Christoph Korn

Christoph Korn

Christoph Korn (born 1965 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany) is a German audio and media artist[1] working with diverse artistic forms of expression: Composition and Installation, video, text, net art and improvisation. He is a lecturer for Improvisation and Aesthetics at the University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt and lives in Düsseldorf.


Early career

In the 1980s, he was involved in political movements and worked with street children in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in the liberation theological project in 1988 and 1989.[clarification needed] At the beginning of the 1990s his first artistic works emerged, even though a political or historical perspective for the subsequent artistic work always remained definitive.[clarification needed] From 19921998, he studied Political Science and Philosophy in Frankfurt upon Main at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University.

Artistic work

Christoph Korns solo work moves at the interface of audio and media art. An essential part of this work is the phenomenon of duration. In the last few years, he has increasingly put this into practice using the strategy of deleting and withdrawing. As an example, see Waldstueck network installation.[citation needed]

His solo works and works in collaborations together with sound artists like Rüdiger Carl, Alfred Harth, TEXTxtnd (Augst/Daemgen/Ehinger), Lasse-Marc Riek and visual artists like Raymond Pettibon led him to numerous international festivals of contemporary music and media-art: WienModern/Vienna, Ars Electronica/Linz, FILE HIPERSÔNICA/ São Paulo, Podewil Festival x-tract SCULPTURE MUSICALE/Berlin, Taktlos Festival/ Bern, Philharmonie/Cologne, Museum of Modern Art Serralves/Porto, Museum of Modern Art Sraßbourg, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Transmediale Berlin, Realisations for intermedium Center for Art and Media ZKM/Karlsruhe or German radio stations like HR, WDR, SFB, DLR, SDR, SWR, art radio ORF, Festivals in Spain and Portugal.

Web art



  • Oliver Augst/Marcel Daemgen/Christoph Korn (2007): Jugernd, TEXTxtnd/Deutschlandfunk Frankfurt.
  • Oliver Augst/Rüdiger Carl/Christoph Korn (2005): Post Blank. Cover Art by Albert Oehlen. GROB, Cologne.
  • Oliver Augst/Rüdiger Carl/Christoph Korn/Raymond Pettibon (2002): Blank meets Pettibon. Live from Philharmonie Cologne, Cover Art by Raymond Pettibon, GROB, Cologne.
  • Oliver Augst/Marcel Daemgen/Christoph Korn (2001): An den deutschen Mond. Revised German Folk Songs, Deutschlandfunk/TEXTxtnd Frankfurt.
  • Oliver Augst/Rüdiger Carl/Christoph Korn (1999): Blank, Cover Art by Günther Förg. FMP, Berlin.
  • Günter Bozem/Marcel Daemgen/Alfred 23 Harth/Christoph Korn (1999): Alfred Harth´s Imperial Hoot:Secrets of Development, Blue Noises, Frankfurt
  • Christoph Korn/Wolfgang Schliemann/Joachim Zoepf (1999): AQTRZ, NUR/NICHT/NUR, Gnadenthal
  • Oliver Augst/Marcel Daemgen/Christoph Korn (1998): Brecht/Eisler, TEXTxtnd, Frankfurt.
  • Alfred 23 Harth, Christoph Korn, Vladimir Tarasov (1994): CA NaDa dry & 20, recout, Frankfurt


  • Christoph Korn (2006):Wenn alles grünt und blüht auf Emslands Fluren“, „Wo das Lager steht“. In: O bittre Zeit, revised German Lagerlieder 1933 bis 1945, Papenburg. Award ofDeutschen Schallplattenkritik 2006“.
  • On Kawara (2003): One Million Years, 32 CD Box. directed by: Christoph Korn/Oliver Augst. Der Hörverlag, Munich. Live at Documenta XI.
  • Christoph Korn (1998): Ritornell. In: Roma Modulare, with Haberer, Kucharski , Lopez , Rüsenberg , di Scipio, Stein, Toop, Zingaro, Goethe Institut Rom/noteworks


  • Oliver Augst/Christoph Korn (2005): LONG LIVE THE PEOPLE OF THE REVOLUTION, cover art by Raymond Pettibon, with Raymond Pettibon, Otomo Yoshihide, Rüdiger Carl, eventuell/A-Musik Cologne.
  • Oliver Augst/Rüdiger Carl/Christoph Korn (2005): DUDEN. Cover Art by Tobias Rehberger, eventuell/A-Musik Köln.

