History of Hamilton, Ontario

History of Hamilton, Ontario

From the beginning, what is now Hamilton has benefited from its geographical proximity to major land and water transportation routes along the Niagara Peninsula and Lake Ontario. Its strategic importance has created, by Canadian standards, a rich military history which the city [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/culture-and-rec/MUSEUMS/military/default.asp preserves] .

And also from the beginning, the tension between maximizing economic growth and minimizing environmental damage was evident. The area between Burlington Bay (also known as Hamilton Harbour) and the Niagara Escarpment has been greatly altered for residential, industrial and recreational purposes. Cootes Paradise in Dundas also known as the Dundas Marsh, was a very rich wetland with plenty of fish, birds and other game. Cootes Paradise was named after Captain Thomas Coote, a British army officer of Irish extraction who was stationed in the area at the time of the American revolutionary war in the 18th Century. The richness of the valley led to population, and to degradation of the marsh, although its legal protection, starting in the 1880s, and the efforts of civic officials and others, have led to it still being of great environmental importance in the 21st Century.

For about a century after achieving its status as a city in 1846, Hamilton has rightly seen itself in terms of industrial production. It adopted or acquired such nicknames as the "Ambitious City", "Steel City" and the Birmingham of Canada. However, after this period, other sectors of the economy took over and Hamilton became a post-industrial economy but failed to change its image and self-image to match. Here then follows the growth of the Hamilton until the end of the Second World War.

Even in its early days when inhabited by Indians, Hamilton's residents have had diverse ethnic, racial, national, religious and linguistic backgrounds. Since then, successive waves of immigration have crashed on Hamilton's shores, usually leaving some permanent evidence of their arrival in the names, buildings or institutions of the city.

History to 1811: in the beginning

Like most of the Americas south of the tree line, the original inhabitants of the Hamilton area were Indians. The first European to visit what is now Hamilton was probably Étienne Brûlé in 1616. Lasalle also visited the area, a fact commemorated at a park in nearby Burlington.cite web| title =Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Étienne Brûlé| url=http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=34217| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

In pre-colonial times, the Neutral Indians occupied most of the land but were gradually driven out by the Five (later Six) Nations or ‘’’Iroquois’’’ who were allied with British against the French and their Indian allies the Huron. A member of the Iroquois Confederacy provided both the route and name for Mohawk Road on Hamilton Mountain and the route for what would become King Street in the Lower City.

Like British North America itself, the Six Nations confederacy was torn apart by the American Revolution. Indians loyal to the Crown, under their leader Captain Joseph Brant, were settled in several nearby areas of what became Upper Canada in 1791 and ultimately Ontario in 1867. These included Brants Ford (now Brantford) on the Grand River in Brant County south of Hamilton, and Brants Block (now Burlington) in Halton County north of Hamilton.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981] White United Empire Loyalists moved into the Hamilton area during and after the American War of Independence as well, dramatically boosting the population and economic development of the region between the original Upper Canadian capital at Newark (now Niagara-on-the-Lake) and the new one at York (now Toronto).cite web| title =United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada| url=http://www.uelac.org/
accessdate = 2008-01-24
] This was to prove crucial, for the fighting between the United States and Britain was not yet over.

Administratively, the whole area was part of the Nassau District, which was renamed the Home District in 1792. Additionally, parts of the area were separately incorporated into the West Riding of York County and First Riding of Lincoln County. In 1798, most of the future Hamilton became part of Niagara District while remaining in Lincoln County.cite web| title =A History of the city of Hamilton| url=http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/ic/can_digital_collections/cultural_landmarks/hamhist.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

1812-1844: invasion and rebellion

The town of Hamilton was conceived by George Hamilton when he purchased the Durand farm shortly after the War of 1812.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981] Nathaniel Hughson, a property owner to the north, cooperated with George Hamilton to prepare a proposal for a courthouse and jail on Hamilton's property. Hamilton offered the land to the crown for the future site. James Durand, the local Member of the British Legislative Assembly, was empowered by Hughson and Hamilton to sell property holdings which later became the site of the town. As he had been instructed, Durand circulated the offers at York during a session of the Legislative Assembly and a new Gore District was established of which the Hamilton town site was a member. As such, Hamilton's future seemed to be shaped by a private collaboration of Hamilton, Hughson and Durand.cite book |pages="15-16"|last= Weaver |first= John C. |title= Hamilton: an illustrated history |publisher= James Lorimer & Company, Publishers |year= 1985 |id= ISBN 0-88862-593-6 cloth]

Initially the Town of Hamilton was not the dominant center of the Gore District. A permanent jail wasn't constructed until 1832 when a cut-stone design was completed on one of the two squares created in 1816, Prince's Square. Subsequently, the first police board and the town limits were defined by statute on February 13 of 1833. [Statutes of Upper Canada, 1833 3° William IV pg. 58-68. Chapter XVII An act to define the Limits of the Town of Hamilton, in the District of Gore, and to establish a Police and Publice Market therein.]

