Moshava — [zu Moshav] die, /... vot, Moschawa, ältester Typ der ländlichen Siedlung in Israel, entspricht in der Anlage einem europäischen Reihendorf; Hof, Land und Geräte sind Privatbesitz, man betreibt Individualwirtschaft. Heute gibt es nur noch… … Universal-Lexikon
Moshava — Die Moschawa ist eine von drei ländlichen Hauptsiedlungsformen in Israel; von diesen Siedlungen gibt es deutlich weniger als einhundert, viele haben sich inzwischen zu Städten entwickelt. Die bekannteren und häufigeren Formen sind die Moschawim… … Deutsch Wikipedia
moshava — noun An early Jewish agricultural settlement in pre Israeli Palestine … Wiktionary
Moshava — Literally colony ; a private farming village. The first was founded in Palestine in 1878 and known as Petah Tikva. Others included Rishon Le Zion, Rosh Pina, and Nes Ziona. See also Agriculture … Historical Dictionary of Israel
moshava — mo·sha·va … English syllables
moshava — … Useful english dictionary
Camp Moshava (Habonim Dror) — Moshava is the name of several Jewish summer camps in North America including ones run by Bnei Akiva and Hashomer Hatzair. This site is for Camp Moshava Habonim Dror. Camp Moshava is one of seven Habonim Dror camps in North America. Moshava was… … Wikipedia
Mishmar HaYarden (moshava) — Mishmar HaYarden was a moshava (Jewish settlement) that was established in the Upper Galilee in northern Israel during the First Aliyah. It was destroyed during the Israeli War of Independence in 1948. It s Hebrew name meant Guardian of the… … Wikipedia
Camp Moshava (Bnei Akiva) — Camp Moshava is the name of several Jewish summer camps run by the Zionist youth organization Bnei Akiva.Locations of Camp Moshava [ [ Bnei Akiva Programs ] ] * Camp Moshava (Pennsylvania) in… … Wikipedia
Camp Moshava — There are several Jewish summer camps named Camp Moshava. These include:* Camp Moshava, Wild Rose, WI * Camp Moshava (Habonim Dror) * Camp Moshava (Bnei Akiva) … Wikipedia