Film/DVD video

  • Jürgen Heiter (2009): Long live the people of the Revolution. 90 minutes, Essay Film. Book: Jürgen Heiter/Christoph Korn. with: Raymond Pettibon, Marianne Rosenberg, Rüdiger Carl u.o, WDR/Hessische Fernsehförderung/Hessische Filmförderung
  • Jürgen Heiter (2007): Der Photograph. with: Benjamin Katz, Georg Baselitz, Oliver Augst, Rüdiger Carl, Christoph Korn, Joachim Blüher, Anna und Bernhard Johannes Blume, Jan Hoet, Ora Katz, Walther König, Ralf Küpper, Markus Lüpertz, Jonathan Meese, Werner Nekes, Rudolf Springer, Maria Anna Tappeiner, Cony Theis, Rosemarie Trockel, Verdi-Quartett, Andreas Walther
  • Oliver Augst/Rüdiger Carl/Christoph Korn (2006): Blank plays Duden. Covert Art by Günther Förg and Tobias Rehberger, TEXTxtnd/Revolver, Frankfurt
  • Christoph Korn (2005): Stern. In: Lisboa.Reloaded. With: Carlos Alberto Augusto, Michael Rüsenberg, Hans Ulrich Werner, Carlos Zingaro. Real Ambient, Cologne

Film music

  • Christine Reeh (2006): Waiting for Europe. Dokumentarfilm, 58min. music: Christoph Korn. Portugal.

Best international documentaryat: New York International Independent Film and Video Festival07. Grand prize- Erasmus EuroMedia Award 2007 (Austria).

  • Christine Reeh (2002): Requiem for my mother. 38 min., Essay-film. music: Christoph Korn. Co-production Asterisk/ESTC, Lisbon
  • Christine Reeh (2000): Exile. 43 min. Documentary. music: Christoph Korn. ESTC/HFF Munich.

Awarded with:Prémio RTPbeim: XI Encontros Internacionais de Cinema Documental da Malaposta, Loures, Portugal 2000.

  • Oliver Hardt/Peter Rippl (Produzenten) (1999): Winterspruch. Music: Oliver Augst/Marcel Daemgen/Christoph Korn. Hessischer Filmprice 1999.


  • Christoph Korn (2007): Writings on sound. In: Field Notes, Gruenrekorder Online Magazin, First Issue. Frankfurt.
  • Christoph Korn/Lasse-Marc Riek (2007): series invisible, Revolver Books/Frankfurt and Selektion
  • Christoph Korn (2006): Speech of Discipline. In: Dieter Nittel/Cornelia Maier: Persönliche Erinnerung und kulturelles Gedächtnis, Opladen.

Grants and scholarships

  • 2004 Barkenhoff scholarship, "Künstlerhäuser Worpswede", Germany
  • 2005 artist in residence at Nelimarkka-Museum in Alajärvi, Finland
  • 2005 honourably mentioned at the international audio art competition Phonurgia Nova 2005 (Paris/France) for the audio workVolkslied
  • 2006 Project grant by Bundeskulturstiftung forbreak on through to the other sidewith Blixa Bargeld, Raymond Pettibon and others
  • 2008 Project grant byStiftung Kunstfondsfor the intermedia workWaldstueck
  • 2008 scholarship (Portugal) by federal state Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • 2008 Phonurgia Nova Award, Paris (in the categoryIntermedia”) forseries invisibleby Christoph Korn/Lasse-Marc Riek, an audio work based on deletion processes


  1. ^ ""Difference"" (in Portugese). Goethe-Institut. Retrieved 5 March 2011. 


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