

Al-Muqtadi ( _ar. المقتدى ) (died 1094) was the Abbasid Caliph in Baghdad from 1075 to 1094. He was honored by the Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah, during whose reign the Caliphate was recognized throughout the extending range of Seljuk conquest. Arabia, with the Holy Cities now recovered from the Fatimids, acknowledged again the spiritual jurisdiction of the Abbasids. The Sultan gave his daughter in marriage to the Caliph; and on the birth of a son, dreamed of combining in him the Caliph and the Sultan on a common throne. But the dream was fruitless. The lady, dissatisfied, left with her infant to the court of Isfahan. And the Sultan himself, becoming jealous of the Caliph's interference in the affairs of state, desired him to refrain and retire to Basra; but the death of Malik Shah shortly after, made the command inoperative.


*"This text is adapted from William Muir's public domain, The Caliphate: Its Rise, Decline, and Fall."

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