Demography of Nair community

Demography of Nair community

The total population of the Nair community is disputed, since there has been no caste based census since 1931. Harry W. Blair has explained that

With British autocracy went a consuming interest in ethnography that produced very thorough census of caste during the Raj but as autocracy was replaced with democracy and elections, ethnographic passion was also replaced by an official egalitarianism that refused to countenance the reporting of caste in the government censuses for any groups other than the Scheduled Castes.[1]

According to the 1891 Census of India, the total population of Nairs stood at 980,860 (Excluding subcastes like Maarans and Samanthan Nairs). Out of this, 483,725 (49.3%) lived in Travancore, 101,691 (10.4%) in Cochin and 377,828 (38.5%) in Malabar. The reminder were mostly found in Madras Presidency (15,939) and other parts of British India (1,677).[2] Nairs numbered 1,046,748 in 1901 and 1,129,466 in 1911.[3]

The 1968 Socio-Economic Survey by the Government of Kerala gave the population of the Nair community as 14.41% of the total population of the state, constituting for 89% of the forward caste population in the state. But various sources site figures ranging from 15%,[4] 16%,[5] 17.5%,[citation needed] 19%[6] and 20%.[7][8] There is also the practical difficulty of certain Nair subcastes declaring as independent caste. Out of those citizens who are eligible to vote in Kerala, 15% belong to the Nair community.[9]

Nair population has been declining in Kerala. Forced conversions and executions of Nairs by Tipu Sultan [10] contributed initially to the decline from late 18th century. Some of the districts in Kerala have very minimal population of Nairs. Malappuram has a Nair population of 1.8% and Kasargode has about 2.1%.[11]

The most reliable population figures comes from two sources. The BCRC estimated Nair population at 14.47% of the total population of Kerala based on a state wide sample survey conducted for the reservation of seats in educational institutions. At the same time, the government for the same purpose, gave a figure of 15.35% based on the Census of Travancore in 1941, Census of Cochin in 1941 & Census of Malabar in 1921.[12] This figure will be true if the population growth rate is uniform for all the ethnic groups in Kerala. But this is not the case, as according to the 1941 Census, the Total Fertility Rate varied across various ethnic groups. In 1941, Kammalas had the highest TFR at 3.88 children per woman. They were followed by Ezhavas at 3.84, Syrians at 3.79, Muslims at 3.71 and Nadars at 3.64 children per woman. On the other hand, Nairs had a TFR of only 3.63 children per woman. Below the Nairs were Pulayas and Vellalas (3.43 each), Parayas (3.23), Brahmins (3.13) and Kuravas (3.13).[13] But the Censuses of 1941 and 1921 counted many of the Nair subcastes (Maarar for example) as independent castes, and they were not added to the Nair population.


Present population

There is no accurate way to measure the present Nair population. Household sample surveys conducted by the Kerala Statistical Institute, the last of which were in 2000, produced estimates which are:

Table.1: Distribution of Nair population in Kerala.[14][15]

Distribution of Nairs in Kerala - District-wise.
District Total Pop Nairs % of Pop % of Nairs
Kerala 31,838,000 4,457,000 14.0% 100.0%
Trivandrum 3,235,000 575,000 17.8% 12.9%
Quilon 2,584,000 793,000 30.7% 17.8%
Pathanamthitta 1,232,000 174,000 14.1% 3.9%
Aleppey 2,105,000 352,000 16.7% 7.9%
Kottayam 1,953,000 227,000 11.6% 5.1%
Idukki 1,129,000 111,000 9.8% 2.5%
Ernakulam 3,098,000 316,000 10.2% 7.1%
Trichur 2,975,000 223,000 7.5% 5.0%
Palghat 2,617,000 330,000 12.6% 7.4%
Malappuram 3,630,000 80,000 2.2% 1.8%
Calicut 2,878,000 504,000 17.5% 11.3%
Wynad 787,000 152,000 19.3% 3.4%
Cannanore 2,412,000 584,000 24.2% 13.1%
Kasargode 1,203,000 36,000 3.0% 0.8%

Travancore Nairs

The population of Nairs in Travancore according to various censuses[16] conducted by the British are as following:

The first census of Travancore, which was conducted in 1836, reported a total Nair population of 365,470.[17]

According to the 1881 Travancore census,[18] 19.97% of the total population were classified as Nair.