After simmering treaty and border disputes finally erupted into the War of 1812, the Hamilton area again became a strategic area. In 1813, the British regulars and Canadian militia [http://www.hpl.ca/Local/SPCOLL/bttlsc.shtml defeated] invading American troops at the Battle of Stoney Creek which was fought in what is now a [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/culture-and-rec/MUSEUMS/battlefield/default.asp park] in eastern Hamilton. Burlington Heights, adjacent to the grounds of present-day [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/culture-and-rec/MUSEUMS/dundurn/default.asp Dundurn Park and Castle] , was also a site commanding the entry to Burlington Bay.cite web| title =Battlefield House Museum Battle of Stoney Creek 1813| url=http://www.battlefieldhouse.ca/billy_battle.asp| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

George Hamilton, a settler and local politician, established a town site in the northern portion "Barton Township" after the war in 1815. He kept several east-west roads which were originally Indian trails, but the north-south streets were on a regular grid pattern. Streets were designated "East" or "West" if they crossed James Street or Kings Highway No. 6. Streets were designated "North" or "South" if they crossed King Street or Kings Highway No. 8.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]

Gore Park, whose western boundary is "King" and James Streets, formed the public square for the new settlement and has remained the centre of the city ever since. The original plot of land set aside for the courthouse has had four different buildings erected on it. It was only supplanted as the court site by a move across the street in the 1990s as part of an architectural preservation project for the Post Office and Dominion Public Building.

Gore District of Upper Canada and Wentworth County were created in 1816, with Mr. Hamiltons settlement as the seat for both. The countys original constituent townships included the following, the territory of which became part of the amalgamated Hamilton in 2001: Ancaster (later a town), Barton, Binbrook (later one half of Glanbrook), Glanford (later the other half of Glanbrook) and Saltfleet (later the town and city of Stoney Creek). Seneca and Brant Townships were also original constituents of the county but later became part of Brant County.

During the first half of the 19th century, Mr. Hamiltons settlement in Barton Township steadily increased status at the expense of Dundas. Growth was aided in 1827 by a channel cut to link Burlington Bay directly with Lake Ontario, thus improving its marine transportation. George Hamiltons settlement was incorporated as a police village in 1833. In comparison, the Desjardins Canal to Dundas was at best an incomplete success. The physical structures, with living interpreters, of these pioneer days are preserved at [http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/parks/visit/westfield.asp Westfield Heritage Centre] .

As railway fever raced across North America, Hamilton prematurely got in the act with the promotion of various paper lines in the 1830s. This included Allan Napier MacNabs Hamilton and Port Dover Railway which, although chartered in 1835, did not actually lay any track until the mid-1850s under a different corporate name. MacNab completed Dundurn Castle, his stately home, in 1835. A boy soldier in the War of 1812, he led Gore militia to crush insurgents in the Rebellion of 1837 for which he was knighted the following year.

1845-1866: Hamilton incorporated as a city

Official City status was achieved on June 9, 1846.Provincial Statutes of Canada 1846 9° vict. pg 981 Chapter LXXIII. An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Town of Hamilton, and to erect the same into a City.]

As a result of municipal reorganization of Wentworth County, Caistor Township (earlier and later part of Haldimand County) was briefly added in 1845. Hamilton received its city charter in 1846. Seneca, Onondaga and Caistor Townships were removed from the administration of county and replaced with three others from Halton County: Beverly, East Flamborough and West Flamborough (which were amalgamated as the Town of Flamborough 1974-2000).

Hamilton City Council was based on a "board of control", which effectively meant an executive committee of at-large city councillors controlled the city government. [http://www.hpl.ca/Local/SPCOLL/mayors.shtml Mayors] were short-term figureheads who changed mostly on practically an annual basis. The same year Hamilton became a city, Robert Smiley and a partner began publishing ‘’The Hamilton Spectator and Journal of Commerce’’.As MacNab completed his two years as the premier of the united Province of Canada, the newly renamed Great Western Railway became Hamiltons first functioning railway in 1854. Completion of this railway and the Niagara Suspension Bridge transforms Hamilton into a major centre and part of the American immigration route from New York or Boston to Chicago or Milwaukee.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981] The GWRs maintenance and marshalling yards were located in Hamilton, and the city got its first taste of the steel industry as it re-rolled rails imported from Britain. Unfortunately, in 1857, 57 passengers were killed when a train [http://www.hpl.ca/local/spcoll/desj.shtml derailed] near the Desjardins Canal.

Not content with this relatively minor operation, dozens of small workshops and craftsmen banded together to smelt steel rather than just mill steel. Easy access to limestone from the Niagara Escarpment, coal mined in Appalachia, iron ore mined from the Canadian Shield and export markets through the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence system made Hamilton an important iron and steel producing city.

Other industrial ventures conducted in the Ambitious City (a phrase adopted by ‘’The Spectator’’ from detractors in Toronto) and Birmingham of Canada included manufactured tobacco, beer and other consumer products. It also became a centre for the textile industry, which did not die out completely until the 1950s.

1867-1892: ambition is nurtured

When the Dominion of Canada was created in 1867, Hamilton was an enthusiastic partner in the bold new political enterprise and preached the joys of the British Empire. The city was represented in the House of Commons by one seat for the city proper and two for the remainder of the county (Wentworth South and Wentworth North).

Growing commercial and industrial prosperity prompted large scale emigration from the British Isles. Many Irish immigrants created a Corktown in the general vicinity of John and Hunter Streets. Patriotic Britons and native born Canadians of British stock erected many public monuments downtown to honour John A. Macdonald, Queen Victoria and the United Empire Loyalists.

More people meant more demand for services and information. In 1874, the [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/Living-Here/Transit/default.asp Hamilton Street Railway] (HSR) began offering horse-drawn public transportation.cite web|url=http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~wyatt/alltime/hamilton-on.html |title=Transit History in Hamilton, Ontario |accessdate=2008-01-24] cite web|url= http://ca.geocities.com/hamiltontransithistory@rogers.com/|title= Hamilton Transit History|accessdate=2008-01-24] Robert Smiley, the founding publisher of "The Spectator", sold the newspaper to William Southam in 1877 as the first link in the Southam newspaper chain. A unified Hamilton Fire Department, staffed by professionals, replaced the numerous volunteer fire companies in 1879.

