Thirioux's Grey Parrot

Thirioux's Grey Parrot
Thiriouxs grey parrot
Engraving accompanying the journal of Willem Van West-Zanen, which depicts the killing of grey parrots (bottom) and other animals on Mairitius in 1602
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Psittacidae
Genus: Psittacula
Species: Psittacula bensoni
(Holyoak, 1973)

Thiriouxs grey parrot (Psittacula bensoni), also known as the Mauritius Grey Parrot, is a little-known extinct species of parakeet which used to inhabit Mauritius Island in the western Indian Ocean. It was only known from descriptions, as well as a single illustration published in a journal describing a voyage in 1602, until sub-fossil bones were described as Lophopsittacus bensoni in 1973.[1] In 2007 The fossils were reinterpreted as belonging to a species of Psittacula instead. Travelers on Mauritius described how easy it was to catch the parrot by capturing one and making it call out, which would summon an entire flock. A grey parrot described from Réunion may have belonged to the same species. Cossigny's account from 1764 is the last known sighting.[2]

Illustration depicting Dutch hunting parrots (most likely Thiriouxs Grey Parrot) on Mauritius in 1598


  1. ^ D. T. Holyoak: An undescribed extinct parrot from Mauritius. In: The Ibis 1973: S. 417-419
  2. ^

Addition: Please note that the old-Dutch text under the drawing in Willem van Westzanen's journal does NOT mention the word "grey". So it is not clear whether the parrots in this drawing were in fact the green or the grey parrots that once existed on Mauritius.