Europe — For other uses, see Europe (disambiguation). Europe … Wikipedia
Communications in the Netherlands — Communications in the Netherlands. Contents 1 Mail 2 Telephone 2.1 Area codes 2.2 Non geographical codes … Wikipedia
Communications in Belarus — are dominated by the state which owns most of the corporations and infrastructure. Telephone systemthe Ministry of Telecommunications controls all telecommunications through its carrier Unitary enterprise Beltelecom which is a monopoly. The phone … Wikipedia
Communications in Kyrgyzstan — Communications policy= The long term goal of the government’s information and communications technology strategy is for the telecommunications sector to contribute 5 percent to gross domestic product by 2010. The June 2006 launch of the KazSat… … Wikipedia
Communications in Burundi — refers to the telephony, internet, postal, radio, and television systems of Burundi. Contents 1 Telephony 2 Internet 3 Postal Service 4 Radio and television … Wikipedia
Communications in Afghanistan — has dramatically increased since 2002, and has embarked on wireless companies, internet, radio stations and television channels. Afghan telecommunication companies, such as Afghan Wireless and Roshan, have been boasting rapid increase in cellular … Wikipedia
EUROPE - Géologie — L’usage fait de l’Europe un continent ; en réalité, celle ci constitue une partie de l’Eurasie, avec laquelle elle est en continuité de l’Ancien Monde – puisque l’Afrique n’est pas complètement séparée de l’Eurasie –, et nombre de ses affinités… … Encyclopédie Universelle
EUROPE - Histoire de l’idée européenne — Le mot «Europe» a fait son apparition, dans un sens géographique, dès le VIIe siècle avant J. C. Simple péninsule de l’Asie, ses limites orientales restent arbitraires. On peut même discuter de ses limites occidentales et accepter ou non d’y… … Encyclopédie Universelle
communications — UK US /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃənz/ noun [plural] ► COMMUNICATIONS methods, or the activity, of communicating and sending messages: »wireless communications »We need to encourage municipalities to develop communications networks of their own.… … Financial and business terms
Communications in Argentina — gives an overview of the postal, telephone, Internet, radio, television, and newspaper services available in Argentina. Contents 1 Postal 2 Telephone 2.1 Companies 3 Internet … Wikipedia