The Hamilton area was also intimately connected with the early history of the telephone. While staying at his parentsBrantford home in neighbouring Brant County, Alexander Graham Bell conceived of the idea of the telephone in 1874 and make the first experimental long distance call to Paris, Ontario in 1876. The following year, retired Baptist minister Thomas Peter Henderson become the first General Agent for the telephone business in Canada. In 1878, the first telephone exchange in the British Empire was opened in Hamilton by Hugh Cossart Baker, Jr.cite book|title=The Hamiltonians, 100 Fascinating Lives |first=Margaret |last=Houghton |publisher=James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers Toronto|pg=6|year=2003|id= ISBN 1-55028-804-0] In May 15, 1879 "Hugh Cossart Baker Jr." makes Hamilton the site of the first commercial long distance telephone line in the British Empire.cite book|title=The Hamiltonians, 100 Fascinating Lives |first=Margaret |last=Houghton |publisher=James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers Toronto|year=2003|id= ISBN 1-55028-804-0]

More workers and new immigrants encouraged a nascent trade union movement among skilled craftsmen. Hamilton unionists and other working class people gave birth in 1872 the Nine Hour Movement, urging the government to limit working hours to nine per day.cite web| title = History of Industry in Hamilton, Ontario| url=http://web.archive.org/web/20060206234910/collections.ic.gc.ca/industrial/intro.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

A more modest but still unstable railway boom marked the last part of the 19th century too. The Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway was incorporated in 1884, and by 1892 offered limited cargo service and ultimately passenger service.cite web|url=http://www.thbrailway.ca/|title=Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Historical Society|accessdate=2008-01-24] Electrical railways which sporadically linked Hamilton with Grimsby, Beamsville, Brantford and Oakville were established the following decade.

1893-1905: ambition is realized

Modernization and business consolidation often went hand in hand with unionization. The HSR converted to electrically powered vehicles in 1892. In keeping with the areas reputation, the firefighters unionized in 1896.As it was absorbed by "Hamilton Electric Light and Power Company" in 1899, HSR workers joined Division (now Local) 107 of the predecessor of the current Amalgamated Transit Union.

But it was definitely not all work and no play for local residents. In 1894, Hamilton Herald newspaper and cigar store owner Billy Carroll established the [http://www.aroundthebayroadrace.com/history.htm Around the Bay Road Race] . The route circumnavigates Burlington Bay and, although it is not a proper marathon, it is the longest continuously held long distance foot race in North America. It was won by such sporting greats as WilliamBillySherring, Tom Longboat and Sam Mellor.

Adelaide Hoodless and other founded the first Womens Institute in Saltfleet Township (Stoney Creek) in 1897 and began her educational campaign for home economics. A year after she died in 1910, one of Hamiltons many new schools was named in her honour.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]

Hamiltonians, like other residents of the colonies, discovered one of the darker sides of British Imperialism when the South African War broke out in 1899. Men from Wentworth County and other Canadians volunteered to serve in the [http://www.hpl.ca/Local/SPCOLL/forget.shtml Canadian Mounted Rifles] or North-West Mounted Police contingents. Although they excelled at the bitter guerrilla war there against the Boers, its conclusion in 1902 served as an omen for the future.

Ernest DIsraeli Smith, after being frustrated by paying to have his fruit transported from the Stoney Creek area, had founded a company in 1882 to market directly to wholesalers and eliminate the middleman. [http://www.edsmith.com E.D. Smith & Sons Ltd.] continues operating today, and has since the early 1900s has sold manufactured preserves and jams. Its namesake founder served as the Conservative MP for Wentworth around the turn of the 20th century.

By the end of the century, symbolically marked by the death of Queen Victoria in the first days of the 20th century, Hamilton expanded to the approximate limits of the Mountain Brow to the south, Chedoke Creek to the west and Gage Avenue to the east.

Through natural increase and immigration, the urban Hamilton-rural Wentworth population balance shifted so much that in 1904 the federal ridings were redistributed. While the total number of MPs remained the same, two were now from the city proper (Hamilton East and Hamilton West) and one represented the rest of the county.

1906-1918: Dreams and Nightmares

Hamilton had a momentous year in 1906: local boy Billy Sherring won an Olympic gold medal at Athens for the marathon.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991] The Amalgamated Transit Union struck against the HSR in a bitter labour dispute. The working class voters of Hamilton East, sympathetic to the ATU, elected Allan Studholme as their Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario. For years he stood as the lone labour representative in the legislature, championing the eight hour day, workmen's compensation, the minimum wage and women's suffrage.

The steel industry continued to grow and finally consolidate through this period, some combining to form the Steel Company of Canada in 1910 and others Dominion Steel Casting Company in 1912. Stelco and Dofasco, as they became colloquially and then legally known, were located in the north end to take advantage of the transportation and cooling opportunities provided by access to the water.cite web| title = History of Industry in Hamilton, Ontario| url=http://web.archive.org/web/20060206234910/collections.ic.gc.ca/industrial/intro.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

The infant science of aviation found early and enthusiastic supporters in Hamilton. Jack Elliot established an airport in the north end near Stelco which in 1911 hosted the first Canadian Air Meet. Pioneering aviator J.A.D. McCurdy won that contest, sponsored in part by the newly minted Hamilton Automobile Club (now CAA South-Central Ontario).

