No Limite 2

No Limite 2
No Limite 2
Genre Reality television
Winner Léo Rassi (No Vote)
No. of episodes 8
No. of days 24
No. of survivors 12
Tribes      Araras Vermelhas
     Lobos Guarás
Location(s) Mato Grosso, Brazil
Filming dates January, 2001
– February, 2001
Original run 28 January 2001 – 25 March 2001
Preceded by Season 1
Followed by Mental Stage

No Limite 2 was the second season of the Brazilian reality show No Limite filmed in Mato Grosso, Brazil. The premiere aired Sunday, 28 January 2001.

Twelve contestants were chosen by the producers to participate the show between January and February 2001.

The two initial tribes were Araras Vermelhas and Lobos Guarás. On episode 5, the two teams merged into a tribe called Aragurá, named for a combination of two tribes.

In the season finale, the four remaining players competed in the second-to-last immunity challenge, who was an endurance challenge.

At the Tribal Council, only Léo (the winning player) secured his spot on the Final Two. The tribemates voted Dada out of their tribe.

Later a special jury (made of the last four eliminated players before the final four: Sônia, Sávio, Rosa and Eliane) voted Danilo out, leaving Léo and Christina as the finalists.

The Final Two faced off for the final immunity challenge, which was an extremely grueling, multi-part challenge, and the most elaborate challenge of the entire season, often combining elements from previous challenges.

Weeks later, on 25 March 2001, live from Rio de Janeiro, student Léo Rassi was announced as the winner of the competition. He won R$ 300,000 and a brand-new car, while runner-up Cristina Moreira won R$ 50,000.



Contestants Original Tribe Merged Tribe Finish Total Votes
Leon Ramos
25, Recife, PE
Lobos Guarás 1st Voted Out
Day 3
Roberta Mayanah
25, Recife, PE
Araras Vermelhas 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
Antero Temoteo
44, Fortaleza, CE
Lobos Guarás 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
Lhitts Maciel
23, Brasília, DF
Lobos Guarás Left Due To Illness
Day 12
Sônia Cerqueira
34, São Paulo, SP
Araras Vermelhas 4th Voted Out
1st Jury Member
Day 15
Sávio Clemente
25, Curitiba, PR
Lobos Guarás Araguará 5th Voted Out
2nd Jury Member
Day 18
42, Belo Horizonte, MG
Araras Vermelhas 6th Voted Out
3rd Jury Member
Day 21
Eliane Menezes
30, Curitiba, PR
Lobos Guarás 7th Voted Out
4th Jury Member
Day 22
18, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Araras Vermelhas 8th Voted Out
Day 23
21, Montes Claros, MG
Araras Vermelhas 9th Voted Out
Day 23
Christina Moreira
27, São Paulo, SP
Lobos Guarás Runner-Up 6
Léo Rassi
23, Goiânia, GO
Araras Vermelhas Sole Survivor 6
The Total Votes is the number of votes a castaway has received during Tribal Councils where the castaway is eligible to be voted out of the game. Doesn't count jury votes.

^1 Three additional votes were cast against Leon during a tie-breaker vote.

^2 Four additional votes were cast against Dada during a tie-breaker vote.

The game

Episode Airdate Challenges Eliminated Vote Finish
Reward Immunity
1 28 January 2001 Araras Vermelhas Araras Vermelhas Leon 2-2-23 1st Voted Out
Day 3
2 4 February 2001 Araras Vermelhas Lobos Guarás Roberta 3-1-1-1 2nd Voted Out
Day 6
3 11 February 2001 Araras Vermelhas Antero 4-1 3rd Voted Out
Day 9
4 18 February 2001 None Lobos Guarás Lhitts No
Left Due To Illness
Day 12
Sônia 3-1-1 4th Voted Out
Day 15
5 4 March 2001 Danilo Danilo Sávio 4-2-1 5th Voted Out
Day 18
6 11 March 2001 Léo Léo Rosa 3-2-1 6th Voted Out
Day 21
7 18 March 2001 Dada Danilo Eliane 3-2 7th Voted Out
Day 22
Danilo Dada
8 25 March 2001 None Léo Dada 2-24 8th Voted Out
Day 23
Danilo 3-1 9th Voted Out
Day 23
Final Trial Cristina No
Léo Sole Survivor
In the case of multiple tribes or castaways who win reward or immunity, they are listed in order of finish, or alphabetically where it was a team effort; where one castaway won and invited others, the invitees are in brackets.

^3 Leon was voted out after the first Tribal Council vote resulted in a tie.

^4 Dada was voted out after the first Tribal Council vote resulted in a tie.

Voting History

Original Tribes Merged Tribe
Episode #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Finale
Eliminated: Tie
2/6 votes5
3/3 votes
3/6 votes
4/5 votes
No vote7
3/5 votes
4/7 votes
4/6 votes
3/5 votes
6/8 votes8
3/4 votes
Final Trial
Final Trial
Voter Vote
Léo Roberta Sônia Sávio Rosa Eliane Dada Sole Survivor
Christina Eliane None6 Antero Léo Danilo Léo Danilo Runner-Up
Danilo Roberta Sônia Sávio Christina Eliane Dada
Dada Roberta Léo Sávio Rosa Eliane Danilo
Eliane Christina None6 Antero Léo Rosa Léo Dada Danilo
Rosa Sônia Sônia Sávio Christina Dada Danilo
Sávio Christina Leon Antero Eliane Dada Cristina
Sônia Danilo Danilo Dada Danilo
Lhitts Leon Leon Antero
Antero Leon Leon Cristina
Roberta Léo
Leon Eliane None6

^5 The first Tribal Council Vote resulted in a tie. Per the rules, a second vote was held where the castaways involved in the tie would not vote and the remaining castaways could only vote for the tied contestants.

^6 Cristina, Eliane and Leon were not eligible to vote in the second Tribal Council vote.

^7 Lhitts was evacuated due to medical reasons, therefore no vote occurred for his removal from the game.

^8 The first Tribal Council Vote resulted in a tie. Per the rules, a second vote was held when the jury voted in order to break the tie. All four voted against Dada.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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