- Polytelis
image_width = 204px
image_caption =Regent Parrot s, "Polytelis anthopeplus"
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo =Psittaciformes
familia =Psittacidae
subfamilia =Psittacinae
tribus =Psittaculini
genus = "Polytelis"
genus_authority = Wagler,1832
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision ="Polytelis swainsonii " "Polytelis anthopeplus " "Polytelis alexandrae "The genus "Polytelis" (literally translates into 'magnificent') of the family
Psittacidae consists of three species long-tailedparrot endemic toAustralia . It is not clear whether they belong to the Asian parakeets and relatives, or the AustralianBroad-tailed parrot s. They are usually classified with the former due to their size, general shape, and color pattern (e.g. Forshaw & Cooper 1981), butmtDNA cytochrome "b" sequence data gives a rather more confusing picture (Miyaki "et al." 1998). On the other hand, sex chromosomespindlin sequence analysesFact|date=February 2007 are in favor of the traditional placement.pecies
Superb Parrot , "Polytelis swainsonii"
*Regent Parrot , "Polytelis anthopeplus"
*Princess Parrot , "Polytelis alexandrae"References
* Forshaw, Joseph M. & Cooper, William T. (1981): "Parrots of the World" (3rd ed.). Press, Willoughby, Australia.
* Miyaki, C. Y.; Matioli, S. R.; Burke, T. & Wajntal, A. (1998): Parrot evolution and paleogeographical events: Mitochondrial DNA evidence. "Molecular Biology and Evolution" 15: 544-551. [http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/15/5/544.pdf PDF fulltext]
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