- Sound art
Sound art is a diverse group of
art practices that considers wide notions ofsound ,listening andhearing as its predominant focus. There are often distinct relationships forged between the visual and aural domains of art andperception by sound artists.Like many genres of
contemporary art , sound art isinterdisciplinary in nature, or takes on hybrid forms. Sound art often engages with the subjects ofacoustics ,psychoacoustics ,electronics ,noise music , audio media andtechnology (both analog anddigital ), found or environmental sound, explorations of the human body,sculpture ,film orvideo and an ever-expanding set of subjects that are part of the current discourse of contemporary art. [Douglas Kahn. 2001. "Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts". Cambridge: MIT Press]From the
Western art historical tradition early examples includeLuigi Russolo 's "Intonarumori" or noise intoners, and subsequent experiments byDadaists ,Surrealists , theSituationist International , and inFluxus happenings . Because of the diversity of sound art, there is often debate about whether sound art falls inside and/or outside of both thevisual art andexperimental music categories. [Alan Licht. 2007. "Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories" New York: Rizzoli]Other artistic lineages from which sound art emerges are
conceptual art ,minimalism ,site-specific art ,sound poetry ,spoken word , avant garde poetry, and experimental theatre. Early practitioners includeTristan Tzara ,Kurt Schwitters ,Filippo Tommaso Marinetti ,Hugo Ball and Henri-Martin Barzun.Origin of the Term in the United States
The earliest documented use of the term in the U.S. is from a catalogue for a show called "Sound/Art" at The Sculpture Center in New York City, curated by William Hellerman in 1983. The show was sponsored by "The SoundArt Foundation," which Hellerman founded in 1982. The artists featured in the show were as follows:
Vito Acconci , Connie Beckley, [http://www.sonicarchitecture.com/index2.htm Bill and Mary Buchen] ,Nicolas Collins , Sari Dienes &Pauline Oliveros , Richard Dunlap,Terry Fox (artist) , William Hellermann, Jim Hobart, [http://www.west.asu.edu/rlerman/ Richard Lerman] , Les Levine, Joe Lewis, Tom Marioni, Jim Pomeroy, Alan Scarritt,Carolee Schneeman , Bonnie Sherk, Keith Sonnier, Norman Tuck,Hannah Wilke , Yom Gagatzi. The following is an excerpt from the catalogue essay by art historian Don Goddard: "It may be that sound art adheres to curator Hellermann's perception that "hearing is another form of seeing,' that sound has meaning only when its connection with an image is understood... The conjunction of sound and image insists on the engagement of the viewer, forcing participation in real space and concrete, responsive thought rather than illusionary space and thought." [William Hellerman and Don Goddard. Catalogue for "Sound/Art" at The Sculpture Center, New York City, May 1-30, 1983 and BACA/DCC Gallery June 1-30, 1983.]Sound Artists
ound art organizations and festivals
Sonic Arts Network
*NOMAD 's "Project_ctrl_alt_del " festival
*Tellus Audio Cassette Magazine ee also
List of topics related to Sound Art
*custom-made instruments
*list of custom-made instrument builders
*Sound installation
*Sound sculpture
*Electronic music
*Experimental music
*Circuit bending
*Experimental musical instrument
*Noise music
*Acoustic ecology
*Noise music
*Sound poetry
*Installation art
*Performance art
*Transmission art
*Radio art Notes
Further reading
Jacques Attali , (1985)University of Minnesota Press, Translated byBrian Massumi . Foreword byFredric Jameson , afterword bySusan McClary
*John Cage , "Silence: Lectures and Writings" (1973) Wesleyan (first edition 1961)
*Cox, Christoph, 2003. "Return to Form: Christoph Cox on Neo-modernist Sound Art—Sound—Column." "Artforum" (November): [pages] . [http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0268/is_3_42/ai_110913969]
*Cox, Christoph and Daniel Warner, eds. 2004. "Audio Culture". New York: Continuum. ISBN 978-0826416155.
*de la Motte, Helga, Bernhard Leitner, and Bernd Schulz, eds. 2003. "Resonances". [Place] : [Publisher] . ISBN 3-933257-86-7.
*Drobnick, Jim, ed. 2004. "Aural Cultures". [Place] : [Publisher] ISBN 0-920397-80-8.
