Independent University, Bangladesh

Independent University, Bangladesh

name = Independent University

(The motto is taken from the fifth verse of Sura Alak of the Quran)
established = 1993
type = Private Coeducational
endowment = Tk 15.80 million [cite web|last=IUB at a glance|url=|title=Information about the University|accessdate=2007-01-24]
chancellor = Dr. Iajuddin Ahmed
vice_chancellor= Prof. Bazlul Mobin Chowdhury
faculty = 130 (full-time faculty). Numbers as of 2005
students = 3000 (male 70% and female 30%).Numbers from Autumn 2005 Census
city = Dhaka
country = Bangladesh
nickname = IUB
affiliations = University Grants Commission Bangladesh
campus = Urban
colors = Steel blue and Alice blue
website = []

Independent University, Bangladesh ( _bn. ইনডিপেন্ডেন্ট বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) or IUB is a private university located in Bangladesh. It has two campuses, one at Dhaka and other at Chittagong. [cite web |url= |title=Virtual Consulate Chittagong |accessdate=2007-09-04 |work=U.S. Ambassador visits American Corner-Chittagong |publisher=U.S. Department of State |language=English |doi= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote="U.S. Ambassador to Bangladesh Ms. Patricia A. Butenis visited the American Corner-Chittagong on 12 September 2006 at 4 pm. She was greeted by Dr. Syed Sufderul Huq, Coordinator, of the host institution Independent University Bangladesh, Chittagong Campus."] Its main campus at Dhaka spreads over 14 independent buildings [ IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 5, 2003-2007] at Baridhara. The university was established in 1993 by the Private University Act, 1992 [cite web|last=|title=Private University Act, 1992|url=|accessdate=2007-06-17] and the out reach campus in Chittagong was opened in 1999.

In IUB logo, the Blue Leaf represents the western tradition, Saffron Leaf the eastern. The middle Flame represents the synthesis of the eastern and western traditions. It also conveys the idea of purity. [cite web|last=IUB at a glance|url=|title=Information about the University|accessdate=2007-03-28]

Faculties and departments

IUB has four schools offering seventeen undergraduate and five graduate programmes. Faculties of the university include Faculty of Business (SB), Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS), Faculty of Environmental Science and Management (SESM), and a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (SLAS).

;Faculty of Business (SB)Headed by Dr. Nadim Jahangir [ [ Faculty list] , School of Business, Indepenedent University Bangladesh official website; "Retrieved: 2007-09-07"] , the Faculty of Business (SB) features:
*Dept. of Accounting
*Dept. of Economics
*Dept. of Finance
*Dept. of General Management
*Dept. of Marketing
*Dept. of Management Information System
*Dept. of Human Resource ManagementAs of 2007, more than 1800 students are studying for six majors at undergraduate (BBA and BSc in eocnomics) and four majors at graduate level (MBA). [ [ At a glance] , School of Business, Indepenedent University Bangladesh official website; "Retrieved: 2007-09-07"] BBA students can take courses in accounting, business, economics, finance, Management, marketing, and MIS, [ [ Accounting: Course description] , BBA, School of Business, Indepenedent University Bangladesh official website; "Retrieved: 2007-09-07"] while MBA students can take finance, marketing, banking and HRM as well as foundation and integration courses. [ [ Integration: Course description] , MBA, School of Business, Indepenedent University Bangladesh official website; "Retrieved: 2007-09-07"] The faculty also provides SMS push-pull services [ [ Homepage: School of Business] , Indepenedent University Bangladesh official website; "Retrieved: 2007-09-07"] to deliver information on the academic calendar. [ [ SMS Based Solution for MBA Students] , School of Business, Indepenedent University Bangladesh official website; "Retrieved: 2007-09-07"] ;Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS)
*Dept. of Computer Information System (CIS)
*Dept. of Computer Science
*Dept. of Computer Engineering
*Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
*Dept. of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering;Faculty of Environmental Science and Management (SESM)
*Dept. of Environmental Management
*Dept. of Land and Water Resources Management
*Dept. of Population Environment;Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science (SLAS)
*Dept. of Social Science
*Dept. of Media & Communication

Accreditation and collaboration

IUB provides a fellowship programme for scholars from home and abroad to do research and study in Bangladesh.IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2003-2007] An International Advisory Panel (IAP) provides information and guidance to the IUB faculty on curriculum matters, course requirements and academic standards. [ IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009]

In Dhaka, the university works closely with the International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDRB)IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 8, 2003-2007] and the Islamic Institute of Technology.IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 8, 2003-2007] IUB faculty also includes a number of senior teachers and researchers from national universities and International University projects in the country as part-time or visiting members.IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 8, 2003-2007] IUB also maintains collaboration with foreign universities for student exchange and credit transfer purpose. [ [ Independent University Bangladesh (IUB)] ]

International association

IUB is also a member of a number of international academic association, such as the American association of University Administrators, the Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific, the International Association of University Presidents and International Association of Universities. [ IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009] IUB is the only four universities in Bangladesh to hold membership of AIESEC. [ [ AIESEC Bangladesh] ] [ [ About AIESEC] ]