According to the 1891 Travancore census,[19] 18.92% of the total population were classified as Nair (Excluding Samanthan Nair).

Travancore had a total population of 6,059,000 in 1941. Out of that 3,671,480 or 61% was Hindu. 1,963,808 (32%) were X'ian and 423,500 (7%) were Muslim. Upper Caste Hindus constituted 1,272,000 or 21% of the population, of which Nairs were 1,062,357 (17.53% of the total population of Travancore). Namboothiris constituted for 0.07% of the population at 4,229. Non-Namboothiri Brahmins like Pisharody numbered a further 1.20% at 72,605. Other Forward Castes numbered 133,000 (2.2% of the population), mostly Maarans, Ambalavasis, Samanta Kshatriyas and Arya Vysyas.[12]

In 1941, Nairs constituted the second largest ethnic group in the Kingdom of Travancore at 17.53% of the population. They were followed by Ezhavas at 17.14%. The largest ethnic group were the Syrians at 18.78%.[20]

Nair population had decreased from 19.33% in 1881 to 17.53% in 1941. But the decrease was more evident for some of the other castes. For example Nambuthiris plummeted from 0.32% to 0.07%. On the other hand, Muslims increased from 6.45% to 7% and Ezhavas increased during 1891-1941 from 16.66% to 17.14%.[21]

Population by Subdivision in Travancore

The caste system is very complex in Travancore, since many of the castes which are considered separate in Malabar are considered to be just subdivisions of the Nair community in Travancore, most noticeably the Maarar and some other temple-serving communities. However, during the later half of the 19th century, when the dominance of the Nair community declined considerably, many of these smaller divisions declared themselves as separate castes. This resulted in complex situations where individual members of the same family declared themselves belonging to two different castes. For example, Daivampati (a Pushpaka Brahmin division found only in Travancore) was counted as a Nair subdivision until the late 19th century. A part of this community declared themselves as a separate caste during the 1901 Census. Out of the total population of 323, a majority of 198 reported their caste as Ambalavasi, as compared to 125 who reported their caste as Nair-Daivampati. Tamilpadakkar, another minuscule community got itself divided less evenly: 258 reported their caste as Nair-Tamilpadam, while just 15 said they were Maarar-Tamilpadam. The Seethikan community, which numbered more than a thousand in Travancore, was counted as Maarar, although it was counted as Nair during the Cochin and Malabar censuses. Chakkala Nair (a non-martial Nair subgroup) and Aadichan Nair (priests in local Bhadrakali temples, known as Adikal Brahmins in North Malabar) were counted as a separate caste within the category of Nair supergroup, although they were counted as Nair during the Malabar Census.[22][23]

Census of Malabar, 1891

Malabar had a population of 2,640,000 in 1891 according to the British Census. Nairs formed 377,828 or roughly 14.31% of the total population.[24] Muslims with a population of 759,242 formed the largest community in Malabar. During the 1881 census, the Nairs numbered 321,674.

Census of Malabar (1871):[25]

Caste (1871) Palghat Valluvanad Ponnani Ernad Calicut Wynad Kurumbranad Kottayam Chirakkal Total in Malabar
Brahmins 6.6% 1.5% 1.1% 0.5% 1.4% 0.7% 0.7% 0.9% 1.7% 1.9%
Nayars Total Nayar 27.3% 31.0% 17.8% 13.0% 25.4% 16.6% 29.3% 21.0% 29.0% 23.6%
Nayar Superior 13.5% 19.3% 12.7% 7.9% 19.0% 8.4% 19.0% 14.5% 15.8% 14.5%
Nayar Inferior 13.8% 11.7% 5.1% 5.1% 6.4% 8.2% 10.3% 6.5% 13.2% 9.1%
Tiyya 32.4% 15.3% 22.5% 12.1% 27.3% 3.3% 30.5% 41.2% 26.6% 23.5%
Other Hindus 15.4% 22.4% 17.4% 20.6% 17.2% 21.2% 11.0% 4.2% 12.0% 16.2%
Muslims 9.2% 25.8% 39.5% 49.4% 23.3% 6.2% 23.8% 23.4% 20.9% 26.5%
Christians 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 1.2% 0.6% 0.0% 0.6% 1.0% 0.3%
Tribals and Others 9.0% 4.0% 1.6% 4.3% 4.2% 51.4% 4.6% 8.6% 8.8% 8.0%

