Michigan Democratic caucuses, 2004

Michigan Democratic caucuses, 2004

Joe Lieberman had dropped out on 4 February and received no votes. Kerry had 195 delegates, John Edwards 76, Wesley Clark 42 and Howard Dean had 21. One more win would put Kerry way ahead of his contenders. The result was another Kerry win. Kerry got 52% to Dean's 16% and John Edwards' 13%. As early as 16 January Dean lead with 32% to his closest competitor John Kerry who had 7%. A poll taken on 1 February had Kerry leading Dean 58% to 13%. The reason for Kerry's win here was because he got the men and women vote over Howard Dean and the young voters. Endorsements also racked up for John Kerry he got popular senator Carl Levin and popular house rep John D. Dingell. Howard Dean got endorsements from popular congresswomen Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick and popular house rep John Conyers Jr. and State rep Aldo Vagnozzi. After getting 91 delegates he had 286 John Edwards had 82 and Dean had 45.


Candidate No. State Delegates Percentage Potential National delegates
John Kerry 84,214 52.45 91
Howard Dean 26,994 16.81 24
John Edwards 21,919 13.65 6
Al Sharpton 11,270 7.02 7
Wesley Clark 10,986 6.84 0
Dennis Kucinich 5,183 3.23 0

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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