2008 in politics

2008 in politics

in?=in politics
cp=20th century
c=21st century
cf=22nd century



* January 1 - Cyprus, Malta, and Akrotiri and Dhekelia adopt the euro. [ [http://www.euractiv.com/en/euro/cyprus-malta-set-join-eurozone-2008/article-163836 Cyprus and Malta set to join eurozone in 2008] , EurActiv] [ [http://www.eubusiness.com/news-eu/1198764121.53/ Akrotiri and Dhekelia adopt the euro] , EUbusiness (ISO 4217 code: VEF).]
* January 1 - Slovenia takes over the presidency of the European Union as the first of new member states. [ [http://www.svlr.gov.si/en/eu_presidency/ Slovenian EU presidency] ]
* January 1 - The Venezuelan bolívar, as a result of a government decree issued on March 7, 2007, is revalued at a ratio of 1 to 1000 and renamed the Bolívar fuerte (ISO 4217 code: VEF).
* January 3 - The first caucuses in the 2008 U.S. presidential primary season for both Democrats and Republicans were held in Iowa.
* January 4 - The 30th Dakar Rally is canceled due to international political tension and the murder of four French tourists on December 24, 2007.
* January 8 - An attempted assassination of Maldivian president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom is thwarted after a Boy Scout grabbed the attacker's knife. The Boy Scout was injured, but after a scuffle ensued police arrested the attacker.
* January 12 - The Kuomintang (KMT)-led Pan-Blue Coalition wins the legislative elections in Taiwan with over 70% of the votes.
* January 16 - The South Korean Presidential Transition Team announces a plan to merge the Ministry of Unification, which works toward unification with North Korea, with the Foreign Ministry, but does not follow through on the idea. [ [http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2008/02/116_18645.html Unification Ministry Will Be Retained(The Korea Times) ] ]
* January 20 - Presidential election in Serbia.
* January 20 - Legislative elections in Cuba.
* January 24 - A peace deal ends the Kivu conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
* January 24 - Peter Hain resigns as British Wales Secretary and British Work and Pensions Secretary after the Electoral Commission refers the failure to report donations to the Metropolitan Police Service. Prime Minister Gordon Brown called for a quick cabinet shuffle.
*January 24 - Iraqi Parliament adopts a new national flag, removing three stars associated with the Baath Party; a permanent design is expected within the next year.
* January 24 - Prime Minister of Italy Romano Prodi resigns his post after losing the vote of confidence in the Senate.January 25 - China's worst snowstorm since 1954 kills 133, delays traffic, and causes massive power outages in central and southern parts of the country. [ [http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aYjkVz76Icsk&refer=home Bloomberg.com: Worldwide ] ] />
* January 29 - King Bhumibol Adulyadej swears in Samak Sundaravej as the new Prime Minister of Thailand. [ [http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2008/01/30/2003399477 Thai king endorses new PM] . Taipei Times website. Retrieved 2008-05-06.]