Emigration continued from Britain and the United States (chiefly blacks) during this period as [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/culture-and-rec/MUSEUMS/fieldcote/default.asp local museums] show, but also began from other countries such as Italy and Austria-Hungary. Remarkably, thousands of Italian Hamiltonians are descendants of emigrants in this period from a single Sicilian town, commemorated by the dual naming of "Murray Street" as Corso Raculmuto.

Increased population and prosperity prompted a building boom. As a publicity stunt and raffle, workers and contractors built a house in a day in 1913 which was later featured in a Ripleys Believe It or Not cartoon. The same year, the [http://www.hpl.on.ca Hamilton Public Library] opened its new building funded by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. (The site was renovated and now houses the [http://www.ontariocourts.on.ca/family_court/overview.htm Family Court] .)

Hamiltonians participated in the First World War as combatants, but due to Col. Sir Sam Hughes' mobilization plans for the Canadian Expeditionary Force, there were no major battles associated purely with Hamiltonians. The Royal Hamilton Light Infantry later perpetuated the battle honours of four of these consecutively numbered Overseas Battalions of the CEF.

Heavy industry boomed as the Canadian and British governments' war driven demands for steel, arms, munitions and textiles increased. Unfortunately, in their quest to expand, the twin steel giants damaged the land by infilling Hamilton Harbour and burying or diverting many creeks which formerly flowed into the bay. War profiteering by manufacturers dampened some of the mood, but generally Hamiltonians [http://www.hpl.ca/history/war/default.htm pulled together] .

1919-1938: Between the Wars

The Great War was a somber affair, but post-war dream seemed secure in the Roaring Twenties. The United Farmers of Ontario won the most seats in the 1919 provincial election, but chose not to govern. Instead, a Liberal minority government was propped up by independent and progressive members. Walter Rollo, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Hamilton West, became the first Ontario Minister of Labour in this government.

The Hamilton Board of Education resumed its ambitious building program for schools. Their names often honoured the memory of war veterans: Memorial School, Allenby School and Earl Kitchener School. The educational building boom was coupled with a residential housing boom in which hundreds of low-rise apartment buildings, of three to four stories and six to ten units, grew up across the city, especially in the east end.

Higher education -- disregarding its normal school or teachers college -- arrived in Hamilton in 1930. McMaster University was founded in Toronto as a Baptist institution of higher learning. Funded by a bequest of Senator William McMaster in 1887, it was in danger of becoming absorbed by the University of Toronto. Hamiltons municipal government, civic boosters and ordinary residents lured the university to the city with grants of land and money in 1930.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992] Not only did McMaster preserve its independence, but it began publishing " [http://www.msu.mcmaster.ca/sil/ The Silhouette] " student newspaper, now an award-winning weekly broadsheet.

Local boosters also ensured that Hamilton hosted the inaugural Empire Games, now known as the Commonwealth Games in 1930. Amateur athletes from around the British Empire and Commonwealth gathered to compete at Hamilton Civic Stadium, the current site of Ivor Wynne Stadium as a result of the efforts of Melville Marks Robinson.cite press release| title = "Tigertown Triumphs"| publisher =The Hamilton Spectator-Memory Project (Souvenir Edition) page MP56| date =2006-06-10| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

The Great Depression of the 1930s hit Hamilton hard. The simultaneous and prolonged decline in domestic consumption and international trade in finished industrial goods and building supplies put a stop to residential and institutional construction for a decade. It was in this context of privation that Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw started her illegal birth control clinic in 1931.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]

Emotional relief from the Depression was found in [http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=U1ARTU0003637 The Washingtons] , local brothers who performed as a blues quartet throughout Ontario. Practical relief was found in government works projects designed to prime the economy and which added to the long-term attractiveness of Hamilton.

Thomas B. McQuesten, a Hamilton lawyer and MLA, served as minister of transportation and chairman Niagara Parks Commission starting in 1934. He spearheaded the construction of the Queen Elizabeth Way, a controlled access highway which links Fort Erie with Toronto via Hamilton, and the Mountain access for Highway 20 in Stoney Creek. He also supported the construction of the Rock Gardens at the Royal Botanical Gardens. Whitehern, his downtown family home, now serves as a [http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/culture-and-rec/MUSEUMS/whitehern/default.asp civic museum] .

1939-1945: War Returns

As war clouds gathered over Europe, Britain decided to shore up its support in the Dominions by having a royal visit to Canada. When King George VI and his consort Queen Elizabeth visited Canada in May and June 1939, they stopped in Hamilton and also opened up the QEW.cite web| title = Fast Facts from Hamilton's Past| url=http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/LibraryServices/Localhistory/Fast+Facts.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]

Hamiltonians like others in Canada and the world welcomed the spike of economic demand caused by the Second World War but not its source. Heavy industry again began spewing out its pollutants, and by the end of the war the ecological cost of pollution had taken its toll on Hamilton: heavy metals made fish from the Hamilton Harbour inedible, air pollution made breathing difficult and industrial dumps contaminated land.

Unlike the First World War, in this war the Canadian Army mobilized its territorially recruited militia units as a body rather than soliciting individuals to serve in conglomerated units. Men of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry (colloquially known as the [http://www.rhli.ca Rileys] ) and the rest of the 2nd Canadian Division were mobilized early, but sat on their hands in Britain for two years. The Hamilton area was also active in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF): the city proper sponsored 424TigerSquadron by buying bombers to equip it.

On the home front, the public not only eagerly followed the [http://warmuseum.ca/cwm/newspapers/intro_e.html progress of the war] , but they also got a chance to see airmen in action. In 1940, as part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, the Royal Canadian Air Force established a station in Glanford Township. Hundreds of Commonwealth pilots and other aircrew were trained at RCAF Station Mount Hope, and some unfortunate ones are still buried there.

