List of death metal bands

List of death metal bands

This is a list of death metal bands "with articles" on Wikipedia.


* !T.O.O.H.!
* 8 Foot Sativa


* A Different Breed Of Killer
* Abaddon Incarnate
* Abhorrence
* Ablaze My Sorrow
* Aborted
* Abramelin
* Abscess
* The Absence
* Abysmal Dawn
* Abysmal Torment
* The Acacia Strain
* Acheron
* Aeon
* Aeternus
* Afflicted
* Afgrund
* Akercocke
* Alchemist
* All Shall Perish

* Altar
* The Amenta
* Amon Amarth
* Amoral
* Amorphis
* Anata
* Angel Corpse
* Anvil of Doom
* Arch Enemy
* Arghoslent
* Arise
* Arkhon Infaustus
* Armageddon
* Arsis
* Art of Butchery
* As Blood Runs Black
* Asphyx
* Assück
* Atheist
* Atrocity
* Atrophia Red Sun
* At the Gates
* Autopsy
* Autopsy Torment
* Autumn Leaves
* Avatar (Romania)


* Battlelore
* Beheaded
* Behemoth (later albums)
* Belphegor
* Beneath the Massacre
* Benediction
* Benighted
* The Berzerker
* Between the Buried and Me
* Bilocate
* Birdflesh
* The Black Dahlia Murder
* Blinded Colony
* Blo.Torch
* Bloodbath
* Blood Duster
* Blood Red Throne
* Blood Stain Child
* Bolt Thrower
* Born of Osiris
* Brain Drill
* Bring Me the Horizon
* Brodequin
* Broken Hope
*/flagicon|UK/flagicon|SWE/flagicon|US Brujeria
* Brutality
* Burn Victim
* flagicon|US Burn Your Halo
* Burning Inside
* Butcher ABC
* By Night


* Cadacross
* Cadaver
* Callenish Circle
* Cancer
* Caninus
* Cannae
* Cannibal Corpse
* Capharnaum
* Carbonized
*/flagicon|Switzerland Carcariass
* Carcass
* Cardinal Sin
* Carnage
* Carnal Grief
* Carnifex
* Carnival in Coal
* Cavalera Conspiracy
* Catacombs
* Catalepsy
* Cattle Decapitation
* Cemetary
* Cephalic Carnage
* Cenotaph
* Centinex
* Ceremonial Oath
* Chain Collector
* Changer
* The Chasm
* Children of Bodom
* Christ Inversion
* Circle of Dead Children
* Cock and Ball Torture
* Coercion
* Coldworker
* Comecon
* The Concubine
* Condemned
* Consolation
* Coprofago
* Counterblast
* The County Medical Examiners
* Creepmime
* Crematory
* Crimson Death
* Crimson Falls
* Crimson Thorn
* Crionics
* The Crown
* Cryptopsy
* Cynic


* Dååth
* Damaged
* Dark Crescent
* Dark Heresy
* Dark Lunacy
* Dark Tranquillity
* Darkthrone (early)
* Dawn of Azazel
* The Day Everything Became Nothing
* Daylight Dies
* Dead Horse
* Dead Infection
* Dead Man in Reno
* Deaden
* Death
* Death Breath
* Deathbound
* Deathchain
* Debauchery
* Decadence
* Decapitated
* Deceased
* Decrepit Birth
* Defeated Sanity
* Defecation
* Defleshed
* Deicide
* Demenzia
* Demigod
* Demilich
* Demiricous
* Demonoid
* Desecration
* Destroy Destroy Destroy
* Dethklok
* Detonation
* Devilyn
* Devolved
* Devourment
* DevilDriver (later albums)
* Diablo
* Diabolic
* Die Apokalyptischen Reiter
* Dies Irae
* Dim Mak
* Dimension Zero
* Disarmonia Mundi
* Disaster KFW
*/flagicon|France Disavowed
* Discordance Axis
* Disembowelment
* Disgorge
* Disillusion (before "Gloria")
* Disincarnate
* Diskreet
* Dismember
* Dispatched
* Dissection
* Dividead
* Divine Empire
* Divine Heresy
* Dominion
* Dominion
*/flagicon|UK/flagicon|US Downlord
* Dr. Shrinker
* Dresden
* Dying Fetus


* Ebony Tears
* Edge of Sanity
* Embalmer
* Embodyment
* Engel
* Ensiferum
* Entombed
* Eternal Lord
* Eternal Tears of Sorrow
* Eternal Oath
* Eucharist
* Exhumed
* Exmortem
* Extol
* Extreme Noise Terror


* Face Down
* The Fading
* Fear Factory (until Demanufacture)
* Fear My Thoughts
* Fission
* Fleshcrawl
* Fondlecorpse
* Forgotten Silence
* Fragments of Unbecoming
* Frightmare
* Frontside
* Fuck...I'm Dead
* Funebre


* Gandalf
* Gates of Ishtar
* The Gathering (early albums)
* General Surgery
* Ghost Brigade
* Ghoul
* Glass Casket
* Goatwhore
* God Dethroned
* God Forbid
* God Macabre
* Gojira
* Goreaphobia
* Gorefest
* Gorelord
* Gorerotted
* Gorguts
* Gory Blister
* Grave
* Grief of War
* Grotesque
* Gutworm


* Hacride
* Haemorrhage
* Haggard
* Hate
* Hate Eternal
* Hatebeak
* Hatesphere
* Hearse
* Heaven Shall Burn
* Hecate Enthroned (later albums)
* Hibernus Mortis

