Thomas Blatt

Thomas Blatt
Thomas Blatt

Thomas Blatt in 1940s
Born April 15, 1927 (1927-04-15) (age 84)
Izbica, Poland
Known for Survivor of the Sobibor extermination camp uprising
Religion Jewish

Thomas "Toivi" Blatt (born April 15, 1927) was one of the few survivors who successfully escaped Sobibor extermination camp. While fleeing the SS he was betrayed by a farmer who was hiding him resulting in a gunshot injury to the jaw. The bullet remains there to this day. Toivi went on to write From The Ashes of Sobibor about his experience in Sobibor, including his part in the plot that led the 600-prisoner revolt on October 14, 1943, as well as his life before the war leading up to the German occupation of his village, Izbica.

Blatt also interviewed a former German guard from Sobibor, Karl Frenzel, who was given life in prison for his actions at Sobibor, but after serving 16 years, was released on appeal due to a technicality. Blatt believes his interview was the first time after World War II during which the accused spoke face-to-face with the victim.

The award winning 1987 TV movie Escape from Sobibor depicts the events at the death camp Sobibor. Blatt was portrayed in the film as well as revolt leaders Leon Feldhendler and Alexander Pechersky. Blatt assisted Richard Rashke in the making of the book called Escape from Sobibor. Escape from Sobibor gives varied accounts of Jewish escapees on the escape itself.

Blatt currently lives in Santa Barbara, California.

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