Al-Mutawakkil III

Al-Mutawakkil III

Al-Mutawakkil III (Arabic: المتوكل على الله الثالث) (died 1543) was caliph from 1508 to 1516, and again in 1517. He was the last caliph of the later, Egyptian-based period of the Abbasid dynasty. Since the Mongol sack of Baghdad and the execution of Caliph Al-Musta'sim in 1258, the Abbasid caliphs had resided in Cairo, nominal rulers used to legitimize the actual rule of the Mamluk sultans.

Al-Mutawakkil III was deposed briefly in 1516 by his predecessor Al-Mustamsik, but was restored to the caliphate the following year. In 1517, Ottoman sultan Selim I managed to defeat the Mamluk Sultanate, and made Egypt part of the Ottoman Empire. Al-Mutawakkil III was captured together with his family and transported to Istanbul. He formally surrendered the title of caliph as well as its outward emblemsthe sword and mantle of Muhammadto Ottoman sultan Selim I[citation needed].



Al-Mutawakkil III
Abbasid dynasty
Cadet branch of the Banu Quraysh
Born:  ? Died: 1543
Sunni Islam titles
Preceded by
Caliph of Cairo
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Caliph of Cairo
Caliphate surrendered to Selim I according to apocryphal story

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