- List of Japanese overseas military actions
This is a list of historical
war s or othermilitary conflicts outside the geographic boundaries ofJapan in which Japanese soldiers participated. It is not comprehensive.Ancient history and Middle Ages
*By some interpretations, predominantly those of Japanese scholars, an ancient stone monument (the
Gwanggaeto Stele ) erected in honor of theGoguryeo KingGwanggaeto in 414, records that in 391, the Yamato kingdom sent an invasion force against an alliance between the ancient Korean kingdoms ofBaekje andSilla and defeated both armies. Later Baekje became a Japanese ally in further fighting on the Korean peninsula.
*During the Yamato Empire period in the 6th century the Yamato state participated in the armed struggles between the three Korean peninsular kingdoms of Goguryeo, Baekje and Silla. The 7th century Japanese historyNihon Shoki claims Japan acquired the territory ofMimana , orKarak , with its capital atNihonpu ). This claim is disputed by Korean historians due to a lack of evidence in non-Japanese histories. In any case, Yamato Japan did foster close relations with the Baekje state but in 562 they were effectively expelled from peninsular affairs by an increasingly powerful Silla state. Again, Japanese sources claim that at various times Yamato Japan attempted to recover its erstwhile Korean possessions but were repeatedly defeated by the Koreans, namely Silla. In 663 Silla, allied with Tang China and destroyed the Japanese naval fleet along the Korean coast. Silla's final defeat of Baekje and Goguryeo and its unification of the peninsula ended Japanese territorial ambitions, such as they were, on the peninsula for nearly a millennium.
*The shogunToyotomi Hideyoshi launched an attempt to conquer Ming China in 1591 with an invasion of Korea, but was defeated, in large part as a result of naval defeats at the hands of the Korean admiralYi Sunshin . The Japanese invaded again in 1597-1598.
*Also during Hideyoshi's shogunate, in 1574, a Chinesepirate and navigator,Si-Ma Hong , arrived atMariveles in thePhilippines . His second chief Shioko, disembarked atParañaque with 600 seamen, who were Japanese. His intent was to takeManila , but he was defeated by the Spanish.
*Years later another Japanese navigator andbuccaneer with the name Tayfusan or Taizufu capturedCagayan .19th century
*In the early 19th century, samurai expeditions to the Asian mainland skirmished with Russian, Chinese, and Mongol forces.
*The Chinese-Japanese War occurred in 1894-1895.20th century
*The Russian-Japanese War occurred in 1904-1905.
**The first attempted Japanese invasion of Russian territory was led by Gungi, a soldier and local settler ofShumushu . He led a minor invasion group from Shumushu, which disembarked on theCape Lopatka area in Kamchatka.
**During the same war, a Japanese fleet bombardedVladivostok 's fortifications and immediately retired from the area. This was part of a plan to capture them, but the plan was suspended.
*Japan acquired theLiaotung Peninsula ,South Manchurian Railway Zone , and Karafuto island in 1905.
*Japan annexedKorea in 1905-1910.
*Japanese actions during the First World War:
**Japanese ships bombarded and landed troops in German controlled territory in the Kirchow (Kiaochow ) German, and landed some troops in the German Pacific islands territories, inMicronesia .
**In the same period, Japanese forces took theRabaul bases in theAdmiralty Islands in theNew Guinea area and defeated the German naval force ofAdmiral Von Spee , who ordered a withdrawal to the East Pacific area.
**At the same time, Japanese landed from Formosa and took for a while the Chinese province ofFujian , also promoting some revolts against the Chinese central government.
**Following ancient claims to theHawaii islands and its area, theImperial Japanese Navy sent the Warship "Asama Maru" and other vessels toU.S. andMexican Pacific coasts on secret missions before and during WWI. The "Asama" patrolled in theGulf of California (Cortes Sea) in April 1915. According to some reports of Native American watchers inArizona and an American Army secret expedition to the MexicanSonora Desert , some Naval infantry landed from these Japanese vessels and patrolled in the Sonora and Arizona before returning to their vessels. There were some rumors ofImperial Japanese Army or Navy officers acting as advisers to the Mexican armies ofAdolfo de la Huerta ,Venustiano Carranza orPancho Villa at this time. Japan had interest in the U.S. Pacific Coasts, Mexico,Latin America and the recently-constructedPanama Canal .
