Dorsal venous arch of the foot

Dorsal venous arch of the foot
Vein: Dorsal venous arch of the foot
The great saphenous vein and its tributaries.
Latin arcus venosus dorsalis pedis
Gray's subject #173 669
Source dorsal metatarsal veins
Drains to small saphenous vein, great saphenous vein
Artery arcuate artery of the foot

The dorsal venous arch of the foot is a superficial vein that connects the small saphenous vein and the great saphenous vein. Anatomically, it is defined by where the dorsal veins of the first and fifth digit, respectively, meet the great saphenous vein and small saphenous vein.

It is usually fairly easy to palpate and visualize (if the patient is barefoot). It lies superior to the metatarsals bones approximately midway between the ankle joint and metatarsal phalangeal joints.

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