* February 2 - Rebels attack the capital of Chad, N'Djamena.
*February 3 - Boris Tadić is reelected in the second round of the Serbian presidential elections.
* February 3 - Parliamentary elections in Monaco.
* February 4 - A Palestinian suicide bomber kills one and wounds thirteen in a Dimona, Israel shopping center. [ [http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/05022008/20/dimona-bombing-suicide-attack-israel-first-year.html Dimona bombing: Suicide attack in Israel first in a year] , Yahoo News via Associated Press]
*February 5 - Super Tuesday, massive multi-state primary in U.S. presidential election, with primaries and caucuses in 24 states, is held.
* January 5 - Mikheil Saakashvili is reelected following early presidential elections in Georgia.
* February 7 - General election called for Belize's 31 House seats; a referendum to be held simultaneously to determine whether the upper house should be elected.
* February 11 - President of East Timor José Ramos-Horta is seriously wounded in an attack on his home by rebel soldiers. Rebel leader Alfredo Reinado is killed by Ramos-Horta's security guards during the attack. [ [http://www.theage.com.au/news/world/attack-on-ramoshorta/2008/02/11/1202578640733.html Gunmen attack Timor leader Ramos-Horta] , "The Sydney Morning Herald", February 11, 2008.]
* February 13 - Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of Australia delivers a formal apology to the Stolen Generations. [ [http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/rudd-says-sorry/2008/02/13/1202760342960.html "Rudd says sorry"] , Dylan Welch, "Sydney Morning Herald", February 13, 2008]
* February 13 - Prime Minister of Malaysia Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dissolves the Malaysian parliament. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7242179.stm BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Malaysian PM dissolves parliament ] ]
* February 16 - Václav Klaus is reelected as the President of the Czech Republic.
* February 17 - Kosovo formally declares independence from Serbia, despite opposition from Serbia, Russia, China, Spain, Romania, and other nations. However Albania, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, U.K., and U.S. express support after an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council. [ [http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=anGy1wIN83Sg&refer=home Bloomberg.com: Worldwide ] ]
* February 17 - Presidential election in Cyprus.
* February 18 - General election is held in Pakistan, delayed from January 8 due to riots in the wake of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto. Opposition parties, including Bhutto's, take more than half of the seats, while President Pervez Musharraf's party suffers a huge defeat. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7254124.stm BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Musharraf rules out resignation ] ]
* February 19 - Presidential election in Armenia.
* February 19 - After 49 years in office, Fidel Castro announces his resignation as President of Cuba.
* February 21 - Hundreds of thousands of Serbs take to the streets in Belgrade to protest against Kosovo's declaration of independence and the partial international recognition of it.
* February 22 – The Australian Parliament descends into chaos with opposition frontbenchers ejected, question time suspended, and speakers unable to control the house. A cardboard cut-out of the Prime Minister is brought into the parliament by opposition members angry about sitting time on a Friday. [ [http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/wheres-kevin-day-pm-was-flat-out/2008/02/22/1203467388856.html Report in Sydney Morning Herald] ]
* February 24 - Raúl Castro is unanimously elected as President of Cuba by the National Assembly.
* February 24 - Dimitris Christofias is elected President of Cyprus after the second round of voting in the country's presidential election.
* February 25 - Lee Myung-bak starts his five-year term as the 17th President of South Korea.
* February 27 - Jemaah Islamiyah leader Mas Selamat bin Kastari escapes from a detention center in Singapore. [cite web | title=Qaeda Suspect Escapes | url=http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/28/world/asia/28singapore.html?ref=asia | accessdate=2008-02-28]
* February 28 - Former Prime Minister of Thailand Thaksin Shinawatra is arrested on corruption charges upon returning to Thailand after months of exile. [ [http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iGyl8id3WaUZT4V3dWbNkTxKe42QD8V372VG0 The Associated Press: Thaksin Out on Bail in Thailand ] ]


* March 1 - In Gaza Strip at least 52 Palestinians and two Israeli soldiers are killed in the most intense Israeli air strikes since 2005.
* March 2 - 2008 Russian presidential election: Dmitry Medvedev is elected President of Russia with about 70% of the vote. He is scheduled to succeed Vladimir Putin in May. [cite web|url= http://www.mosnews.com/news/2006/12/14/presedentialelection.shtml|title=Russia’s Presidential Election Set for March, 2008| date=December 14, 2006|publisher=mosnews.com]
* March 2 - 2008 Andean diplomatic crisis: Venezuela and Ecuador move troops to the Colombian border following a Colombian raid against FARC guerrillas inside Ecuador's national territory in which senior commander Raúl Reyes was killed.
* March 3 - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1803 on Iran's Nuclear Program. [ [http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2008/sc9268.doc.htm] , UN Security Council] [ [http://www.state.gov/t/isn/rls/fs/102891.htm UN Security Council Resolution 1803 on Iran's Nuclear Program] , U.S. Department of State]
* March 4 - John McCain secures the 2008 U.S. Republican Party presidential nomination after winning primary elections in Texas, Vermont, Ohio, and Rhode Island.
* March 6 - Eight Israeli civilians are killed and nine wounded when a Palestinian attacker opens fire at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem.
* March 8 - General election in Malaysia: First time since the 1969 elections that the Barisan Nasional coalition fails to win a two-thirds supermajority in the Dewan Rakyat.
* March 8 - General election in Malta.
* March 9 - Medical and higher education fees referendum in Hungary.
* March 9 - General election in Spain: The governing PSOE led by Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero is re-elected with the most seats in the Congress of Deputies.
* March 13 - New York Governor Eliot Spitzer announces his resignation effective March 17 days after being linked to a high-priced prostitution ring.
* March 14 - Demonstrations by Tibetan separatists turn violent as rioters target government and Han Chinese-owned buildings.
* March 14 - Iranian legislative election.
* March 20 - A permanent coalition government agreement is reached in Belgium, ending a nine-month stalemate, as Yves Leterme is sworn in as Prime Minister.
* March 20 - The United States enacts economic sanctions against Iran.Fact|date=April 2008
* March 22 - Republic of China presidential election is held in Taiwan. The Kuomintang (KMT) nominee Ma Ying-jeou won.
* March 24 - Bhutan holds its first-ever general elections. [ [http://www.france24.com/en/20080324-bhutan-votes-status-quo-jigmi-thinley-election-parliament&navi=MONDE "Bhutan votes for status quo"] , France 24, March 24, 2008]
* March 25 - Yousaf Raza Gillani becomes the 27th Prime Minister of Pakistan.
* March 25 - African Union and Comoros forces invade the rebel-held island of Anjouan.
*March 29 - Zimbabwe presidential election. [cite web|url=http://allafrica.com/stories/200801250793.html|title=Election Date Finally Fixed As March 29, 2008]
* March-April - Rising food and fuel prices trigger riots and unrest in the Third World.