Census of Cochin, 1891

The 1891 census of Cochin reported a total of 123,405 Nairs. There were also 184,504 Ezhavas, 7,483 Ambalavasis, 6,407 Nambuthiris, 29,809 artisans, 7,564 Valans, 4,081 Arayans, 8,243 Velans, 59,840 Cherumans, 8,841 Paraiyans, 6,349 Vettuvans, 5,917 Kanakkans, 215 Nayadis, 2,631 Malayans, 439 Ulladans and 310 Kadans.[26]

Nair castes reported during the 1891 Census of Cochin:

See also

  • Nair subcastes


  1. ^ Blair, Harry W. (1981). "Caste and the British Census in Bihar: Using Old Data to Study Contemporary Political Behavior". In Barrier, Norman Gerald. The Census in British India: New Perspectives. New Delhi: Manohar. p. 154. Retrieved 2011-08-28. 
  2. ^ The Internal Structure of the Nayar Caste, C. J. Fuller
  3. ^
  4. ^ [1][dead link]
  5. ^ "Kerala: Radical Reform as Development in an Indian State (FF, 1994, 140 p.): 11. Women and the Kerala reforms". Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  6. ^ "Kashmir terror trail vanishes in Kerala's political sands .:. Online News". Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  7. ^ India: development and participation - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  8. ^ "People’s Participation In Kerala By Rajaji Mathew Thomas". 2005-03-18. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  9. ^ India votes: Lok Sabha & Vidhan ... - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  10. ^ Malabar manual - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  11. ^ Dynamics of migration in Kerala ... - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  12. ^ a b Communism in Kerala: a study in ... - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  13. ^ Social development and demographic ... - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  14. ^ Zachariah, Kunniparampil Curien; Mathew, Elangikal Thomas; Rajan, Sebastian Irudaya (2003). Dynamics of migration in Kerala: dimensions, differentials, and consequences. Orient Longman. p. 91. ISBN 9788125025047. 
  15. ^ G.O.K 1971: Appendix XVIII : For percentage of Nairs in total population of Kerala, adjusted for decrease due to emigration and low birth rates.
  16. ^ "The Penetration of Capitalism and Agrarian Change in Southwest India, 1901 to 1941: a Preliminary Analysis Journal article by Joseph Tharamangalam; Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Vol. 16, 1984. 10 pgs".!275188706!82156550?a=o&d=97784565. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  17. ^ Report on the Census of Travancore By Dewan p.103
  18. ^ V Nagam Aiya, 1881 Census, P 242-243
  19. ^ Communal road to a secular Kerala By George Mathew. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  20. ^ Communism in Kerala: a study in ... - Google Books.,062,357&source=bl&ots=rmCaJ3YVfO&sig=x0ZMVaqdiMhI9TUSwE9zMZZJvTY&hl=en&ei=b1j-SZHmL8mIkQX825ziBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  21. ^ Educational Development In India - Google Books.,M1. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  22. ^ Census of Travancore 1901 - Vol 1 - Page 377
  23. ^ Census of Travancore 1901 - Vol 2 (Imperial Tables) - Table XIII
  24. ^
  25. ^ Peasant Struggles, Land Reforms and ... - Google Books. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 
  26. ^ Report on the census of Cochin, 1891 ... - Google Books. 2009-10-12. Retrieved 2011-06-13. 

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