* Hollenthon
* Hybrid
* Hypocrisy


* Illdisposed
* Immolation
* Immortal Souls
* Impaled
* Impending Doom
* Impending Doom
* Imperanon
* Impetigo
* Impious
* In Battle
* In Flames
* In Mourning
* In-Quest
* Inactive Messiah
* Incantation
* Infected Malignity
* Infernal Method
* Infernal Poetry
* Infestdead
* Inhumate
* Inhume
* Iniquity
* Insision
* Insomnium
* Internal Bleeding
* Internal Suffering
* Into Eternity
* Inveracity


* Jig-Ai
* Job for a Cowboy
* Jungle Rot


* Kaamos
* Kalmah
* Kaos Rising
* Katafalk
* Kataklysm
*/flagicon|El Salvador Kataplexia
* Killing Addiction
* Killwhitneydead.
* Knights of the Abyss
* Krabathor
* Krisiun
* Kronos


* Lamb of God (early albums)
* Leng Tch'e
* Liers in Wait
* Living Sacrifice (early albums)
* Loch Vostok
* Lock Up
* Lord Gore
* Lost Soul
* Lykathea Aflame


* Macabre
* Machetazo
* Malevolent Creation
* Manimal
* Massacra
* Massacre
* Master
* Mastifal
* Mendeed
* Mental Horror
* Merciless
* Merlin
* Meshuggah
* Messiah
* Miksha
* Mind Snare
* Misery
* Misery Index
* Mistress
* Monstrosity
* Morbid
* Morbid Angel
* Morgoth
* Mors Principium Est
* Mortician
* Mortification (1990-1996, 2004-)
* Mr. Bungle
* Murder Squad
* My Bitter End
* My Dying Bride
* My Silent Wake


* Nail Within
* Naildown
* Nailed
* Napalm Death
* Narcosis
* Nasum
* Neaera
* Necrophagia
* Necrophagist
* Necrophobic
* Nefilim
* Negativa
* Nembrionic
* Neptune
* Nervecell
* Neuraxis
* Nightfall
* Nightrage
* Nihilist
* Nile
* Nocturnus
* Norther
* Noumena
* Nuclear Death


* Oathean (early)
* Obituary
* Obscene Eulogy
* Odes of Ecstasy (early)
* Omnium Gatherum
* One Man Army and the Undead Quartet
* Opeth
* Ophiolatry
* Oppressor
* Opprobrium
* Origin
* Orphaned Land


* Painface
* Painstruck
* Paganizer
* Pan.Thy.Monium
* Pandemonium
* Pantokrator
* Panzerchrist
* Pavor
* Persefone
* Pestilence
* Pig Destroyer
* Polluted Inheritance
* Possessed
* Post Mortem
* Postmortem
* Psycroptic
* The Project Hate MCMXCIX
* Prostitute Disfigurement
* Pungent Stench
* Pyogenesis
* Pyorrhoea


* Quo Vadis


* Raise Hell
* The Ravenous
* Raintime
* Rebaelliun
* Remove the Veil
* The Red Chord
* The Red Death
* Red Descending
* Resurrection
* Ribspreader
* Ripping Corpse
* The Rotted
* Rotten Sound
* Rotting
* Rotting Flesh
* Rottrevore
* Rudra
* Runemagick

* Sacrificium
* Sadist
* Sadistic Intent
* Sadistik Exekution
* Salem
* Sarcófago
* Satariel
* Scar Symmetry
* Scarve
* Sceptic
* Sculptured
* Seance
* Section Brain
* Sentenced (early albums)
* Septic Flesh
* Sepultura (early albums)
* Severe Torture
* Shadows Fall (early albums)
* Shot Down Sun
* Sinate
* Sinister
* Six Feet Under
* Sirrah
* Skinless
* Skyfire
* Slow Death Factory
* Soilent Green
* Soils of Fate
* Soilwork
* Solstice
* Sonic Syndicate
* Sons of Azrael
* Sotajumala
* Soulburn
* Soulreaper
* Soulscar
* Spawn of Possession
* Stargazer
* Stigmata
* Stovokor
* Strapping Young Lad
* Suffocation
* Suicide Silence
* Suidakra
* Susperia
* Switchblade
* Sympathy


* Tales of Dark
* Ten Masked Men
* Terrorizer
* Terrorust
* Thanatos
* ThanatoSchizO
* Theory in Practice
* Therion (early albums)
* Threat Signal
* Through the Eyes of the Dead
* Thy Disease
* Tiamat (early albums)
* To Separate the Flesh from the Bones
* Torsofuck
* Torture Killer
* Torture Squad
* Toxicdeath
* Transmetal
* Twin Obscenity


* Unanimated
* Universum
* Unleashed
* Unseen Terror


* Vader
* Vehemence
* Veil of Maya
* Verjnuarmu
* Vesania
* Vile
* Visceral Bleeding
* Visceral Evisceration
* Vital Remains
* Vomit Remnants
* Vomitory


* Waco Jesus
* Warlord UK
* Whitechapel
* Winds of Plague
* Wintersun
* With Blood Comes Cleansing
* With Passion
* Wolfbrigade
* World Under Blood


* Xenomorph
* Xysma (early albums)


* Year of Desolation
* Yyrkoon


* Zaraza
* Zonaria
* Zyklon

Distribution and origin

The following table shows the distribution of the listed death metal bands and their origin. Death metal bands from the United States, Sweden and Finland have the most articles.

ee also

* List of heavy metal bands
* List of grindcore bands


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