Blue-naped Parrot

Blue-naped Parrot

status = NT
status_system = IUCN3.1
name = Blue-naped Parrot

caption = need picture
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Psittaciformes
familia = Psittacidae
genus = "Tanygnathus"
species = "T. lucionensis"
binomial = "Tanygnathus lucionensis"
binomial_authority = (Linnaeus, 1766)

Also known as:
* Blue-crowned Green Parrot
* Luzon Parrot
* Philippine Green Parrot

The Blue-naped Parrot, "Tanygnathus lucionensis", is a parrot found throughout the Philippines including islands off north and east Borneo and Talaud Islands. It is a medium size parrot (31 cm), primarily green except for a light blue rear crown and nape, pale blue lower back and rump, scalloped shoulders with orange-brown on black coverts, and blackish underwings with green underwing coverts.

There are at least three subspecies; others have been proposed:
* "T. l. lucionensis": Luzon and Mindoro
* "T. l. hybridus": Polillo Islands. Blue on crown less extensive, tinged with violet. More green on wing coverts.
* "T. l. talautensis" ("T. l. salvadorii" is recognized instead by authorities on Philippine birds citing Kenneth C. Parkes' 1971 Nemouria publication): Rest of range. No blue on lower back, plumage less yellow.

It is found in secondary forests to scattered trees up to 1000m. Flock size is usually under a dozen. They feed on berries, seeds, nuts and grain. Habitat loss and trapping have made them scarce on most islands except Mindoro and Palawan. Though the Katala Foundation has raised concerns over the increasing illegal trade in this bird on Palawan. [Philippine Explorer 15 Sept 2008:]



Dickinson, E.C., R.S. Kennedy and K.C. Parkes (1991). "The birds of the Philippines: An annotated check-list." British Ornithologists' Union Check-list No. 12.

Juniper, T. and M. Parr (1998). "Parrots: A Guide to Parrots of the World." Yale University Press, New Haven and London; ISBN 0-300-07453-0.

Kennedy, R.S., P.C. Gonzales, E.C. Dickinson, H.C. Miranda, Jr., and T.H. Fisher (2000). "A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines." Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York; ISBN 0-19-854668-8.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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