Chapman reflex points

Chapman reflex points

Chapman reflex points, or Champman's points, are small, discrete tissue texture changes located just deep to the skin.[citation needed] The Chapman Point is an outward physical representation of internal dysfunction or pathology of an organ system.[citation needed] Chapman's reflexes are localized to consistent anatomic landmarks and are usually described as a smooth, firm bead about 2-3mm in diameter.[citation needed] The palpated bump is caused by over-stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in a concentration of ionized fluid.[citation needed] The points were first described by Dr. Frank Chapman, DO in 1920, who described the palpatory findings as "small pearls of tapioca that are firm, partially fixed, and located under the skin in the deep fascia." [1] The points are useful as a diagnostic aid for connecting internal pain to a specific pathology. These points can be used diagnostically for osteopathic manipulative medicine.

Important Chapman Reflex Points

  • Stomach - Anteriorly, in the 6th ICS, one inch lateral from the sternoclavicular joint. Posteriorly, T6 to T7, in the intercostal space, about 2 cm lateral from the spinous process.
  • Appendix - Anteriorly at the tip of the 12th rib. Posteriorly at the transverse process of T11.
  • Pancreas - Anteriorly the point is lateral to the costal cartilage between the 7th and 8th ribs on the right. Posteriorly between the transverse process of T7 and T8 on the right.
  • Lungs - (upper lung): 3rd ICS, just lateral to the sternum; (lower lung): 4th ICS, just lateral to the sternum
  • Adrenals - Anteriorly 2" superior and 1" lateral to the umbilicus. Posteriorly between the spinous and transverse processes of T11 and T12
  • Kidney - Anteriorly 1" superior and 1" lateral to the umbilicus. Posteriorly between the spinous and transverse processes of T12 and L1.
  • Bladder - Periumbilical region
  • Urethra - Anteriorly in the myofacial tissues along the superior margin of the pubis ramus about 2 cm lateral to the symphysis
  • Prostate - Anteriorly located in myofacial tissue along the posterior margin of the iliotibial band. Posteriorly located at the sacral base (superior sacrum), bilaterally.


  1. ^ Kevin Washington, DO; Ronald Mosiello, DO; Michael Venditto, DO; John Simelaro, DO; Patrick Coughlin, PhD; William Thomas Crow, DO; Alexander Nicholas, DO. Presence of Chapman reflex points in Hospitalized Patients with Pneumonia. JAOA. Oct 2003.

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