Jesús Malverde

Jesús Malverde
Jesús Malverde image

Jesús Malverde, sometimes known as the "generous bandit", "angel of the poor", [1] or the "narco-saint", is a folklore hero in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. He is celebrated as a folk saint by some in Mexico and the United States, particularly among those involved in drug trafficking,[2] but he is not officially recognized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church.



The existence of Malverde a.k. 'El Rey de Sinaloa' is not historically verified,[3] but according to local legends he was a bandit killed by the authorities on May 3, 1909. Accounts of his life vary – sometimes he was a railway worker, while others claim he was a construction worker. There is also no agreement on the way he died, being hanged or shot.

Since Malverde's supposed death, he has earned a Robin Hood-type image, making him popular among Sinaloa's poor highland residents. The outlaw image has caused him to be adopted as the "patron saint" of the region's illegal drug trade, and the press have thus dubbed him "the narco-saint."[4] However, his intercession is also sought by those with troubles of various kinds, and a number of supposed miracles have been locally attributed to him, including personal healings and blessings.

Malverde's legacy

A series of three Spanish-language films have been released under the titles Jesus Malverde, Jesus Malverde II: La Mafia de Sinaloa, and Jesus Malverde III: Infierno en Los Angeles. They all feature tales of contemporary Mexican drug trafficking into California, with strong musical interludes during which the gangsters are shown at home being serenaded by Sinaloan accordion-led conjunto bands singing narcocorridos.

Spiritual supplies featuring the visage of Jesús Malverde are available in the United States as well as in Mexico. They include candles, anointing oils, incense, sachet powders, bath crystals, soap and lithographed prints suitable for framing.

"Always & Forever" is a dramatic stageplay that features Malverde as a prominent character. The play examines various aspects of Mexican-American culture, such as quinceañeras, banda music, and premiered in April 2007 at the Watts Village Theater Company in Watts, Los Angeles, California. A revival production opened in May 2009 at Casa 0101 Theatre in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, California.

A brewery in Guadalajara introduced a new beer, named Malverde, into the Northern Mexico market in late 2007.[5]

A Malverde bust is featured in AMC's Breaking Bad television series, in the episode entitled "Negro Y Azul".

A popular mexican hip-hop artist performs under the pseudonym Jesus Malverde.

Several important scenes of the soap opera (telenovela) La Reina del Sur (telenovela) take place at Malverde's chapel in Culiacan and the "saint"'s name is mentioned many times during the show.

Notes and references

Further reading

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