List of mathematics articles (B)

List of mathematics articles (B)



B-spline --
B*-algebra --
B* search algorithm --
B,C,K,W system --
BA model --
Ba space --
Babuška-Lax-Milgram theorem --
Baby Monster group --
Baby-step giant-step --
Babylonian mathematics --
Babylonian numerals --
Bach tensor --
Bach's algorithm --
Bachmann–Howard ordinal --
Back-and-forth method --
Back-stepping --
Backcasting --
Background and genesis of topos theory --
Backhouse's constant --
Bäcklund transform --
Backstepping --
Backtracking line search --
Backward differentiation formula --
Backward induction --
Baer ring --
Baer–Specker group --
Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula --
Bailey pair --
Baillie-PSW primality test --
Baily–Borel compactification --
Baire category theorem --
Baire function --
Baire measure --
Baire one star function --
Baire set --
Baire space --
Baire space (set theory) --
Bairstow's method --


Bak-Sneppen model --
Bak–Tang–Wiesenfeld sandpile --
Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula --
Baker's dozen --
Baker's map --
Bakhshali manuscript --
Balanced prime --
Balanced repeated replication --
Balanced set --
Balanced ternary --
Balancing domain decomposition --
Baldwin-Lomax model --
Balian-Low theorem --
Balkan Mathematical Olympiad --
Ball (mathematics) --
Ballpark estimate --
Balls and vase problem --
Baltic Way (mathematical contest) --
Ban number --
Banach–Alaoglu theorem --
Banach algebra --
Banach bundle --
Banach fixed point theorem --
Banach function algebra --
Banach limit --
Banach manifold --
Banach–Mazur game --
Banach–Mazur theorem --
Banach measure --
Banach space --
Banach–Stone theorem --
Banach–Tarski paradox --
Banach's matchbox problem --
Banburismus --
Band (algebra) --
Band matrix --
Band sum --
Bandelet (computer science) --
Bank condition --
Banker's dozen --
Bankoff circle --
Bankruptcy problem --
Banks-Zaks fixed point --


Bapat–Beg theorem --
Bar induction --
Bar product (coding theory) --
Baralipton --
Barber-Johnson diagram --
Barber paradox --
Barbier's theorem --
Bareiss algorithm --
Barnardisation --
Barnes G-function --
Barnes integral --
Barnes–Wall lattice --
Baroclinity --
Baroco --
Barometric formula --
Barotropic vorticity equation --
Barrelled space --
Barrier function --
Barrow's inequality --
Bartlett's test --
Barwise compactness theorem --
Barycentric coordinates --
Barycentric coordinates (mathematics) --
Barycentric subdivision --
Barycentric-sum problem --
Base (geometry) --
Base (group theory) --
Base (mathematics) --
Base (topology) --
Base 13 --
Base 24 --
Base 30 --
Base 32 --
Base 36 --
Base 62 --
Base 64 --
Base conversion divisibility test --
Base cylinder --
Base diameter --
Base flow (random dynamical systems) --
Base locus --
Base rate --
Basel problem --
Basic hypergeometric series --
Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms --
Basic skills --
Basis (linear algebra) --
Basis (universal algebra) --
Basis function --
Baskakov operator --
Basketball statistician --
Bass diffusion model --
Bass–Serre theory --
Basu's theorem --


Bateman-Horn conjecture --
Bateman Manuscript Project --
Bateman transform --
Bathtub curve --
Bauer-Fike theorem --
Baum–Connes conjecture --
Baum-Welch algorithm --
Baumslag–Solitar group --
Bayes estimator --
Bayes factor --
Bayes linear --
Bayes' theorem --
Bayesian --
Bayesian additive regression kernels --
Bayesian average --
Bayesian efficiency --
Bayesian experimental design --
Bayesian game --
Bayesian inference --
Bayesian information criterion --
Bayesian linear regression --
Bayesian model comparison --
Bayesian multivariate linear regression --
Bayesian network --
Bayesian probability --
Bayesian search theory --
Bayesian spam filtering --
BBGKY hierarchy --
BCH code --
BCJR algorithm --