*Hegarty, Paul. "Noise Music : A History" (2007) Continuum International Publishing Group
*Kahn, Douglas. 2001. "Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts". Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 0262611724
*LaBelle, Brandon. 2006. "Background Noise: Perspectives on Sound Art". New York and London: The Continuum International Publishing Group. ISBN 0826418449 (cloth) ISBN 0826418457 (pbk)
*Lander, Dan, and Micah Lexier, eds. 1990. "Sound by Artists". Toronto: Art Metropole/Walter Phillips Gallery.
*Licht, Alan. 2007. "Sound Art: Beyond Music, Between Categories" New York: Rizzoli.
*Lucier, Alvin and Douglas Simon. 1980. "Chambers". Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press. ISBN 0819550426.
*Oliveros, Pauline. 1984. "Software for People". Baltimore: Smith Publications. ISBN 0914162594 (cloth) ISBN 0914162608 (pbk)
* [http://www.artnotart.com/fluxus/njpaik-newontologyofmusic.html Paik, Nam June. 1963. "Post Music Manifesto," Videa N Videology. Syracuse, New York: Everson Museum of Art.]
*Joseph Nechvatal , "Towards a Sound Ecstatic Electronica" (2000) The Thing [http://post.thing.net/node/1981]
*Peer, René van. 1993. "Interviews with Sound Artists". Eindhoven: Het Apollohuis.
*Schafer, R. Murray. 1977. "The Soundscape". Rochester, Vermont: Destiny Books. ISBN 0892814551
*Toop, David. 2004. "Haunted Weather: Music, Silence, and Memory". London: Serpent's Tail.
*Wishart, Trevor. 1996. "On Sonic Art", new and revised edition, edited by Simon Emmerson. Contemporary Music Studies 12. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers.External links
* [http://cec.concordia.ca/econtact/9_2/wilson.html Boundaries and Definitions: The SoundAsArt Conference, Aberdeen Scotland (24–26 November, 2006)] by Scott Wilson in CeC eContact! 9.2
* [http://www.artkrush.com/mailer/issue23/#feature Artkrush.com feature on Sound Art (January 2006)]
* [http://www.tate.org.uk/tateetc/issue3/theartofnoise.htm The Art of Noise] byDavid Toop , Tate Online, Issue 3, Spring 2005
* [http://www.newmusicbox.org/article.nmbx?id=2413 Bring Da Noise: A Brief Survey of Sound Art] byKenneth Goldsmith in newmusicbox the webmagazine ofAmerican Music Center , March 1, 2004.
* [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0268/is_3_42/ai_110913969 Return to Form: Neo-Modernism in Sound Art] by Christoph Cox, ArtForum, November 2003.
* [http://www.artesonoro.net/soundartwritings.html The sound installation by Manuel Rocha Iturbide] , unpublished, 2003.
* [http://emfinstitute.emf.org/articles/aldrich03/aldrich.html What is Sound Art?] by N.B. Aldrich, August, 2003.
* [http://www.guardian.co.uk/saturday_review/story/0,3605,596122,00.html GUARDIAN: Prick up your ears, Stephen Poole on sound art] Saturday November 17, 2001
* [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05E0DB163BF93AA35752C0A9669C8B63 " It's Sound, It's Art, and Some Call It Music "] By Kyle Gann,New York Times , January 9, 2000
* [http://eamusic.dartmouth.edu/~kov/soundArt/PaperIntro.html Aesthetical Issues of Sound Art by Paul Panhuysen] , 2000?Resources
* [http://www.ubu.com/sound/index.html UBUWEB - Audio Art examples to Download]
* [http://onelonelypixel.org/soundart.html Sound Art links page]
* [http://artesonoro.org Sound Art links page in Spain]
* [http://artesonoro.net Sound Art links page in Mexico]
* [http://www.ubu.com/sound/tellus.html mp3 audio archive ofTellus Audio Cassette Magazine ]
* [http://desartsonnants.over-blog.com Sound Art articles fr]
* [http://sonoriscausa.over-blog.com/ Sounds and Sound Art listen fr ]
* [http://soundartmuseum.net/ Sound Art Museum (Rome, Italy)]
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