The armys enforced idleness -- disregarding their unsuccessful foray to France in May 1940 and disastrous defence of Hong Kong in December 1941 -- led to discontent in the army, the public and the government. In this atmosphere, the timing was ripe for Lord Mountbattens ill-advised and unauthorized raid-in-force. The Rileys lost hundreds of its young men on a single day in 1942, when they were effectively wiped out as a fighting force at Dieppe.

When the war finally ended, Hamilton was a much different place. Women had permanently entered the paid workforce. The lean times of the Great Depression were over -- and veterans were going to make sure that happened.

Notable people from Hamilton prior to 1946

People associated with Hamilton who became well-known prior to 1946 are listed below in the order of their birth year.
* Étienne Brûlé, (15921633), The first European to visit what is now Hamilton was probably Étienne Brûlé in 1616.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Robert Land, (1736-1818), veteran of the American Revolution and one of Hamilton's founding citizens.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* John Askin, (17391815), was a fur trader, merchant and official in Upper Canada.cite web| title = Dictionary of Canadian Biography: John Askin| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=2242 | accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Nathaniel Hughson, (1755-1837), Farmer & hotel owner, Loyalist who moved to Canada following the American Revolution, one of the city founders of Hamilton.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* William Rymal, (1759-1852), farmer and one of earliest settlers on the Hamilton mountain. Rymal Road was named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Richard Beasley (1761-1842), was a soldier, political figure, farmer and businessman in Upper Canada.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* John Vincent, (1764-1848), British army officer in the Battle of Stoney Creek, War of 1812.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Richard Hatt (17691819), was a businessman, judge and political figure in Upper Canada.cite web| title =Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Richard Hatt| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=2454| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* James Gage, (1774-1854), Lumber merchant, miller. Gage Avenue in the city named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* James Durand, (1775-1833), was a businessman and political figure in Upper Canada.cite web| title = Dictionary of Canadian Biography: James Durand| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=2854| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* John Willson, (17761860) was a judge and political figure in Upper Canada.cite web| title = The Hamilton Gallery of Distinction| url=http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/LibraryServices/gallery/| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Peter Hess, (1779-1855), farmer, landowner. "Peter" and Hess Streets in the city named after him as well as Caroline Street named after one of his daughters.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* George Hamilton, (1788-1836), settler and city founder.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Henry Beasley, (1793-1859), was a farmer and office-holder.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Sir Allan McNab, (Sir Allan Napier McNab), (1798-1862), soldier, lawyer, businessman, knight and former Prime Minister of Upper Canada. MacNab Street in Hamilton is named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
*Thomas Stinson, (1798-1864), merchant, banker, landowner. He was an extensive landowner in not only in Hamilton but as well as Chicago, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Superior City, Wisconsin, which he named.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* George Perkins Boothesby Bull, (1795-1847), newspaper printer, publisher of one of Hamilton's early newspapers "The Hamilton Gazette (1835-1856).cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Edward Jackson, (1799-1872), tinware manufacturer. Jackson Street in city namd after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Peter Hunter Hamilton, (1800-1857), landowner and businessman + half brother of city founder George Hamilton. Hunter Street in city named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Colin Campbell Ferrie, (1808-1856), Hamilton's first Mayor.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
*Isaac Buchanan, (1810-1883), was a businessman and political figure in Canada West.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Daniel C. Gunn, (1811-1876), wharfinger, locomotive manufacturer.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* James Jolley, (1813-1892), saddler, harnessmaker, politician. Funded construction of the Jolley Cut; a Mountain access road in Hamilton.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Dennis Moore, (1817-1887), tinware manufacturer.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Hugh Cossart Baker, Sr., (1818-1859), Banker, businessman, mathematician. Establishes the first life insurance company in Canada (21 August, 1847); the Canada Life Assurance Company.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|pg=143|year=1981]
* Richard Wanzer, (1818-1900), sewing machine manufacturer.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Thomas Mayne Daly, Sr., (1827-1885), was a businessman and political figure in Canada West (later Ontario). He represented the riding of Perth North in the Canadian House of Commons and in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.cite web| title = Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Thomas Mayne Daly| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=5462| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Thomas Bain, (1834-1915), Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Richard Butler, (1834-1925), editor, publisher, journalist. Butler neighbourhood in Hamilton named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* George Elias Tuckett, (1835-1900), Tuckett Tobacco Company, Hamilton's 27th Mayor.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* James McMillan, (1838-1902), was a U.S. Senator from the state of Michigan from 1889-1902.cite book|title=Gray Eminence in a Gilded Age: The Forgotten Career of Senator James McMillan of Michigan|first=Geoffrey G. |last=Drutchas|pg=78-113|year=2002]
* William Eli Sanford (18381899), was a Canadian businessman, philanthropist, and politician.cite web| title = Dictionary of Canadian Biography: William Eli Sanford| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=6417| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* George Johnson, (1839-1917), teacher and songwriter.
* Sir John Morison Gibson, (1842-1929), lawyer, politician, businessman.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Clementina Trenholme, (1844-1918), Clementina (Fessenden) Trenholme, author, social organizer. Also, mother of Reginald Fessenden, the radio pioneer. Had two neighbourhoods on the Hamilton Mountain named after her, Trenholme and Fessenden neighbourhoods.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Hugh Cossart Baker, Jr., (1846-1931), businessman, telephone pioneer.cite book|title=The Hamiltonians, 100 Fascinating Lives |first=Margaret |last=Houghton |publisher=James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Publishers Toronto|year=2003|id= ISBN 1-55028-804-0]
