Antiochus III of Commagene

Antiochus III of Commagene

Antiochus III Epiphanes, also known as Antiochus III of Commagene (Greek: ο Αντίοχος Επιφανής, flourished 1st century BC and 1st century) was a man of Armeniancite book
last = Chahin
first = Mark
author link =
title =The Kingdom of Armenia
publisher = Routlege
date =2001
location =
pages = pp. 190-191
isbn = 0700714529
] , Greek and Medes descent. Antiochus was a prince and king of Commagene. He was the son and successor of King Mithridates III of Commagene and Princess of Media and Queen of Commagene, Iotapa. He succeeded his father, when he died in 12 BC and reigned as king between 12 BC-17. Unfortunately very little is known on him.

When Antiochus died in 17, his death became unsettling for the kingdom. At the time of Antiochus’ death, Commagene was in political turmoil. The reasons for this development is unknown, however it appears at that time, his children (by an unknown wife), prince Antiochus IV of Commagene and daughter, princess Iotapa were too young to succeed their father and there was no authority to prevent civil unrest and unit the citizens of Commagene.

From his death, two fractions had appeared. One fraction led by noblemen wanted Commagene to be placed under the rule of the Roman Empire and the another fraction led by the citizens wanted to retain the rule of the King.

The political fractions from Commagene peacefully had sent embassies to Rome, seeking the advice and assistance of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, to decide the future of Commagene. When the political fractions addressed the Emperor of the future of Commagene, they were in line; were with the political reality of Roman rule and were prepared to live with the decision that Tiberius made. They were also prepared to live in the rule of the Roman Empire. When the political fractions had sent embassies to Rome, this marked the end of the independence of Commagene.

Tiberius decided to make Commagene apart of the Roman province of Syria. The decision that Tiberius made was welcomed by many citizens by Commagene, however some, particularly those who were supporters of the royal family were unhappy with this outcome. Commagene was under Roman rule until Roman Emperor Caligula restored the kingdom to Antiochus’ children in 38.


ee also

* Commagene
* List of rulers of Commagene


*Tacitus - Annals of Imperial Rome, Part One: Tiberius, Chapter 4, First Treason Trials
* []

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