

:"This is about the television program; Bandit as a general term refers to outlaw.":"For other uses, see bandit (disambiguation)."

Bandit is a Welsh language music television show on S4C, produced by Boomerang. It includes, live performances, videos and interviews and is presented by Huw Stephens, Sarra Elgan, and Huw Evans. The program aims to raise the profile of Welsh language popular music but also includes music from Wales with lyrics in other languages (usually English).

Bandit also organizes several gigs each year and is considered to be S4C's flagship music show. Their multiple nomination for BAFTA Cymru awards each year demonstrates the programs appeal. [ [ 'S4C receive 38 BAFTA Cymru nominations', S4C Press release] 17 April 2007] One of their BAFTA's was won for 'Best title Sequence/Best motion graphics', the attention to detail has also been carried over to their website. Bandit have been nominated once again, for the 2008 awards, which will be announced on the 27 April. [cite web|url=|title=Bafta Cymru: Cyhoeddi enwebiadau ("Pubishing nominations")|publisher=BBC|date=3 April 2008]

External links

* []
* [ News from the Press at S4C]


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  • bandit — [ bɑ̃di ] n. m. • 1663; bandi 1589; it. bandito « banni, hors la loi », de bandire « bannir » 1 ♦ Malfaiteur vivant hors la loi. Un bandit de grand(s) chemin(s), qui s attaquait aux voyageurs. ⇒ brigand. Bandit d honneur, en révolte contre la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • bandit — BANDÍT, bandiţi, s.m. Persoană care face parte dintr o bandă1 de răufăcători; tâlhar, răufăcător, gangster. – Din fr. bandit, it. bandito. Trimis de paula, 16.03.2002. Sursa: DEX 98  BANDÍT s. 1. v. tâlhar. 2. v. criminal. 3. v. ticălos …   Dicționar Român

  • Bandit — Sm Verbrecher erw. fremd. Erkennbar fremd (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus it. bandito, dem substantivierten PPP. von it. bandire verbannen , das aus dem Germanischen entlehnt ist (s. Bann, lautlich wohl unter dem Einfluß des Wortes für… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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