific
** Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific
** Joint Interagency Task Force West
** Joint Task Force Full-Accounting

U.S. Southern Command


* Commander, USSOUTHCOM: Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, USA
** Deputy Commander, USSOUTHCOM: Maj. Gen. Glenn F. Spears, USAF
** Chief-of-Staff, USSOUTHCOM: Brig. Gen. Nolen B. Vivens, USA
** Command Sergent Major, USSOUTHCOM: CSM Micheal M. Balch, USA

Order of Battle

* United States Southern Command
** United States Army South (Fort Buchanan, PR)
*** 1-228th Aviation Battalion (Soto Cano AB, Honduras)
*** 56th Signal Battalion (Fort Buchanan, PR)
** United States Naval Forces Southern Command (Naval Station Mayport, FL)
*** Naval Surface Group Two
*** Destroyer Squadron Six
*** Destroyer Squadron Fourteen
** II Marine Expeditionary Force/ United States Marine Corps Forces, South (Camp Lejeune, NC)
*** 2nd Marine Division
*** 2nd Marine Logistics Group
*** 2nd Marine Air Wing
*** 2nd Marine Expeditionary Brigade
*** 4th Marine Expeditionary Brigade
*** 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit
*** 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit
*** 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit
*** Air Contingency Marine Air Ground Task Force
** Twelfth Air Force/ United States Southern Command Air Forces (Davis Montham AFB, AZ)
*** 7th Bomb Wing
*** 28th Bomb Wing
*** 27th Fighter Wing
*** 49th Fighter Wing
*** 355th Wing
*** 366th Wing
*** 388th Fighter Wing
*** 1st Air Support Operations Group
*** 3rd Combat Communications Group
*** 612th Air Operation Group
*** 820th RED HORSE
** Special Operations Command South
** Southern Surveillance Reconnaissances Operations Center
** Joint Interagency Task Force (NAF Key West, FL)
*** Joint Interagency Task Force East
*** Joint Interagency Task Force West
** Joint Task Force Guantanamo (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba)
** Joint Task Force Bravo (Soto Cano AB, Honduras)
*** 612th Air Base Squadron
*** Army Forces
*** Medical Elements
*** 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment
*** Joint Security Forces
** Joint Task Force Piton

U.S. Africa Command


*United States Africa Command (USAFRICOM)
**Commander, USAFRICOM: General William E. Ward, USA

U.S. Special Operations Command

Order of Battle

* United States Special Operations Command (MacDill AFB, Florida)
** Army Special Operations Command (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** 75th Ranger Regiment (Fort Benning, GA)
*** 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (Fort Campbell, KY)
*** Special Forces Command (Airborne) (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** Special Operations Support Command (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment (Airborne) - Delta (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** 4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** 95th Civil Affairs Brigade (Provisional) (Fort Bragg, NC)
** Naval Special Warfare Command (NAB Coronado, CA)
*** Special Warfare Group One (NAB Coronado, CA)
*** Special Warfare Group Two (NAB Little Creek, VA)
*** Special Boat Squadron One (NAB Coronado, CA)
*** Special Boat Squadron Two (NAB Little Creek, VA)
*** Naval Special Warfare Center (NAB Coronado, CA)
*** Special Warfare Development Group (Dam Neck, VA)
** Air Force Special Operations Command (Hurlburt Field, FL)
*** 919th Special Operations Wing (Duke Field, FL)
*** 18th Flight Test Squadron (Hurlburt Field, FL)
*** Air Force Special Operations Command Air Support Operations Squadron (Fort Bragg, NC)
*** United States Air Force Special Operations School (Hurlburt Field, FL)
*** 720th Special Tactics Group (Hurlburt Field, FL)
*** 16th Special Operations Wing (Hurlburt Field, FL)
*** 193rd Special Operations Wing (Harrisburg IAP, PA)
*** 352nd Special Operations Group (RAF Mildenhall, UK)
*** 353rd Special Operations Group (Kadena AB, Japan)
** Marines Special Operations Command
*** Marine Special Operations Advisor Group
*** 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion (Camp Pendleton, CA)
*** 2nd Marine Special Operations Battalion (Camp Lejeune, NC)
*** Marine Special Operations Support Group
*** Marine Special Operations School
** Joint Special Operations Command (Pope AFB and Fort Bragg, NC)
** Acquisitions and Logistics Center

