Acts of Andrew

Acts of Andrew

The "Acts of Andrew" ("Acta Andreae"), is the earliest testimony of the acts and miracles of the Apostle Andrew. The surviving version is alluded to in a third century work, the Coptic "Manichaean Psalter", providing a "terminus ante quem", according to its editors, M.R. James (1924) [James presented the text of Gregory of Tours' work, at that time considered to be a reliable epitome of the "Acta Andreae", which is no longer the case.] and Jean-Marc Prieur in "The Anchor Bible Dictionary" (vol. 1, p. 246), but it shows several signs of a mid-second century origin. Prieur stated that "The distinctive christology of the text", its silence concerning Jesus as a genuinely historical figure, and its lack of mention of church organisation, liturgy, and ecclesiastical rites, lead one to "militate for an early dating". By the fourth century the "Acta Andreae" were relegated to the New Testament apocrypha.

Prieur also stated that its "serene tone" and innocence of any polemic or disputes concerning its ideas or awareness of heterodoxy, particularly in the area of christology, show that "it derived from a period when the christology of the Great Church had not yet taken firm shape".

The episodic narratives in which Andrew figures survive incompletely in two manuscript traditions, [This article follows the assembly of manuscripts in Lieuwe Van Kampen, "Acta Andreae and Gregory's 'De miraculis Andreae'", "Vigiliae Christianae" 45.1 (March 1991), pp. 18-26.] aside from citations and fragments that are assumed to have come from lost sections. One is an early Coptic manuscript of part of one of the narratives, conserved at Utrecht University Library; [Papyrus Copt. Utrecht 1, preserving five out of fifteen pages, in which Andrew confronts a demon possessing a soldier; it was first published by G. Quispel, "An unknown fragment of the Acts of Andrew," "Vigiliae Christianae" 10 (July 1956:129-48).] The other is embodied in the Greek "Martyrium", supplemented by manuscripts that bring it to 65 chapters. [Edited by Jean-Marc Prieur, "Acta Andreae" Association pour l'étude de la littérature apocryphe chrétienne (Turnhout: Brepols), 1989.]

Traditionally the text is said to have been based on the Acts of John and the Acts of Peter, and even to have had the same author, the "Leucius Charinus" who is credited with all the second-century romances. Like these works, the "Acts of Andrew" describes the supposed travels of the title character, the miracles he performed during them, and finally a description of his martyrdom.

In a separate text known by the name of the "Acts of Andrew and Matthias", which was edited by Max Bonnet in 1898 [Bonnet, in Richard Adalbert Lipsius and Max Bonnet,"Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. Post Constantin Tischendorf denuo" 1898.] and translated by M.R. James, [James, "The Apocryphal New Testament", 1924.] Matthias is portrayed as a captive in a country of "anthropophagi" (literally "man-eaters", i.e. cannibals) and is rescued by Andrew and Jesus; it is no longer considered to be a portion of the text of "Acta Andreae".

Like those in the two books of Acts on which it appears based, the miracles are extremely supernatural, and highly extravagant. For example, aside from the usual miracles of raising the dead, healing the blind, and so forth, he survives being placed amongst fierce animals, calms storms, and defeats armies simply by crossing himself. There is also a great deal of moralising - Andrew causes an embryo which was illegitimate to die, and also rescues a boy from his incestuous mother, an act resulting in her laying false charges against them, requiring God to send an earthquake to free Andrew and the boy. So much does the text venture into the realm of extreme supernatural events, that, while being crucified, Andrew is still able to give sermons for three days.

Eusebius of Caesarea knew the work, which he dismissed as the production of a heretic and absurd. Gregory of Tours was delighted to find a copy and wrote a drastically reduced rescension of it about 593, [Gregory, "Liber de Miraculis Beati Andreae"; Van Kampen 1991:18-26, p 18 notes that "The shape of the original AA [Acta Andreae] cannot be deduced from the secondary (or even tertiary) framework of Gregory's text, and this means that it does not give us an indication about the original size of the story." Van Kampen details the reductions in Gregory's version.] leaving out the parts for "which, because of its excessive verbosity, [it] was called by some apocryphal", for which he felt it had been condemned. His free version expunges the detail that the apostle's ascetic preaching induced the proconsul's wife to leave her husbandsocially and morally unacceptable to a Merovingian audience— [G. Quispel, "An Unknown Fragment of the Acts of Andrew" "Vigiliae Christianae" 10.3 (July 1956:129-148) pp 137, 141f; the fragmentary fourth-century Coptic version has parallels in Gregory's additions.] brings the narrative into conformity with catholic orthodoxy of his time, then adds new material.

The "Acts of Andrew" was often classed as a gnostic work before the library of Nag Hammadi clarified modern understanding of Gnosticism; Geoffrey Trowbridge asserts that "The importance of martyrdom is stressed throughout, which is not in line with Gnostic philosophy".


External links

* [ Early Christian Writings: R.M. James, editor, 1924. "Acts of Andrew"]
* [ "The Acts of Andrew" "The Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew" and "The Acts of Andrew and Matthew" ]
* [ Geoff Trowbridge, "The "Whole" Bible"]
* [ "Catholic Encyclopedia"] Full source text online.

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