*William W. Cooke, (18461876), was a military officer in the United States Army during the American Civil War and the Black Hills War. He was the adjutant for George Armstrong Custer and was killed during the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Buried in Hamilton Cemetery.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Allan Studholme, (1846-1919), stove maker and first Ontario Labour MLA.cite web| title = Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Allan Studholme| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=7726| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Campbell Leckie, (1848-1925), engineer. Leckie Park neighbourhood in Hamilton named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Sir William Osler, (1849-1919), 1st Baronet, the Father of Modern Medicine.cite web| title =Dictionary of Canadian Biography: Sir William Osler| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=7631| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Robert B. Harris, (1852-1939), businesman who established "The Hamilton Herald" newspaper in 1889.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* E.D. Smith, (1853-1948), farmer, businessman and politician.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* James Balfour, (1854-1917), architect, Canada Life Assurance Company building at corner of King & James (1883), City Hall on corner of James & York (1888).cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol I, 1791-1875)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1981]
* Robert Kirkland Kernighan, (1854-1926), poet, journalist. Kernighan neighbourhood in Hamilton named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Robert Stanley Weir, (1856-1926), lawyer, poet, author, best remembered as the author of the English lyrics to "O Canada".cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
*Charles S. Wilcox, (1856-1938), First president of Iron and Steel Company of Canada, (later called simply Stelco), which was formed from five companies, including his Hamilton Steel and Iron Company.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Sir John Strathearn Hendrie, (1857-1923), was Lieutenant Governor of Ontario from 1914 to 1919.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Adam Inch, (1857-1933), dairy farmer, politician. Inch Park neighbourhood in Hamilton named after him.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* Andrew Ross, (1857-1941), businessman, builder of Tivoli Theatre & Barton Street Arena.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Adelaide Hoodless, (1858-1910), education and womens activist.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* John Moodie Jr., (1859-1944), executive, hobbyist, drove first automobile in Canada in 1898; a one-cylinder Winton he imported from Cleveland, Ohio.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Thomas Willson, (1860-1915), Canadian inventor, designed and patented the first electric arc lamps.cite web| title =Biography of Thomas Willson| url=http://www.biographi.ca/009004-119.01-e.php?&id_nbr=7775| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Sydney Chilton Mewburn, (1863-1956), was a Canadian lawyer and politician. He was the Canadian Minister of Militia and Defence from October 12, 1917 - January 15, 1920 under Sir Robert Borden's Union Government in 1917.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol II, 1876-1924)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1991]
* John Charles Fields, (1863-1932), was a Canadian mathematician and the founder of the Fields Medal for outstanding achievement in mathematics. the Fields Medal, is considered by some to be the Nobel Prize in Mathematics.cite web| title =Field's Institute Biography: John Charles Fields| url=http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/aboutus/jcfields/| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Helen Gregory MacGill, (1864-1947), the first woman in British Columbia to be appointed a judge of the juvenile Court, a post she held for 23 years.cite web| title =Canadian Encyclopedia: Helen Gregory MacGill| url=http://www.canadianencyclopedia.ca/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0004901| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Julia Arthur, (1868-1959), was a Canadian-born stage and film actress.cite web| title = Internet Broadway Database Biography: Julia Arthur| url=http://www.ibdb.com/person.asp?ID=14065| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Walter Rollo, first Ontario minister of labour.
* John M. Lyle, (1872-1945), Canadian architect in the late 19th Century; New York Public Library (1897), Royal Alexandra Theatre, in Toronto (1907), Union Station (Toronto) 1914-1921.cite web| title = Canadian Encyclopedia Biography of John M. Lyle| url=http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0004816| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Clifton Sherman, (1872-1955), Founded "Dominion Foundries and Steel" (later called Dofasco) in 1912 (with his brother Frank Sherman), creating a giant that would bring prosperity and identity to the city.cite web| title = Hamilton Spectator: "The Greatest Hamiltonian". (II)| url=http://www.hamiltonspectator.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=hamilton/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1143499813048&call_pageid=1020420665036&col=1014656511815| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Jean Adair, (1873-1953), actress. Although she worked primarily on stage (sometimes billed as Jennet Adair), she made several film appearances late in her career, most notably as one of the misguided murdering aunts of Cary Grant in "Arsenic and Old Lace".cite web| title = Internet Movie Database Biography: Jean Adair| url=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0010443/| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Charles William Bell, (1876-1938), Playwright, Politician and Rocco Perri's Lawyer.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Florence Harvey, (1878-1968), Golf, Ontario Ladies Amateur Champion 1904, 1906, 1913, and 1914. Canadian Ladies Champion in 1903 and 1904. Founded and served on the executive of the Canadian Ladies Golf Association. Member of Canada's Golf Hall of Fame.cite web| title = Famous Canadian Women Athletes| url=http://famouscanadianwomen.com/on%20the%20job/sports.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* William Sherring, (1878-1964), was a Canadian athlete, gold medal winner of the marathon race at the 1906 Summer Olympics.cite press release| title = "Tigertown Triumphs"| publisher =The Hamilton Spectator-Memory Project (Souvenir Edition) page MP56| date =2006-06-10| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Elizabeth Bagshaw, (1881-1982), physician and birth control activist.cite web| title =Library and Archives Canada: Elizabeth Bagshaw| url=http://www.collectionscanada.ca/women/002026-296-e.html| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* John Christie Holland, (1882-1954), In 1924, became an ordained Minister and served as Pastor of Hamilton's Steward Memorial Church. The church has been designated an historic site by the Ontario government because its solid history and connection to the infamous Underground Railroad. 1953 was honored as Citizen of the Year in Hamilton, the first African Canadian to be given that recognition.cite web| title = The Hamilton Gallery of Distinction: Reverend John Holland| url=http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/LibraryServices/Gallery.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Bobby Kerr, (1882-1963), was an Irish-Canadian sprinter. He won the gold medal in the 200 metres and the bronze medal in the 100 metres at the 1908 Summer Olympics.cite press release| title = "Tigertown Triumphs"| publisher =The Hamilton Spectator-Memory Project (Souvenir Edition) page MP56| date =2006-06-10| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Thomas McQuesten, (1882-1948), lawyer and Ontario minister of transportation.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Rocco Perri, (1887-1944), 1920s Gangster. 'King of the Bootleggers'.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Frank Sherman, (1887-1967), Founded "Dominion Foundries and Steel" (later called Dofasco) in 1912 (with his brother Clifton Sherman), creating a giant that would bring prosperity and identity to the city.cite web| title = The Hamilton Gallery of Distinction| url=http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/LibraryServices/gallery/| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Harry Crerar, (1888-1965), was a Canadian general and the country's "leading field commander" in World War II.cite book|title=The Generals : the Canadian Army's Senior Commanders in the Second World War |first=J.L.|last=Granatstein|year=Toronto 1993|id=ISBN 0-7737-5728-7]
