Hodding Carter

Hodding Carter

name = Hodding Carter, II

caption = Portrait
birth_date = birth date|1907|2|3|mf=y.
birth_place = Hammond, Louisiana United States.
death_date = death date and age|1972|4|4|1907|2|3|mf=y.
death_place = Greenville, Mississippi, USA
occupation = Journalist; writer
party = Democrat
networth =
spouse = Betty Werlein, 1911-2000.
website =
footnotes = "A staunch Democrat who opposed Huey P. Long, Jr."
children = William Hodding III Philip Dutartre Thomas Hennen Carter.

William Hodding Carter, II (February 3, 1907 - April 4, 1972) was a prominent Southern U.S. progressive journalist and author. Carter was born in Hammond, the largest community in Tangipahoa Parish, in southeastern Louisiana, to William Hodding Carter, I (1881–1955), and the former Irma Dutartre.

Carter died in Greenville of a heart attack at the age of sixty-five. He is interred in the Greenville Cemetery.



Carter attended Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine, (1927) and the Graduate School of Journalism, Columbia University (1928). He returned to Louisiana upon graduating. According to Ann Waldron, Carter was an outspoken white supremacist, yet he began to alter his thinking when he came back home to the South to live. [ [http://www.annwaldron.com/work7.htm Waldron, Ann.] "Hodding Carter: The Reconstruction of a Racist", Algonquin Books, 1993.]

Career background

After a year as a teaching fellow at Tulane University in New Orleans (1928-1929), Carter worked as reporter for the following: the "New Orleans Item-Tribune" (1929), United Press in New Orleans (1930), and the Associated Press in Jackson, Mississippi (1931-32).

With his wife, former Betty Werlein (1910–2000) of New Orleans, Carter founded the "Hammond Daily Courier," in 1932. The paper was noted for its opposition to popular Louisiana Governor Huey Pierce Long, Jr., but its support for the national Democratic Party.

In 1939, Carter moved to Greenville, Mississippi, a Mississippi River delta city and the seat of Washington County, where he launched his successful "Greenville Delta Democrat-Times", a newspaper later published, first, by his oldest son, William Hodding Carter, III, and, currently, by his second son, Philip Dutartre Carter (born 1939). He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1946 for his editorials, in particular a series lambasting the ill-treatment of Japanese-American ("Nisei") soldiers returning from World War II. He was a professor for a single semester at Tulane.

Fighting intolerance

He also wrote editorials in the "Greenville Delta Democrat-Times" regarding social and economic intolerance in the Deep South that won him widespread acclaim and the moniker "Spokesman of the New South."

Carter wrote a caustic article for "Look" magazine which detailed the menacing spread of a chapter of the White Citizens' Council. The article was attacked on the floor of the Mississippi House of Representatives as a, "Willful lie by a nigger-loving editor." Carter responded in a front-page editorial:

By vote of 89 to 19, the Mississippi House of Representatives has resolved the editor of this newspaper into a liar because of an article I wrote. If this charge were true, it would make me well qualified to serve in that body. It is not true. So to even things up, I hereby resolve by a vote of one to nothing that there are eighty-nine liars in the state legislature. [ [http://www.asne.org/kiosk/archive/convention/2001/leadership/civilrights.html Roberts, Eugene L.] American Society of Newspaper Editors, July 31, 2004. Last accessed: 1/13/07.]

Personal background

The Carters married on October 14, 1931. In addition to Hodding and Philip, they had a younger son, Thomas Hennen Carter (1945–1964). Thomas killed himself playing a game of Russian roulette.

Carter was strongly opposed to the Munich Conference which ceded Czechoslovakia to Adolf Hitler. Carter rushed into World War II service. While stationed at Camp Balding in Florida, he lost the sight in his right eye during a training exercise. He thereafter served in the Intelligence Division and continued his journalistic activities by editing the Middle East division of "Yank" and "Stars and Stripes" in Cairo, Egypt, and writing three books. [ [http://www.wcs-ddm.org/about_quote.asp?QuoteId=6 Women's Crisis Support] web site. Last accessed: 1/13/07.]

Late in life, Carter attended the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary in 1965.