* April 2 - The 20th NATO summit begins in Bucharest, Romania.
* April 3 - Albania and Croatia are invited to join NATO in 2009. The membership bid of the Republic of Macedonia is rejected due to opposition by Greece. [cite news |url=http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/international/5716368/NATO-chief-welcomes-Albania-and-Croatia-for-2009 |title= NATO chief welcomes Albania and Croatia for 2009 |accessdate=2008-06-24 |publisher=Radio Netherlands Worldwide |date=2008-04-03] Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro engage in an Intensified Dialogue with NATO.
* April 6 - Presidential election in Montenegro.
* April 8 - Sark dismantled its feudal system to comply with the European Convention on Human Rights. The Privy Council approved the Sark law reforms, [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/guernsey/7339172.stm Sark democracy plans are approved] , "BBC News Online", 9 April 2008] and the first elections under the new law will be held in December 2008 and the new chamber will first convene in January 2009. [ [http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1704703,00.html A Revolution Not Televised] , "Time.com", January 17, 2008] [ [http://podcast.timesonline.co.uk/serve.php/1503/thebugle13.mp3 After 443 years, Sark gets democracy] , "The Bugle", Episode 13, January 2008. The Bugle is a satirical podcast of the "Times" Online.] [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/guernsey/7258214.stm Sark agrees switch to democracy] , "BBC News Online", 22 February 2008]
* April 10 - Assembly elections in Nepal: Maoists win a plurality of seats in the Assembly in the first election in Nepal in nine years.
* April 13 - Elections in Italy: The Silvio Berlusconi-led coalition, which consists of the People of Freedom, Lega Nord, and Movement for Autonomy parties, wins a majority of seats in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate.
* April 20 - Fernando Lugo is elected President of Paraguay. This is the first time in 61 years that the Colorado Party has lost a presidential election.
* April 24 - Teachers in England and Wales stage the first national strike in more than 20 years over issues of pay.
* April 27 - The Taliban attempts to assassinate Afghan President Hamid Karzai in a military parade in Kabul. [ [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7369540.stm Karzai unhurt after parade attack] , BBC News]


* May 1 - Local elections, for 137 English councils and all Welsh councils in the United Kingdom.
* May 1 - Elections for the London Mayor and London Assembly.
* May 1 - Local elections, for 137 English councils and all Welsh councils, take place in the United Kingdom.
* May 1 - Elections for the London Mayor and London Assembly take place with Boris Johnson becoming the second Mayor of London.
* May 2 - May 3 - The Presidents of Central European States meet in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
* May 7 - Brian Cowen is elected the 11th Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland, succeeding Bertie Ahern, after a vote in the Dáil Éireann.
* May 7 - Dmitry Medvedev is sworn in as the President of Russia.
* May 8 - Vladimir Putin is confirmed as the 10th Prime Minister of Russia after a vote in the State Duma.
* May 8 - Silvio Berlusconi is sworn in as the 81st Prime Minister of Italy.
* May 10 - Myanmar holds a constitutional referendum.
* May 11 - Local and parliamentary elections in Serbia.
* May 14 - Six Iranian Baha'i Faith leaders are arrested in Iran. [ [http://news.bahai.org/story/632 Six Bahá'í leaders arrested in Iran; pattern matches deadly sweeps of early 1980s] , Bahá'í World News Service]
* May 15 - California becomes the second U.S. state after Massachusetts in 2004 to legalize same-sex marriage after the state's Supreme Court rules a previous ban unconstitutional. [ [http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=4866721 ABC News: Calif. Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage, Sparks Celebration, Outrage ] ]
* May 16 - Presidential election in the Dominican Republic.
* May 16 - The fifth Latin America, the Caribbean and the European Union Summit is held in Lima, Peru.
* May 17 - Parliamentary elections are held in Kuwait.
* May 21 - Legislative elections are held in Georgia.
* May 22 - Council of the Presidents of Ukraine and Azerbaijan is formed.
* May 23 - The Union of South American Nations, a supranational union, is created by a union between the Andean Community and Mercosur.
* May 23 - The International Court of Justice awards Middle Rocks to Malaysia and Pedra Branca to Singapore, ending a 29-year territorial dispute between the two countries.
* May 25 - Michel Sleiman is elected President of Lebanon by the Parliament. The election had been postponed 19 times due to a parliamentary stalemate.
* May 28 - The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal is established after the Assembly votes overwhemingly in favor of abolishing the country's 240-year-old monarchy. Girija Prasad Koirala becomes temporary Head of State.