IUB has both senior and junior faculty members. In addition, there are senior fellows appointed on inter - university contract or directly recruited visiting scholars appointed on minimum one year contract. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 8, 2005-2009] There are a number of distinguished professors appointed on contract to conduct a specific programme of study and or to guide institutional development. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 8, 2005-2009]

A full time teacher, other than very senior or distinguished professors on fixed responsibility, is expected to engage 44 to 48 hours per week in teaching. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009] Student counselling and professional self-development activities with authorized consultancy included. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009]

tudy programmes for foreign students

The educational programmes of IUB has drawn international attention.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] Those are:

Live-in-Field Experience (LFE)

The programme is the annual participation of students from the United States.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] Every year a number of American students under the sponsorship of Higher Educational Consortium of Urban Affairs (HECUA), USA join IUB students and stay with them for two weeks in villages to study rural life.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] The programme has been able to draw the attention of US academics. HECUA has received the prestigious US Andrew Heiskell Awards for innovation in international through participation of US students in the LFE programme of IUB.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo (Bengali Newspaper)|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] [ [] ]

Bengali language programme

About 15-20 US students come annually to study Bengali language for a nine weeks programme at IUB.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] The Bangla learning programme for US students has been started under the sponsorship of American Institute of Bangladesh Studies (AIBS), USA.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =

Internship programme

The university has also a regular internship programme for foreign students on health and development under which it has hosted students Harvard University, USA, University of Pennsylvania, USA, and University of Calgary, Canada in the past.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =

Academic facilities

Its computer center provides online facilities to all students which is under fibre-optic network system. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 10, 2005-2009] The university has an electronic library with access to Emerald, Jstor, Oxford University Press, Hinari and Ebsco.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] In addition, its physical library with hard-copy materials are also quite rich. [ [ Independent University, Bangladesh] ] It's laboratory consists of five units: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Science and Geographical Information Service (GIS) Lab. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 10, 2005-2009] IUB also has established a language center to teach the Bengali, English and French languages effectively.Citation|last =|first =
author-link =|title =IUB profile on spotlight|newspaper =Prothom Alo|pages =13|year =2007|date =July 10|url =
] It also provides comprehensive scholarships for its new and continuing students. [ [ IUB at VarsityAdmission] ]

Campus life

A full time student is required to take a 12 to 18 credit course load per semester. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009] A 15 credit load is deemed as the average full time load per semester. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009] Less than 12 credits taken in a semester will classify the student as part time and will be charged on the basis of per credit hour. IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 6, 2005-2009]

The University has no immediate plan for providing student accommodation. Most recent study shows 86 percent of students stay with parents and only a small number with other relatives or on their own. [IUB Undergraduate and Postgraduate Catalogue, page 218, 2005-2009] Different on-campus services for students include free bus service connecting all the buildings of the Baridhara campus, three canteens, medical consultancy and emergency medical services.

There are facilities for both indoor and outdoor games in the University premises.Fact|date=August 2007 At present there is a Computer Club, French Club, Chess Club and Debating Club organized by the students of the respective departments.Fact|date=August 2007 Some other clubs include Literary Society, Science Society, Business Students Society, Club of Engineering & Computer Science, Social & Welfare Society, AIESEC, Green Sphere, Art Club, Cricket Club and Bangla Club.

The University also offers job advisory services and organized job fares.Fact|date=August 2007 Career options, job search and the use of database on business and individuals are part of the assistance offered.Fact|date=August 2007 Close linkages are maintained with local and national employers through IUB UPDATE, a newsletter which keeps prospective employers abreast of the progress and expansion of the University.Fact|date=August 2007Each year, visiting faculty members and leaders of industry, commerce, social sciences and environmental development are invited to deliver informative talks on careers, organized by IUB.Fact|date=August 2007. The Division of Students Activities (DoSA) Office of the University organizes community relation programmes with students participating as volunteer hosts and guides.Fact|date=August 2007


*IUB participated in the IBA National English Debate Championship held in September 2006 at Dhaka in which IUB team won the national championship. [Citation|last=Amin|first=Nabila
author-link=|last2 =|first2 =|author2-link =|title=IBA takes debating to soaring heights!|newspaper=Star Campus|pages=|year=2006|date=October 1|url=
] Citation|last=IUB Update|first=
author-link=|last2 =|first2 =|author2-link =|title=IUB achievers|newspaper =|pages=1|year=2007|date=March 31|url=
*IUB participated in the IIT-Delhi Parliamentary Debate 2007 held on March 8-11 in New Delhi.Citation|last=IUB Update|first=
author-link=|last2 =|first2 =|author2-link =|title=IUB achievers|newspaper =|pages=1|year=2007|date=March 31|url=
*IUB participated in the World Universities Debating Championship 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand. [ [ Team Overview for IUB A] ]

Notes and references

External links

* [ IUB official website]

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