Politics and the Kennedys

Carter was an unabashed supporter of the Kennedy's and their quest for the American presidency -- all of them: JFK, RFK and Teddy. He had dinner with Bobby Kennedy and his family the night before RFK was assassinated. He was also working for him "campaigning, making talks, and writing ghost speeches." [ [http://millercenter.virginia.edu/scripps/diglibrary/oralhistory/ Lyndon Baines Johnson Oral History.] Hodding Carter interview, November 8 1968.]

On his way home on a plane Carter found out about Kennedy's death and was devastated. A passenger on the plane said, "Well, we got that son-of-a-bitch, didn't we?" Carter responded, "Who are you talking about?" The passenger said, "You know damn well who I'm talking about", to which Carter responded by saying "You're just a son-of-a-bitch", and then punching the passenger in the mouth. [Lyndon Baines Johnson Oral History, interview, "ibid."]


Columnist Eric Alterman, in a book review of "The Race Beat" (2006) for "The Nation" discusses how Carter and other Southern jounalists were "moderate defenders", of the South. That is, they were apologists for the South during the pre-civil rights era. Alterman says, "'Enlightened'" Southern editors, especially. . . Mississippi's Hodding Carter, Jr., sold [Northerners] a Chalabi-like dream of steady, nonviolent progress that belied the violent savagery that lay in wait for those who stepped out of line." [ [http://www.thenation.com/doc/20070108/alterman Alterman, Eric.] "The Nation," "And the Beat Goes On", January 8, 2007.] One of the reasons segregation had been a success, Alterman explains, is "...the way newspapers had neglected it."

Ann Waldron, in her book "Hodding Carter: The Reconstruction of a Racist" makes the case that Carter crusaded for racial equality, but hedged on condemning segregation and after the Supreme Court's 1954 "Brown v. Board of Education" decision, he attacked intransigent White Citizens' Council, but supported only gradual integration. [Waldron, ibid.]

In defense of Carter, Claude Sitton, in a review of Waldron's book in the "New York Times" says, " [R] eaders of today will ask how an editor who opposed enactment of a federal antilynching law as unnecessary and public school desegregation in Mississippi as unwise can be called a champion of racial justice. The answer, which she gives in the book's introduction, lies in the context of the times. . . . Absent his efforts and those of other Southern editors of courage and like mind, change would have come far more slowly and at far greater cost." [Sitton, Claude. "The New York Times," Book Review.]

Memorable quotes

* "Television news is like a lightning flash. It makes a loud noise, lights up everything around it, leaves everything else in darkness and then is suddenly gone."
* "There are two things we should give our children: one is roots and the other is wings." (Borrowed from the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher.)


For additional materials by and about Hodding Carter, Jr., the researcher is referred to Mitchell Library at Mississippi State University in Starkville, where Carter's personal papers are housed.

Carter's books

* "The Winds of Fear" (1945)
* "Southern Legacy" (1950)
* "John Law Wasn't So Wrong: The Story of Louisiana's Horn of Plenty" (Baton Rouge, La.: Esso Standard Oil Company, 1952).
* "Where Main Street Meets the River" (New York: Rinehart & Co., 1953)
* "Robert E. Lee and the Road of Honor" (1954)
* "So Great a Good" (1955)
* "The Angry Scar: The Story of Reconstruction" (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1959)
* "First Person Rural" (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1963)
* "The Ballad of Catfoot Grimes and Other Verses" (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1964)
* "So the Heffners Left McComb" (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1965)
* "The Commander of World War II" (1966)
* "Their Words Were Bullets: The Southern Press in War, Reconstruction, and Peace" Mercer University Memorial Lectures, No. 12 (Athens, Ga.: University of Georgia Press, 1969)


* [http://www.shs.starkville.k12.ms.us/mswm/MSWritersAndMusicians/writers/Hodding/CarterHodding.html William Hodding Carter, II] at the Mississippi Writers and Musicians Project of Starkville High School.
* "William Hodding Carter, Jr.", "A Dictionary of Louisiana Biography," Vol. 2 (1988), pp. 156-157.
* "Who Was Who in America" (1973).
* [http://ssdi.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/ssdi.cgi RootsWeb] genealogy web site.


External links

* [http://www.reportingcivilrights.org/authors/bio.jsp?authorId=8 Hodding Carter] at the "Library of America".

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