* June 1 - Parliamentary elections in the Republic of Macedonia.
* June 1 - Referendum on the process of naturalization fails by a wide margin in Switzerland, leaving in place a system in which applicants are approved by elected bodies rather than popular votes.
* June 3 - Barack Obama becomes the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party, becoming the first African-American to do so in a major U.S. politicial party. [ [http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/03/election.democrats/index.html Obama: I will be the Democratic nominee - CNN.com ] ]
* June 11 - Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper apologizes to Canada's First Nations for the Canadian residential school system.
* June 12 - Ireland votes to reject the Treaty of Lisbon, in the only referendum to be held by a European Union member state on the treaty.
* June 27 - President Robert Mugabe is re-elected with 85.5% of the vote in the second round of the controversial Zimbabwean presidential election.
* June 27 - Two ministers of the Guatemalan government are killed in a helicopter crash in Alta Verapaz.
* June 29 - Legislative elections are held in Mongolia.


* July 2 - Íngrid Betancourt and 14 other hostages are rescued from FARC by Colombian security forces.
* July 5 - Tens of thousands of South Koreans continue to protest against the Lee Myung-bak administration's decision to allow U.S. beef imports to resume.Fact|date=July 2008

Upcoming events


* July 7–July 9 - 34th G8 summit will be held in Tōyako, Hokkaidō in Japan


*August 25—August 28 - Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado for U.S. presidential election.


*September 1 to September 4 - Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota for U.S. presidential election.


* November 4 - Presidential election slated in the United States to elect the 44th President of the United States, Congressional Elections for the House of Representatives, and one third of the Senators (second class).
* November 4 - Gubernatorial election slated in Puerto Rico to elect the Governor of the island.
* November 15 - New Zealand will hold a general election on or before this date.
* November 25 - Greenland holds election for increased autonomy from Denmark.
* November 28 - Legislative election in Romania.



* January 1 - Thiyagarajah Maheswaran, Sri Lankan Tamil politician (b. 1960)
* January 2 - Lee S. Dreyfus, American politician (b. 1926)
* January 3 - Werner Dollinger, German politician (b. 1918)
* January 3 - Petru Dugulescu, Romanian Baptist pastor, poet, and politician (b. 1945)
* January 5 - Giovanni Rinaldo Coronas, Italian politician (b. 1919)
* January 5 - Raymond Forni, French politician (b. 1941)
* January 5 - İhsan Saraçlar, Turkish lawyer and politician (b. 1928)
* January 6 - Alekos Michaelides, Cypriot politician (b. 1933)
* January 7 - Alwyn Schlebusch, South African politician (b. 1917)
* January 10 - Andrés Henestrosa, Mexican writer and politician (b. 1906)
* January 13 - Walter Zimper, Austrian politician (b. 1942)
* January 14 - Vincenz Liechtenstein, Austrian politician (b. 1950)
* January 16 - Nikola Kljusev, Macedonian Prime Minister (b. 1927)
* January 17 - Trevor Sprigg, Australian politician (b. 1946)
* January 26 - George Habash, Palestinian politician (b. 1926)
* January 26 - Aziz Sedki, Egyptian Prime Minister (b. 1920)
* January 27 - Botho Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Hohenstein, German politician (b. 1927)
* January 27 - Suharto, 2nd President of Indonesia (b. 1921)