BCK algebra --
BCMP network --
Beal's conjecture --
Bean curve --
Bean machine --
Beatty sequence --
Beautiful Young Minds --
Beauville–Laszlo theorem --
Beaver Bit-vector Decision Procedure --
Beck's monadicity theorem --
Beck's theorem --
Beck's theorem (geometry) --
Bedlam cube --
Bee colony optimization --
Beeman's algorithm --
Beer-Lambert law --
Beer's theorem --
Bees algorithm --
Begriffsschrift --
Behavioral modeling --
Behrens–Fisher problem --
Bel decomposition --
Belief propagation --
Bell curve --
Bell number --
Bell polynomials --
Bell series --
Bell's theorem --
Bellman equation --
Bellman-Ford algorithm --
Belt problem --
Beltrami identity --
Beltrami's theorem --
Belyi's theorem --


Bendixson-Dulac theorem --
Benford's law --
Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation --
Benjamin Graham formula --
Benjamin–Ono equation --
Bentley-Ottmann algorithm --
Benz plane --
Beremiz Samir --
Berezin transform --
Berezinian --
Berge conjecture --
Berge knot --
Berger code --
Berger inequality --
Berger-Kazdan comparison theorem --
Berger's inequality for Einstein manifolds --
Berger's sphere --
Bergman metric --
Berkson error model --
Berkson's paradox --
Berlekamp–Massey algorithm --
Berlekamp's algorithm --
Berlin Mathematical School --
Berlin Papyrus --
Bernays–Schönfinkel class --
Bernoulli differential equation --
Bernoulli distribution --
Bernoulli family --
Bernoulli number --
Bernoulli polynomials --
Bernoulli process --
Bernoulli sampling --
Bernoulli scheme --
Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability --
Bernoulli trial --
Bernoulli's inequality --
Bernoulli's principle --
Bernstein inequalities (probability theory) --
Bernstein inequality --
Bernstein polynomial --
Bernstein–Sato polynomial --
Bernstein's constant --
Bernstein's inequality (mathematical analysis) --
Bernstein's theorem --
Berry–Esséen theorem --
Berry paradox --
Bertrand–Diquet–Puiseux theorem --
Bertrand's ballot theorem --
Bertrand's box paradox --
Bertrand's paradox (probability) --
Bertrand's postulate --


Besicovitch covering theorem --
Besov space --
Bessel-Clifford function --
Bessel function --
Bessel polynomials --
Bessel process --
Bessel's inequality --
Best linear unbiased prediction --
Best response --
Beta-binomial model --
Beta distribution --
Beta-dual space --
Beta function --
Beta integral --
Beta normal form --
Beta prime distribution --
Beta wavelet --
Beth definability --
Beth number --
Bethe ansatz --
Bethe lattice --
Betti number --
Betti's theorem --
Beurling algebra --
Beurling–Lax theorem --
Beyer Chair of Applied Mathematics --
Bézier curve --
Bézier spline --
Bézier surface --
Bézier triangle --
Beziergon --
Bézout domain --
Bézout matrix --
Bézout's identity --
Bézout's theorem --


BFGS method --
Bhaskara's lemma --
Bhattacharya coefficient --
Bhattacharyya distance --
Bi-directional delay line --
Bi-quinary coded decimal --
Biadjacency matrix --
Bialgebra --
Bianchi classification --
Bianchi group --
Biangular coordinates --
Biarc --
Bias (statistics) --
Bias of an estimator --
Biased graph --
Biased sample --
Biaugmented pentagonal prism --
Biaugmented triangular prism --
Biaugmented truncated cube --
BIBO stability --
Bicategory --
Bicentric polygon --
Bicircular matroid --
Bicoherence --
Bicommutant --
Bicomplex number --
Biconditional elimination --
Biconditional introduction --
Bicone --
Biconjugate gradient method --
Biconnected component --
Biconnected graph --
Bicorn --
Bicubic interpolation --
Bicupola (geometry) --
Bicuspid curve --
Bicycle and motorcycle dynamics --
Bicyclic semigroup --


