No Limite 5

No Limite 5
No Limite 5
Genre Reality television
No. of episodes TBA
No. of survivors 16 [1]
Original run June 2011September 2011
Preceded by Ceará

No Limite 5 (also known as No Limite Xtream) is the upcoming fifth season of the Brazilian reality television series No Limite, which will premiere in July 2011 on the Rede Globo television network.[2]

At first, the season was scheduled to air between July and September 2010,[3] but was postponed due to logistical problems.

The season was confirmed a couple weeks after the finale of No Limite 4 by Rede Globo.[4] Casting and production started in April 2010.[2]

Applications were due by May 3, 2010 until May 25, 2010.[5] Rede Globo has received 1500 complete applications in the first two days. The number was three times higher than the first two days of Big Brother Brasil in October 2009.[3]

The season was scheduled to be filmed on a South Pacific island, and would be the first to be recorded in a foreign location.[6] However, top management of Rede Globo did not approve the costs of international recordings, and the upcoming season, instead of on an island in the Pacific, will again be held in Brazil.[7] Twelve contestants are expected to be chosen by the producers to participate the show sometime in 2011.[1] The profile of the contestants will change for this year with the same having to be better fitness.[2]

The season promises to be more radical, with strenuous challenges and extreme survival situations. However, survival skills will no longer be the determining factor to bring the prize home.[1]

The winner would be the first guaranteed housemate on Big Brother Brasil 12, which is scheduled to premiere in January 2012.[8] However, as the season will debut only after Big Brother 11, the real prize is currently unknown.


  1. ^ a b c "Logo após BBB, No Limite promete vir de cara nova neste ano" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-03-06. 
  2. ^ a b c "Daniel Castro: Globo fara No Limite radical" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-02-12. 
  3. ^ a b "Inscrições para No Limite radical superam Big Brother" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-05-06. 
  4. ^ "Globo planeja No Limite 5 para 2010" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-02-12. 
  5. ^ "No Limite 5: Inscrições Abertas" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-05-03. 
  6. ^ "Depois do 'BBB', Boninho vai gravar 'No Limite' no Pacífico" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-03-15. 
  7. ^ "Globo não autoriza "No Limite" ser gravado fora do país" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-05-03. 
  8. ^ "Vencedor do próximo "No Limite" vai entrar no "BBB11", diz Boninho" (in Portuguese). Retrieved 2010-04-06. 

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