*The Japanese took overSouth Pacific Mandate and territories inShantung in 1918-1919. The Japanese claimed theNew Guinea area, arguing that certain Japanese navigators had arrived in the area in ancient times.
*The Japanese intervened in 1918-1925 inSiberia .
**The Japanese landed atPetropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and captured of Kamchatka. Japan retained this area until 1927.
**Japan gained partial control of the northern sector ofSakhalin island from 1918 until 1925.
**According to some sources, Japanese intervention forces in the Russian Far East employed expeditionary groups toCentral Asia and Central Western Siberia.
**The establishment of the first intendedpuppet state in Siberia, called Republic of Far East, took place in 1918-1922. Japan administered this territory through local Russian leaders, theCossack AtamanSemeonoff and his aide Lieutenant Kalmykoff. This was during the times of theWhite Russian anti-communist administration ofAdmiral Kolchak . These Russian leaders were under the effective control of the Japanese Army'sGeneral Ohi .
**The Japanese virtually controlled theOkhotsk sea area, U.S. territory and fisheries until 1925-1927. In an agreement reached with the Soviets, Japan received some fishing rights in the area and mineral rights in North Sakhalin.
**TheSoviet-Japanese East Railway Incident occurred in 1929
**The Soviet revenge action inManzhouli took place later in the same year
*TheMukden Incident occurred in 1931.
*The second historical Japanese foundation of apuppet state took place in Manchuria in 1932, under the name ofManchukuo , withPuyi as Head of State under the control of theKwantung Army , representing theImperial Japanese Army
*The Japanese occupiedJehol Province in 1933, and annexed this territory to Manchukuo.
*TheMongol pro-Japanese state ofMengjiang , withDenchungdongrb as its leader, was formed under Japanese Army guidance, along with other Chinese pro-Japanese governments inHopei province
*TheSecond Sino-Japanese War took place in 1937-1945.
**OnDecember 12 , 1937, the "Panay incident " occurred. This attack involved several Japanese Navydive-bomber s striking and sinking the American patrol boat "Panay" in theYangtze River . U.S.-Japanese hostilities almost began in the same year.
**TheChangkufeng Incident took place in 1938.
**TheNomonhan Incident occurred in 1939.
**Another client nation, theWang Jingwei Government , was created in occupied central China in 1940, withWang Chingwei as head of state, Japanese Army effective control
**The Japanese Navy attacked the U.S. Navy's base atPearl Harbor onDecember 7 ,1941 .
*ThePacific War was fought from 1941 to 1945.
*Continuing with previousMeiji period precedents, the Japanese Navy sent somesubmarine s on missions on the American Pacific coast. One of them struck at ports inCalifornia , and another launched a small reconnaissance seaplane to bomb theOregon area. Some heavyflying boat s from theMarshall Islands area stuckHawaii . An apparently diversionary invasion of theAleutian islands inAlaska was launched,balloon bomb s were sent to the Pacific coast. Some plans were made to attack the U.S. Pacific cities ofLos Angeles andSan Francisco , and to strike at thePanama Canal . The Japanese also conducted similar reconnaissance missions inMexico ,Central America and theSouth America n Pacific coastal areas.
*Japan extended its submarine long-range reconnaissance missions to theAsia n andAfrica n coasts of theIndian Ocean , toAustralia ,New Zealand and other islands, and to the Western and South Pacific seas.
*The final Japanese actions during WWII began onAugust 15 ,1945 , when Soviet forces invaded Manchukuo, Mengjiang,Karafuto ,Shumushu (the last Japanese tank battle),Paramushiro and the otherChishima islands (Kuriles). Sovietparatrooper s were dropped overKwantung and began the invasion ofNorth Korea n lands. The last fierce Japanese armed resistance against Allied Forces, represented by theRed Army , was in November 1945, in theKonan (Hungnam ) mountain fortress, nearGenzan in the north-east area of the Korean peninsula.References
*cite book
last = Hayashi
first = Saburo
authorlink =
coauthors = Alvin D. Cox
year = 1959
chapter =
title = Kogun: The Japanese Army in the Pacific War
publisher = The Marine Corps Association
location = Quantico, VA
id =
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