

The Cochin - Travancore Alliance came to being in 1761 to repel the forces of the Zamorin of Calicut from the Kingdom of Cochin occupied during the Cochin - Zamorin Wars (1755-56).[1] The alliance said that if the king of Travancore helps to regain the occupied territories, they can control the portions of Cochin occupied during the Cochin - Travancore War (1755 - 1756). The famed Travancore Defence Lines called Nedumkotta were built as a result of the Cochin - Travancore Alliance of 1761.

The forces of Travancore were led by Eustachius De Lannoy, the Flemish associated with a Battle of Colachel.[2]

Later, the allied forces completely defeated the Zamorin's army camped at Cranganore, Parur, and Verappalli resulting the rule of Travancore from Cape Comorin to Cranganore and the diminishing of the territories of the Kingdom of Cochin.[3]


  1. ^ Logan, William (2006). Malabar Manual, Mathrubhumi Books, Calicut. ISBN 978-81-8264-046-7.
  2. ^ Logan, William (2006). Malabar Manual, Mathrubhumi Books, Calicut. ISBN 978-81-8264-046-7.
  3. ^ Logan, William (2006). Malabar Manual, Mathrubhumi Books, Calicut. ISBN 978-81-8264-046-7.

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