Bidiagonal matrix --
Bidiagonalization --
Bidirected graph --
Bidirectional search --
Bieberbach conjecture --
Bifolium --
Bifrustum --
Bifundamental representation --
Bifurcation diagram --
Bifurcation locus --
Bifurcation theory --
Big Numbers --
Big O notation --
Big Omega function --
Bigyrate diminished rhombicosidodecahedron --
Biharmonic Bézier surface --
Biharmonic equation --
Biholomorphism --
Bijection --
Bijection, injection and surjection --
Bijective numeration --
Bijective proof --
Bilateral hypergeometric series --
Bilinear form --
Bilinear interpolation --
Bilinear map --
Bilinear program --
Bilinear transform --
Billionth --
Bilunabirotunda --


Bimagic cube --
Bimagic square --
Bimodal distribution --
Bimodule --
Bimonster --
Bin (computational geometry) --
Bin packing problem --
Binary and --
Binary classification --
Binary-coded decimal --
Binary constraint --
Binary cyclic group --
Binary entropy function --
Binary erasure channel --
Binary function --
Binary GCD algorithm --
Binary Golay code --
Binary icosahedral group --
Binary logarithm --
Binary matrix --
Binary numeral system --
Binary octahedral group --
Binary operation --
Binary prefix --
Binary relation --
Binary search tree --
Binary set --
Binary space partitioning --
Binary splitting --
Binary symmetric channel --
Binary tetrahedral group --
Binary tree --
Binet–Cauchy identity --
Bing metrization theorem --
Bing's example --
Bing's theorem --
Bingham distribution --
Bingham plastic --
Binomial --
Binomial (disambiguation) --
Binomial approximation --
Binomial coefficient --
Binomial differential equation --
Binomial distribution --
Binomial heap --
Binomial inverse theorem --
Binomial probability --
Binomial proportion confidence interval --
Binomial regression --
Binomial series --
Binomial test --
Binomial theorem --
Binomial transform --
Binomial type --


Biologically inspired algorithms --
Biometrics (journal) --
Biometrika --
Biorthogonal system --
Biorthogonal wavelet --
Biostatistics --
Bipartite dimension --
Bipartite graph --
Biplot --
Bipolar coordinates --
Bipolar cylindrical coordinates --
Biproduct --
Bipyramid --
Biquadratic field --
Biquandle --
Biquaternion --
Birational geometry --
Birational invariant --
Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture --
Birch–Tate conjecture --
Birch's theorem --
Birectified hexateron --
Birkhoff-Grothendieck theorem --
Birkhoff interpolation --
Birkhoff polytope --
Birkhoff's axioms --
Birkhoff's theorem (electromagnetism) --
Birkhoff's theorem (relativity) --
Birnbaum–Orlicz space --
Birnbaum-Saunders distribution --
Birotunda --
Birth-death process --
Birthday attack --
Birthday problem --


Bisected hexagonal tiling --
Bisection --
Bisection method --
Bishop-Cannings theorem --
Bishop–Gromov inequality --
Bishop-Keisler controversy --
Bismut connection --
Bispectrum --
Bispherical coordinates --
Bisymmetric matrix --
Bit-string physics --
Bitangent --
Bitonic tour --
Bitopological space --
Bitruncated 120-cell --
Bitruncated 24-cell --
Bitruncated 5-cell --
Bitruncated cubic honeycomb --
Bitruncated tesseract --
Bitruncation --
Bitwise operation --
Bivariegated graph --
BK-space --
BKM algorithm --
Black box theory --
Black model --
Black Path Game --
Black swan theory --
Blackboard bold --
Blackwell channel --
Blade element theory --
Blancmange curve --
Blancmange function --
Bland's rule --
Blaschke product --
Blaschke selection theorem --
Blattner's conjecture --
Blau space --