U.S. Transportation Command

Order of Battle

* US Transportation Command (Scott AFB, IL)
** Air Mobility Command (AMC) (Scott AFB, IL)
*** 18th Air Force (Scott AFB, IL)
**** 15th Expeditionary Mobility Task Force (Travis AFB, CA)
***** 60th Air Mobility Wing (C-5A/B/C, KC-10A) (Travis AFB, CA)
***** 62nd Airlift Wing (C-17A) (McChord AFB, WA)
***** 317th Airlift Group (C-130H) (Dyess AFB, TX)
***** 375th Airlift Wing (Operational Support Airlift) (C-21A, C-9A) (Scott AFB, IL)
***** 22nd Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (McConnell AFB, KS)
***** 92nd Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (Fairchild AFB, WA)
***** 19th Air Refueling Wing (KC-135R/T) (Grand Forks AFB, ND)
***** 615th Contingency Response Wing (Travis AFB, CA)
***** 715th Air Mobility Support Group (Hickam AFB, HI)
**** 21st Expeditionary Mobility Task Force (McGuire AFB, NJ)
***** 436th Airlift Wing (C-5A/B) (Dover AFB, DE)
***** 305th Air Mobility Wing (C-17A, KC-10A) (McGuire AFB, NJ)
***** 437th Airlift Wing (C-17A) (Charleston AFB, SC)
***** 43d Airlift Wing (C-130E) (Pope AFB, NC)
***** 314th Airlift Wing (C-130E/H) (Little Rock AFB, AR)
***** 89th Airlift Wing (VIP) (VC-25A, VC/C-37A, C-20B, C-32A, C-40B) (Andrews AFB, MD)
***** 6th Air Mobility Wing (KC-135R, C-37A) (MacDill AFB, FL)
***** 19th Air Refueling Group (KC-135R, EC-137D) (Robins AFB, GA)
***** 621st Contingency Response Wing (McGuire AFB, NJ)
***** 721st Air Mobility Operations Group (Ramstein AB, Germany)
*** 4th Air Force (AFRes) (McClellan AFB, CA)
**** 433d Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Lackland AFB, TX)
**** 445th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Wright Patterson AFB, OH)
**** 349th Air Mobility Wing (AFRes) (C-5A/B/C, KC-10A (Associate unit to 60th Air Mobility Wing)) (Travis AFB, CA)
**** 452d Air Mobility Wing (AFRes) (C-17A, KC-135E) (March ARB, CA)
**** 446th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-17A (Associate unit to 62nd Airlift Wing)) (McChord AFB, WA)
**** 932d Airlift Wing (Operational Support Airlift) (AFRes) (C-9C (Associate unit to 375th Airlift Wing)) (Scott AFB, IL)
**** 434th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R) (Grissom ARB, IN)
**** 459th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R) (Andrews AFB, MD)
**** 507th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R, E-3B/C, TC-18E) (Tinker AFB, OK)
**** 916th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-125R) (Seymour-Johnson AFB, NC)
**** 931st Air Refueling Group (AFRes) (KC-135R) (McConnell AFB, KS)
**** 939th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135R (Portland IAP, OR)
**** 927th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135E) (Selfridge ANGB, MI)
**** 940th Air Refueling Wing (AFRes) (KC-135E) (Beale AFB, CA)
*** 22nd Air Force (AFRes) (Dobbins AFB, GA)
**** 94th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Dobbins ARB, GA)
**** 302d Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Peterson AFB, CO)
**** 315th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-17A) (Associate unit of 437th Airlift Wing)) (Charleston AFB, SC)
**** 439th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A) (Westover ARB, MA)
**** 440th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Gen. Mitchell ARS, Milwaukee, WI)
**** 512th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-5A/B (Associate unit to 436th Airlift Wing)) (Dover AFB, DE)
**** 908th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Maxwell AFB, AL)
**** 910th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Youngstown ARS, OH)
**** 911th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Greater Pittsburgh IAP, PA)
**** 914th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130H) (Niagara Falls IAP, NY)
**** 934th Airlift Wing (AFRes) (C-130E) (Minneapolis St Paul ARS, MN)
**** 514th Air Mobility Wing (AFRes) (C-17A, KC-10A (Associate unit to 305th Air Mobility Wing)) (McGuire AFB, NJ)
*** Air National Guard Airlift
**** 135th Airlift Group (MD ANG) (C-130J) (Glenn L Martin AP, MD)
**** 105th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-5A) (Stewart IAP, NY)
**** 107th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-130H) (Niagara Falls ARS, NY)
**** 109th Airlift Wing (NY ANG) (C-130H, C-26B) (Schenectedy CAP, NY)
**** 118th Airlift Wing (TN ANG) (C-130H) (Nashville MP, TN)
**** 123d Airlift Wing (KY ANG) (C-130H) (Standiford Fd, KY)
**** 130th Airlift Wing (WV ANG) (C-130H) (Yeager AP, Charleston, WV)
**** 133d Airlift Wing (MN ANG) (C-130H) (Minneapolis St Paul, MN)
**** 136th Airlift Wing (TX ANG) (C-130H) (NAS