Dionysios Soter

Dionysios Soter
Dionysios Soter
Indo-Greek king

Coin of Dionysios Soter
Reign 65 BCE - 55 BCE

Dionysios Soter "Saviour" was an Indo-Greek king in the area of eastern Punjab.[1]



According to Osmund Bopearachchi, he reigned ca circa 65 - 55 BCE and inherited the eastern parts of the kingdom of the important late ruler Apollodotus II. The kings share the same epithet and use the common reverse of fighting Pallas Athene, and it seems plausible that they were closely related, but relationships between the last Indo-Greek kings remain uncertain since the only sources of information are their remaining coins. R C Senior dates him approximately ten years later.

Earlier scholars like Professor Ahmad Hasan Dani have dated Dionysius much earlier, between the years 115 and 100 BCE, making him the ruler of the Swat and Dir Valleys and the weak successor of Polyxenos.

Dionysius was probably pressured by the invasions of the Indo-Scythians, and also had to deal with Hippostratos, a more important king who had inherited the western part of the kingdom of Apollodotus II.

Dionysios' name echoes the Olympic wine-god Dionysos, who according to Greek mythology was also an ancient king of India.

Coins of Dionysius

Coins of Dyonisos.

Dionysius was the first in the line of late kings who issued only silver drachms, but no tetradrachms, which was likely due to his limited resources. On their obverse is a diademed portrait of the king, with Athena Alkidemos on the reverse.

He also issued bronzes with Apollo on the reverse and a tripod on the obverse. Both these types were inherited from Apollodotus II. The quality of the portraits is inferior to most earlier kings. According to Bopearachchi, Dionysius inherited only the inferior celators of Apollodotus II, which he associates with mints in eastern Punjab.


Preceded by:
Apollodotus II
Indo-Greek Ruler
(Eastern Punjab)
(65 - 55 BCE)
Succeeded by:
Zoilos II
Based on Bopearachchi (1991)
200-190 BCE Demetrius I DemetriusCoin.jpg
190-180 BCE Agathocles AgathoclesWithAlexander.jpg Pantaleon721032-1-.jpg
185-170 BCE Antimachus IAntimachusMedaille.jpg
180-160 BCE Apollodotus IApollodotosi.jpg
175-170 BCE Demetrius II Demetriosii.jpg
160-155 BCE Antimachus IIAnimachusii(2).jpg
170-145 BCE EucratidesTetradrachm Eukratides.jpg
155-130 BCE Menander IMenander Alexandria-Kapisa.jpg
130-120 BCE Zoilos IZoilosI-525.jpg AgathokleiaAgathokleia.jpg
120-110 BCE Lysias Lysias-150.jpg Strato IAgathokleia&Strato.jpg
110-100 BCE AntialcidasAntialcidas.JPG Heliokles IIHelioclesii.jpg
100 BCE PolyxeniosPolyxenos.jpg Demetrius III Demetrius Aniketou.jpg
100-95 BCE Philoxenus Philoxenos.jpg
95-90 BCE Diomedes Diomedes2.jpg Amyntas Amyntas.jpg EpanderEpander.jpg
90 BCE Theophilos Theophilos-634.jpg PeukolaosPeukolaos coin.jpg Thraso
90-85 BCE Nicias Nikias.jpg Menander IIMenanderDikaiou.jpg ArtemidorosArtimedoros.jpg
90-70 BCE HermaeusHermaeusCoin.jpg ArchebiosArchebios229.jpg
Yuezhi tribes Maues (Indo-Scythian)
75-70 BCE Telephos Telephos.jpg Apollodotus IIAppollodotosii.jpg
65-55 BCE HippostratosHippostratos.jpg Dionysios Dyonisos coin.jpg
55-35 BCE Azes I (Indo-Scythian) Zoilos IIZoilosIICoin.JPG
55-35 BCE ApollophanesApollophanes.jpg
25 BCE- 10 CE Strato II & III Stratoii.jpg
Rajuvula (Indo-Scythian)

See also


  • "Monnaies Gréco-Bactriennes et Indo-Grecques", Osmund Bopearachchi, Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
  • "The Bactrian and Indus-Greeks", Prof. Ahmed Hasan Dani, Lahore Museum.
  • "The Indo-Greeks Revisited and Supplemented", Dr. A.K. Narain, BR Publishing Corporation.

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