Blind deconvolution --
Blind signal separation --
Bloch space --
Bloch sphere --
Bloch's theorem (complex variables) --
Block (group theory) --
Block cellular automaton --
Block code --
Block design --
Block Lanczos algorithm for nullspace of a matrix over a finite field --
Block LU decomposition --
Block matrix --
Block matrix pseudoinverse --
Block reflector --
Block stacking problem --
Block walking --
Block Wiedemann algorithm --
Blocking (statistics) --
Blossom (functional) --
Blowing down --
Blowing up --
Blue sky catastrophe --
Bluestein's FFT algorithm --
Blum axioms --
Blum integer --
Bôcher Memorial Prize --
Bôcher's theorem --
Bochner identity --
Bochner integral --
Bochner space --
Bochner's formula --
Bochner's theorem --
Bockstein homomorphism --


Bode plot --
Boerdijk–Coxeter helix --
Bogacki–Shampine method --
Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation --
Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield bound --
Bogomolov conjecture --
Bohr compactification --
Bohr–Mollerup theorem --
Bol loop --
Boltzmann distribution --
Bolyai–Gerwien theorem --
Bolyai Prize --
Bolza surface --
Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem --
Bombieri–Friedlander–Iwaniec theorem --
Bombieri-Lang conjecture --
Bombieri norm --
Bombieri–Vinogradov theorem --
Bondy's theorem --
Bonferroni correction --
Bonnesen's inequality --
Bonnet theorem --
Book (graph theory) --
Book embedding --
Book of Lemmas --
Book of Optics --
Book on Numbers and Computation --
Boole's inequality --
Boole's syllogistic --
Boolean algebra --
Boolean algebra (introduction) --
Boolean algebra (logic) --
Boolean algebra (structure) --
Boolean algebras canonically defined --
Boolean analysis --
Boolean circuit --
Boolean conjunctive query --
Boolean datatype --
Boolean delay equation --
Boolean domain --
Boolean expression --
Boolean function --
Boolean grammar --
Boolean logic --
Boolean operations on polygons --
Boolean prime ideal theorem --
Boolean ring --
Boolean satisfiability problem --
Boolean-valued function --
Boolean-valued model --
Booth's multiplication algorithm --
Bootstrap aggregating --
Bootstrapping (statistics) --


Borel algebra --
Borel–Bott–Weil theorem --
Borel-Cantelli lemma --
Borel–Carathéodory theorem --
Borel conjecture --
Borel determinacy theorem --
Borel equivalence relation --
Borel fixed-point theorem --
Borel functional calculus --
Borel hierarchy --
Borel measure --
Borel-Moore homology --
Borel regular measure --
Borel right process --
Borel subgroup --
Borel summation --
Borel–Weil theorem --
Borel's law of large numbers --
Borel's lemma --
Borel's paradox --
Borell-Brascamp-Lieb inequality --
Born-von Karman boundary condition --
Bornological space --
Borromean rings --
Borsuk–Ulam theorem --
Borsuk's conjecture --
Borůvka's algorithm --
Borwein's algorithm --
Bose–Einstein statistics --
Bott periodicity theorem --
Bottleneck traveling salesman problem --
Bottom type --


Bound graph --
Boundary (topology) --
Boundary element method --
Boundary parallel --
Boundary value problem --
Bounded (set theory) --
Bounded complete poset --
Bounded deformation --
Bounded function --
Bounded inverse theorem --
Bounded mean oscillation --
Bounded operator --
Bounded quantifier --
Bounded set --
Bounded set (topological vector space) --
Bounded variation --
Boundedly generated group --
Boundedness --
Bounding interval hierarchy --
Bounding sphere --
Bounding volume --
Bourbaki dangerous bend symbol --
Bourbaki–Witt theorem --
Boustrophedon transform --
Bow curve --
Bowyer-Watson algorithm --
Box–Cox distribution --
Box-Jenkins --
Box-Muller transform --
Box-Pierce test --
Box plot --
Box topology --
Boxcar function --
Boxicity --
Boxing the compass --
Boxology --