* February 2 - Ahmad Bourghani, Iranian politician (b. circa 1959)
* February 2 - Earl Butz, American government official (b. 1909)
* February 7 - Hoang Minh Chinh, Vietnamese politician and dissident (b. 1922)
* February 11 - Tom Lantos, American politician (b. 1928)
* February 16 - Hans Leussink, German politician (b. 1912)
* February 19 - Jean-Michel Bertrand, French politician (b. 1943)
* February 21 - Sufi Abu Taleb, Acting President of Egypt (b. 1925)
* February 23 - Joaquim Pinto de Andrade, Angolan politician (b. 1926)
* February 23 - Janez Drnovšek, 2nd President and 2nd Prime Minister of Slovenia (b. 1950)
* February 26 - Tyronne Fernando, Sri Lankan politician (b. 1941)
* February 27 - William F. Buckley, Jr., American author and conservative commentator (b. 1925)


* March 3 - Annemarie Renger, German politician (b. 1919)
* March 6 - Gustaw Holoubek, Polish actor, director, and politician (b. 1923)
* March 7 - Isaías Carrasco, Basque politician (b. 1964)
* March 7 - Francis Pym, British politician (b. 1922)
* March 12 - Károly Németh, Hungarian politician (b. 1922)
* March 12 - Howard Metzenbaum, American politician (b. 1917)
* March 14 - Clyde Cameron, Australian politician (b. 1913)
* March 16 - Anura Bandaranaike, Sri Lankan politician (b. 1949)
* March 21 - Gabriel París Gordillo, Colombian President and miltary governor (b. 1910)


* April 4 - Wu Xueqian, Chinese politician (b. 1921)
* April 12 - Patrick Hillery, 6th President of Ireland (b. 1923)
* April 17 - Aimé Césaire, French Martinican poet, author, and politician (b. 1913)
* April 29 - Charles Tilly, American sociologist, historian, and political scientist (b. 1929)
* April 30 - Juancho Evertsz, Dutch Antillean politician (b. 1923)


* May 1 - Anthony Mamo, 1st President of Malta (b. 1909)
* May 3 - Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, 74th Prime Minister of Spain (b. 1926)
* May 7 - Thijs Wöltgens, Dutch politician (b. 1943)
* May 13 - Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait (b. 1930)
* May 17 - Sophan Sophiaan, Indonesian actor and politician (b. 1944)
* May 17 - Lionel Van Deerlin, American politician (b. 1914)
* May 20 - Crispin Beltran, Filipino politician and labor leader (b. 1933)
* May 20 - Hamilton Jordan, American politician (b. 1944)
* May 23 - Utah Phillips, American folk singer and political activist (b. 1935)
* May 24 - Isaac Lipschits, Dutch political scientist and historian (b. 1930)


* June 1 - Tommy Lapid, Israeli television presenter, journalist and politician (b. 1931)
* June 2 - Sheriff Mustapha Dibba, Gambian politician (b. unknown)
* June 4 - Ivan Herasymov, Ukrainian politician (b. 1921)
* June 7 - Joseph Kabui, Papa New Guinean secessionist (b. 1954)
* June 8 - Danilo Lagbas, Filipino politician (b. 1952)
* June 11 - Võ Văn Kiệt, Vietnamese prime minister (b. 1922)
* June 23 - Arthur Chung, President of Guyana (b. 1918)


* July 1 - Mogens Glistrup, Danish politician and lawyer (b. 1926)
* July 4 - Jesse Helms, American politician (b. 1921)
* July 5 - René Harris, President of Nauru (b. 1947)
* July 7 - Clem McSpadden, American politician (b. 1925)
* July 9 - Séamus Brennan, Irish politician (b. 1948)
* July 12 - Tony Snow, American political commentator (b. 1955)
* July 13 - Bronisław Geremek, Polish social historian and politician (b. 1932)
* July 23 - Kurt Furgler, Swiss politician (b. 1924)
* July 23 - Ahmet Hadžipašić, Bosnian politician (b. 1952)


* August 1 - Harkishan Singh Surjeet, Indian politician (b. 1916)
* August 2 - Helga Gitmark, Norwegian politician (b. 1929)
* August 2 - John F. Seiberling, American politician (b. 1918)
* August 8 - Antonio Gava, Italian politician (b. 1930)
* August 11 - Fred Sinowatz, Austrian politician (b. 1929)
* August 13 - Bill Gwatney, American politician (b. 1959)
* August 19 - Levy Mwanawasa, President of Zambia (b. 1948)


* September 4 - Erik Nielsen, Canadian politician (b. 1924)

ee also

*Electoral calendar 2008
*Elections in 2008
*List of years in politics


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