* Besha Starkman, (1889-1907), Criminal. Rocco Perri's wife and partner in crime. ("the Brains")cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
* Douglass Dumbrille, (18891974), was an actor and one of the Canadian pioneers in early Hollywood.cite web| title = Internet Movie Database Biography: Douglas Dumbrille| url=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0241523/| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* James Lyle Telford, (1889-1960), was mayor of Vancouver, B.C. from 1939-40.cite web| title = Vancouver History, List of Mayors: James Lyle Telford| url=http://www.vancouverhistory.ca/whoswho_mayors.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Florence Lawrence, (1890-1938), Hollywood's first movie star.cite book|title=Dictionary of Hamilton Biography (Vol III, 1925-1939)|first=Thomas Melville |last=Bailey|publisher=W.L. Griffin Ltd|year=1992]
*Dick Irvin Sr., (1892-1957), NHL hockey player. Former head coach of Toronto Maple Leafs & Montreal Canadiens.cite book|title=The Canadian Hockey Atlas|first=Stephen|last=Cole|publisher=Doubleday Canada|year=2006|id=ISBN 978-0-385-66093-8 (0-385-66093-6)]
* Del Lord, (1894-1970), was a film director and actor best known as a director of Three Stooges films. (Grimsby Ontario)cite web| title = Internet Movie Database Biography: Del Lord| url=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0520419/| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Helen Alice Kinnear, (1894-1970), was a Canadian lawyer. She was the first federally appointed woman judge in Canada.cite web| title =Famous Canadian Women, Judges: Helen Alice Kinnear| url=http://famouscanadianwomen.com/stamps/kinnear.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Frank O'Rourke, (1894-1986), ex-pro MLB baseball player and long time New York Yankees scout.cite web| title = www.baseball-reference.com/: Frank O'Rourke| url=http://www.baseball-reference.com/o/o'roufr01.shtml| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Cecil "Babe" Dye, (1898-1962), NHL hockey player, NHL's top goal scorer of the 1920s, inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1970.cite book|title=The Canadian Hockey Atlas|first=Stephen|last=Cole|publisher=Doubleday Canada|year=2006|id=ISBN 978-0-385-66093-8 (0-385-66093-6)]
* Harold A. Rogers, (1899-1994), was the founder of Kin Canada, is a Canadian non-profit service organization that promotes service, fellowship, positive values, and national pride.cite web| title = Kinsmen Clubs of Canada: Harold A. Rogers| url=http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mlsteiner/about.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
*George Owen, (1901-1986) was a pro hockey defenceman for the Boston Bruins of the NHL.cite web| title = Legends of Hockey Biography: George Owen| url=http://www.legendsofhockey.net:8080/LegendsOfHockey/jsp/SearchPlayer.jsp?player=13907| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Robert McDonald, (1902-1956), was a Canadian soccer player from the 1920s and 30s who spent a decade playing for famous Scottish football club Rangers.cite web| title = Canadian Soccer Hall-of-Fame Bio: Robert McDonald| url=http://www.thesoccerhalloffame.ca/OSN.nsf/c1bfa845a2dec3bf85256b0b005d4116/eb0496b61075916c85256b0d006e6d43?OpenDocument| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* John Foote, (1904-1988), military chaplain and Ontario cabinet minister. Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross.cite web| title = Veteran Affairs Canada: John Weir Foote| url=http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/sub.cfm?source=history/secondwar/citations/foote| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* George Klein, (1904-1992), often called "the most productive inventor in Canada in the 20th century"; electric wheelchairs, microsurgical staple gun, the ZEEP nuclear reactor and the Canadarm.cite web| title = Canadian Encyclopedia Biography of George Klein| url=http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0004345| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Red Horner, (1909-2005), ex-pro hockey player, helped Toronto Maple Leafs win their first Stanley Cup in 1932.cite book|title=The Canadian Hockey Atlas|first=Stephen|last=Cole|publisher=Doubleday Canada|year=2006|id=ISBN 978-0-385-66093-8 (0-385-66093-6)]
* Ray Lewis, (1910-2003), Track & Field, first Canadian-born Black Olympic medalist.cite press release| title = "Tigertown Triumphs"| publisher =The Hamilton Spectator-Memory Project (Souvenir Edition) page MP56| date =2006-06-10| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Jackie Callura, (1914-1943), Canadian featherweight Boxer, World featherweight champion 1943.cite press release| title = "Tigertown Triumphs"| publisher =The Hamilton Spectator-Memory Project (Souvenir Edition) page MP56| date =2006-06-10| accessdate = 2007-02-02]
* Harold E. Johns, (1915-1998), was a Canadian medical physicist, noted for his extensive contributions to the use of ionizing radiation to treat cancer.cite web| title =Canadian Nuclear Society: Harold E. Johns| url=http://www.cns-snc.ca/history/pioneers/harold_johns/hejohns.html| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Jackie Washington, (1919-), blues musician and railway worker.cite web| title = All Music Biography: Jackie Washington| url=http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Joe Krol, (1919- ), Canadian Football quarterback (1932-53), Lou Marsh Trophy winner as Canada's top athlete in 1946.cite press release| title = "Tigertown Triumphs"| publisher =The Hamilton Spectator-Memory Project (Souvenir Edition) page MP56| date =2006-06-10| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Syl Apps, (1915-1998), Legendary Toronto Maple Leafs captain who lead the Leafs to 3-Stanley Cups. McMaster University Alumni. (Paris Ontario).cite book|title=The Canadian Hockey Atlas|first=Stephen|last=Cole|publisher=Doubleday Canada|year=2006|id=ISBN 978-0-385-66093-8 (0-385-66093-6)]
* Win Mortimer, (1919-1998), was a comic book and comic strip artist for the DC Comics superhero Superman.cite web| title =Comiclopedia: Win Mortimer| url=http://www.lambiek.net/artists/m/mortimer_win.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]
* Leo Reise Jr., (1922- ), retired NHL hockey defenseman. 494-games played in the 1940s & 50s for Detroit, Chicago and NY Rangers.cite book|title=The Canadian Hockey Atlas|first=Stephen|last=Cole|publisher=Doubleday Canada|year=2006|id=ISBN 978-0-385-66093-8 (0-385-66093-6)]
* John Callaghan, (1923-2004), Canadian cardiologist who pioneered open-heart surgery.cite web| title =Alberta Order of Excellence: John Callaghan| url=http://www.lieutenantgovernor.ab.ca/aoe/bio/callag.htm| accessdate = 2008-01-24]