Boy or Girl paradox --
Boy's surface --
Boy's surface/Proofs --
Bra-ket notation --
Bracelet (combinatorics) --
Brachistochrone curve --
Bracket --
Bracket (mathematics) --
Bracket algebra --
Bracket polynomial --
Braess's paradox --
Brahmagupta–Fibonacci identity --
Brahmagupta interpolation formula --
Brahmagupta matrix --
Brahmagupta theorem --
Brahmagupta's formula --
Brahmagupta's problem --
Brahmasphutasiddhanta --
Brahmi numeral --
Braid group --
Braid theory --
Braided Hopf algebra --
Braided monoidal category --
Bramble-Hilbert lemma --
Branch (graph theory) --
Branch and bound --
Branch and cut --
Branch-decomposition --
Branch point --
Branched covering --
Branched surface --
Branching factor --
Branching process --
Branching quantifier --
Branching theorem --
Brane --
Brascamp-Lieb inequality --
Brauer group --
Brauer–Nesbitt theorem --
Brauer-Siegel theorem --
Brauer–Suzuki theorem --
Brauer's theorem --
Brauer's theorem on induced characters --
Brauer's three main theorems --
Bravais lattice --


Breadth-first search --
Breather --
Breather surface --
Bred vectors --
Bregman divergence --
Brent's method --
Bresenham's line algorithm --
Bretschneider's formula --
Breusch–Godfrey test --
Breusch-Pagan test --
Brewster's angle --
Brianchon's theorem --
Bridge (graph theory) --
Bridge and torch problem --
Bridge number --
Bridge probabilities --
Brier score --
Bring radical --
British flag theorem --
British Mathematical Olympiad --
British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics --
British Society for the History of Mathematics --
Brocard circle --
Brocard points --
Brocard triangle --
Brocard's conjecture --
Brocard's problem --
Broken diagonal --
Broken space diagonal --
Broken symmetry --
Brouwer fixed point theorem --
Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation --
Brouwer-Hilbert controversy --
Browder-Minty theorem --
Brown-Forsythe test --
Brown–Peterson cohomology --
Brown's representability theorem --
Brownian bridge --
Brownian dynamics --
Brownian motion --
Brownian tree --
Broyden's method --


BRST algorithm --
Bruck–Chowla–Ryser theorem --
Bruhat decomposition --
Brun sieve --
Brun–Titchmarsh theorem --
Brun's constant --
Brun's theorem --
Brunn-Minkowski theorem --
Brunnian link --
Brute force attack --
Bruun's FFT algorithm --
Bryant surface --
Bs space --
Bubble Babble --
Buchberger's algorithm --
Büchi automaton --
Buckingham π theorem --
Buckley–Leverett equation --
Buddhabrot --
Buffon's needle --
Buffon's noodle --
Bühlmann model --
Building (mathematics) --
Building automation --
Bulgarian solitaire --
Bullet-nose curve --
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society --
Bump function --
Bunched logic --
Bunching parameter --
Bundle (mathematics) --
Bundle gerbe --
Bundle map --
Bunyakovsky conjecture --


Burali-Forti paradox --
Burau representation --
Burgers vector --
Burgers' equation --
Burning Ship fractal --
Burnside ring --
Burnside theorem --
Burnside's lemma --
Burnside's problem --
Burr distribution --
Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic --
Burrows-Wheeler transform --
Bus bunching --
Busemann's theorem --
Business mathematics --
Business statistics --
Busy beaver --
Butson-type Hadamard matrix --
Butterfly curve --
Butterfly curve (algebraic) --
Butterfly curve (transcendental) --
Butterfly diagram --
Butterfly effect --
Butterfly theorem --
By inspection --

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