

Neonaticide is the killing of a newborn infant less than 24 hours old.[citation needed] It can be divided into criminal neonaticide, which is usually by a mother under severe psychological stress, and customary neonaticide, a practice used in certain cultures at certain times to limit the population.[citation needed]

Neonaticide is rare in developed countries, when it does occur, it is most often the mother that kills the neonate; it is an exceptionally rare event amongst fathers.[1]



The earliest reference to filicide (the killing of a child by a parent) is in Greek mythology[citation needed], In his play, Medea, Euripedes portrayed Medea as having killed her two sons after Jason abandoned her for the daughter of the King of Corinth[2] giving us what has been termed the Medea Complex.[3] Under the Roman Law, patria potestas, the right of a father to kill his own children was protected.[4][5] It was not until the 4th century that Christianity, influenced heavily by Judaic law, began to regard filicide as a crime. Still, mothers who killed their infants or newborns received lesser sentences under both the laws of the church and the state.[6] The church consistently dealt more leniently with those mothers whose children died by "overlying," an accidental death by smothering when a sleeping parent rolled over on the infant. The opinions of the church in these deaths reflects an awareness of one of society's first attempts to understand the severe problem of overpopulation and overcrowding.[7] England has traditionally viewed infanticide as a "special crime" passing its first Infanticide Act in 1623 under the Stuarts and more recently in the Infanticide Acts of 1922 and 1938.[8][9] Most recently England passed the Infanticide Act of 1978 which allows a lesser sentence for attempted infanticide.[10] Unlike England and other European countries, the United States has not adopted special statutes to deal with infanticide or neonaticide. Nonetheless, juries and judges, as reflected in their verdicts and sentences, have consistently considered the difficulties and stresses of a mother during the post-partum period.[11]

Cross Cultural Aspects

It is important to recognize that other cultures have developed different attitudes and mores regarding the killing of infants. The Chinese, as late as the 20th century, despatched newborn daughters because they were unable to transmit the family name. Additionally, daughters were viewed as weaker and not as useful in time of war or for agricultural work. In the past, Eskimos killed infants with known congenital anomalies and often one of a set of twins.[12] Similarly, Mohave Indians had killed all half breeds at birth.[13] In their 1981 paper,[14] reviewed infanticide in Japan and describe the two distinct types of infanticide commonly seen. The Mabiki type corresponds to the ancient means of "thinning out" or population control; the Anomie type, a product of modern society, corresponds to the "unwanted child."

Neonaticide Statistics

The United States ranks first in child homicide under the age of four years. Forty-five percent (45%) of all child murders occur in the first 24 hours of life, and thus can be classified as neonaticide.[15] For the period 1982-1987, approximately 1.1% of all homicides have been of children under one year of age. Eight to nine percent (8%–9%) of all murders are of persons under 18 years of age. Of these, almost twice as many sons as compared to daughters are victims.[16] In half of the cases death occurs literally "at the hands of" the parent. Weapons are almost never used in neonaticide. Drowning, strangulation, head trauma, suffocation, and exposure (to the elements) are all common methods.[16]

Maternal Neonaticide

Neonaticidal mothers are generally between 16 and 38 years of age with almost 90% being 25 years of age or younger. Less than 20% are married. Less than 30% are seen as psychotic or depressed[16][17][18] unwed, poor, and have denied and/or concealed the pregnancy since conception. They frequently give birth alone and dispose of the baby as an abortion that occurs "too late."

See also


  1. ^ Dr. Neil S. Kaye M.D - Families, Murder, and Insanity: A Psychiatric Review of Paternal Neonaticide
  2. ^ Hamilton, E.: Mythology. New York, Mentor Book, 1942
  3. ^ Wittels, F.: Psychoanalysis and literature, in Lorand, S. (ed): Psychoanalysis Today, Albanay, N.Y., Boyd Printing Co., 1944.
  4. ^ Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition: St. Paul, Minnesota, West Publishing Company
  5. ^ 142 N.Y.S.2d 163
  6. ^ Victoroff, V.: A case of Infanticide Related to Psychomotor Automitism: Psychodynamic, Physiological, Forensic and Sociological Considerations. J. Clin. Exper. Psychopath; 1955; 16: 191-220. 10. Langer, W.: Infanticide: A Historical Survey. History of Childhood Quarterly; 1974; 1: 354-365
  7. ^ Hale, M.: The History of the Pleas of the Crown. London, E.R. Nutt and R. Gosling, 1736.
  8. ^ Infanticide Act of 1938, 1 and 2 Geo. 6, c36, sec. 1 (1)
  9. ^ Jeudwine, J.: Observations on English Criminal Law and Procedure. London, D.S. King, 1968
  10. ^ Wilkins, A.: Attempted Infanticide. British Journal of Psychiatry. 1985; 146: 206-208
  11. ^ Forensic Psychiatrist Expert Witness in Forensics Psychiatry - Dr. Neil S. Kaye
  12. ^ Garber, C.: Eskimo Infanticide. Scient. Month. 1947; 64: 98- 102
  13. ^ Devereux, G.: Mohave Indidan Infanticide. Psychoanal. Rev. 1948; 35: 126-139
  14. ^ Sakuta and Saito Sakuta, T. and Saito, S.: A Socio-Medical Study on 71 Cases of Infanticide in Japan. Keio J. Med. 1981; 30: 155-168.
  15. ^ d'Orban, P.: Women who kill their Children. Brit. J. Psychiat 1979; 134: 560-571
  16. ^ a b c Uniform Crime Reports (1982-1987). U.S. Government Printing Office
  17. ^ Harder, T.: The Psychopathology of Infanticide. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1967; 43: 196-245.
  18. ^ Turnbull, H.R.: Incidence of Infanticide in America: Public and Professional Attitudes. Issues in Law & Medicine 1986; 1: 363-389.

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  • Néonaticide — Le néonaticide désigne un homicide commis sur un enfant né depuis moins de 24 heures. Ce crime est commis presque exclusivement par la mère de l enfant[1]. La définition nécessite que l enfant soit né vivant. L Affaire Dominique Cottrez (8… …   Wikipédia en Français

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