External links

Each of these links also appears in an appropriate part of the article above.

Current historical attractions

Some other sites contain minor historical displays or interpretation, but the websites and physical locations of the following bodies and organizations contain mainly these.
* [http://www.warplane.com/ Canadian Warplane Heritage] , static and flying museum, Mount Hope airport.
* [http://www.hmcshaida.ca/ HMCS HAIDA] , National Historic Site and historic naval ship; Canada's most famous warship and the last remaining Tribal Class in the world.
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/ArtsSportsAndRecreation/Museums/ Hamilton Civic Museums] , nine museums including Dundurn Castle and the Hamilton Museum of Steam and Technology
* [http://www.rhli.ca/museum/museum.html Royal Hamilton Light Infantry Heritage Museum]
* [http://www.fwio.on.ca/Contribute/erland_lee/erland_lee.asp Erland Lee House] , birthplace of Women's Institutes
* [http://www.wahc-museum.ca/ Ontario Workers Arts and Heritage Centre]
* [http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/parks/visit/westfield.asp Westfield Heritage Centre]
* [http://www.dundasmuseum.ca/ Dundas Museum]
* [http://hauntedhamilton.com/ Haunted Hamilton Tour] (Ghost walks of several haunted sites)

Historical documentation online

Many other websites contain some photographs and other documentation, but these sites contain primarily these.
* [http://www.national.gallery.ca/sva/on/ham_01/cap_e.htm Canadian Souvenir View Albums (Hamilton, Ontario)]
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20060206234910/collections.ic.gc.ca/industrial/intro.htm History of Industry in Hamilton] (via Internet Archive, February 16, 2006)
* [http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/ic/can_digital_collections/cultural_landmarks/index.htm Cultural Landmarks of Hamilton Wentworth]
* [http://www.collectionscanada.ca/women/h12-296-e.html Dr. Elizabeth Bagshaw]
* [http://www.fwio.on.ca/Contribute/about/historic_achievements.asp Federated Womens Institutes of Ontario]
* [http://www.hpl.ca/gallery/browse_inductees/index.php Hamilton Gallery of Distinction]
* [http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/LibraryServices/LocalHistory/ Hamilton Public Library] ’s Special Collections for local history.
* [http://www.postcardsofhamilton.com Postcards from Hamilton's Past]
* [http://ca.geocities.com/hamiltontransithistory@rogers.com/ Hamilton Transit History]
* [http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~wyatt/alltime/hamilton-on.html Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) History]
* [http://www.hamiltonpostcards.com Vintage Postcards of Hamilton, Ontario]
* [http://historicalhamilton.com HistoricalHamilton.com, A Historical Photographic Tour of Hamilton's Past]
* [http://members.shaw.ca/tunebook/maggie.htm "When You and I Were Young, Maggie"] , lyrics to George Johnson's song

Other links

* [http://www.map.hamilton.ca Map.Hamilton.ca]
* [http://www.mcmaster.ca McMaster University]
* [http://www.ancasteroldmill.com Ancaster Old Mill]
* [http://www.rbg.ca Royal Botanical Gardens]
* [http://caa.701.com/sites/701/HTML/halton/304495.html Canadian Automobile Association South Central Ontario] (formerly Hamilton Automobile Club)
* [http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com The Canadian Encyclopedia]

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