JRB Fort Worth, TX)
**** 139th Airlift Wing (MO ANG) (C-130H) (Rosecrans MAP, MO)
**** 143d Airlift Wing (RI ANG) (C-130E) (Quonset Point St AP, RI)
**** 145th Airlift Wing (NC ANG) (C-130H) (Charlotte IAP, NC
**** 146th Airlift Wing (CA ANG) (C-130E) (NAWS Pt Magu, CA)
**** 152d Airlift Wing (NV ANG) (C-130E/H) (Reno-Tahoe IAP, NV)
**** 153d Airlift Wing (WY ANG) (C-130H) (Cheyenne MAP, WY)
**** 164th Airlift Wing (TN ANG) (C-5A) (Memphis IAP, TN)
**** 165th Airlift Wing (GA ANG) (C-130H) (Savannah IAP, GA)
**** 166th Airlift Wing (DE ANG) (C-130H) (Greater Wilmington AP, DE)
**** 167th Airlift Wing (WV ANG) (C-130H) (Martinsburgh AP, WV)
**** 172d Airlift Wing (MI ANG) (C-17) (Thompson Fd, Jackson, MI)
**** 179th Airlift Wing (OH ANG) (C-130H) (Mansfield-Lahm AP, OH)
**** 182d Airlift Wing (IL ANG) (C-130E) (Greater Peoria AP, IL)
*** Air National Guard Aerial Refueling
**** 101st Air Refueling Wing (ME ANG) (KC-135R) (Bangor IAP, ME)
**** 108th Air Refueling Wing (NJ ANG) (KC-135E) (McGuire AFB, NJ)
**** 117th Air Refueling Wing (AL ANG) (KC-135R) (Birmingham MAP, AL)
**** 121st Air Refueling Wing (OH ANG) (KC-135R) (Rickenbacker ANGB, OH)
**** 126th Air Refueling Wing (IL ANG) (KC-135E) (Chicago-O'Hare IAP, IL)
**** 134th Air Refueling Wing (TN ANG) (KC-135E) (McGhee-Tyson AP, TN)
**** 137th Air Refueling Wing (OK ANG) (KC-135) (Tinker AFB, OK)
**** 141st Air Refueling Wing (WA ANG) (KC-135E, C-26B) (Fairchild AFB, WA)
**** 151st Air Refueling Wing (UT ANG) (KC-135E) (Salt Lake City IAP, UT)
**** 157th Air Refueling Wing (NH ANG) (KC-135R) (Pease AFB, NH)
**** 161st Air Refueling Wing (AZ ANG) (KC-135E) (Phoenix-Sky Harbour AP, AZ)
**** 171st Air Refueling Wing (PA ANG) (KC-135T) (Greater Pittsburgh IAP, PA)
**** 185th Air Refueling Wing (IA ANG) (KC-135R) (Sioux City Gateway AP, IA)
**** 186th Air Refueling Wing (MS ANG) (KC-135R, C-26B) (Key Fd, Meridian, MS)
**** 190th Air Refueling Wing (KS ANG) (KC-135D/E) (Korbes Fd, Topeka, KS)
*** Military Sealift Command (MSC) (Washington Navy Yard, DC)
**** Sealift Logistics Command Atlantic (SEALOGLANT) (NB Norfolk, VA)
**** Sealift Logistics Command Pacific (SEALOGPAC) (NB San Diego, CA)
**** Sealift Logistics Command Europe (SEALOGEUR) (Naples, Italy)
**** Sealift Logistics Command Central (SEALOGCENT) (Manama, Bahrain)
**** Sealift Logistics Command Far East (SEALOGFE) (Yokohoma, Japan)
**** Prepositioning Force
***** Combat Prepositioning Force
****** Afloat Prepositioning Ships Squadron Four (APSRON 4)
***** Maritime Prepositioning Force
****** Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 1 (MPSRON 1)
****** Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 2 (MPSRON 2)
****** Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron 3 (MPSRON 3)
**** Sealift Force
**** Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force
*** Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) (Alexandria, VA)
**** 143rd Transportation Command (USAR) (Orlando, FL)
****** 7th Transportation Group (Composite) (Ft Eustis, VA)
****** 32nd Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR) (Tampa, FL)
****** 300th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR) (Butler, PA)
****** 336th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR) (Ft Sheridan, IL)
****** 375th Transportation Group (Composite) (USAR) (Mobile, AL)
**** 1179th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Ft Hamilton, NY)
**** 1190th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Baton Rouge, LA)
**** 1394th Deployment Support Brigade (USAR) (Cp Pendleton, CA)
**** 1176th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Baltimore, MD)
**** 1185th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Lancaster, PA)
**** 1192nd Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (New Orleans, LA)
**** 1186th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Jacksonville, FL)
**** 1189th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Charleston, SC)
**** 1395th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Seattle, WA)
**** 1397th Transportation Terminal Brigade (USAR) (Port Hueneme, California) []
**** 595th Transportation Terminal Group (Camp Spearhead (Ash Shuaiba), Kuwait)
**** 597th Transportation Terminal Group (Fort Eustis, Virginia) []
**** 598th Transportation Terminal Group (Rotterdam, Netherlands) []
**** 599th Transportation Terminal Group (Wheeler Army Airfield, Hawaii) []

ee also

* United States Army
* United States Navy
* United States Air Force
* United States Marine Corps

External links

* [ US Armed Forces Order of Battle]

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