M'Clure Strait

M'Clure Strait
M'Clure Strait, Northwest Territories, Canada.
  Northwest Territories
  Yukon Territory
  Regions outside Canada (Alaska, Greenland)

The M'Clure Strait (sometimes rendered McClure Strait) is a strait on the edge of the Canadian Northwest Territories. It forms the northwestern end of one of the routes through the Northwest Passage. The strait was named for Robert McClure, an Irish Arctic explorer serving in the Royal Navy. He was the first man to traverse the North-West Passage (by boat and sledge).

The strait connects the Beaufort Sea in the west with Viscount Melville Sound in the east. It is bounded by Prince Patrick Island, Eglinton Island and Melville Island on the north and Banks Island on the south. As the strait is chronically blocked with thick ice, it is usually impassable to ships; in 1969, the United States-registered tanker SS Manhattan was freed from the ice by a Canadian icebreaker, and forced to travel through Canadian territorial waters to complete its westward passage. There is a dispute between Canada and the United States over the waters of the Arctic Islands, other than those within 12 mi (19 km) of shore.

The M'Clure Strait became fully open (ice-free) in early August 2007, and again in August 2008. The European Space Agency reports that the Arctic's Northwest Passage has opened up fully because of melting sea ice, clearing a lane through the northern section of the historically impassable route between Europe and Asia.

See also

Coordinates: 74°00′50″N 119°07′40″E / 74.01390°N 119.12774°E / 74.01390; 119.12774

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