Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper

Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper

name = Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper
status = LC
status_system = iucn3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
subclassis = Neornithes
infraclassis = Neognathae
superordo = Neoaves
ordo = Passeriformes
subordo = Tyranni
infraordo = Tyrannides
superfamilia = Furnarioidea
familia = Furnariidae
subfamilia = Furnariinae
genus = "Lochmias"
genus_authority = Swainson, 1827
species = "L. nematura"
binomial = "Lochmias nematura"
binomial_authority = (Lichtenstein, 1823)
subdivision_ranks = Subspecies
subdivision =6, see text

The Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper ("Lochmias nematura") is a passerine bird of South America belonging to the family Furnariidae, the ovenbirds. It is the only member of the genus "Lochmias".

This bird is about 6 in (15 cm) long, with a short tail and a long, thin, slightly curved bill. The plumage is dark brown, densely spotted white on the underparts. There is a white stripe over the eye and the tail is blackish. The song is an accelerating trill, lasting for about five seconds.

There are six subspecies which differ little:
*"Lochmias nematura castanonotus" - south-east Venezuela
*"Lochmias nematura chimantae" - southern Venezuela
*"Lochmias nematura nelsoni" - Panama (eastern Darién)
*"Lochmias nematura nematura" - south-east Brazil, north-east Argentina, eastern Paraguay, northern Uruguay.
*"Lochmias nematura obscuratus" - Peru, Bolivia
*"Lochmias nematura sororius" - Colombia, Ecuador, northern Venezuela, north-east Peru

It inhabits dense undergrowth near streams, particularly in humid premontane and montane forest [Salaman "et al." (2002)] , foraging on the ground for insects and other invertebrates [de L. Fávaro "et al." (2006)] . It usually occurs alone or in pairs and is often shy and hard to see. The nest is ball-shaped with a side-entrance and is built on the ground.



*|year=2004|id=50492|title=Lochmias nematura|downloaded=25 January 2008
* (2006): Efeito do gradiente altitudinal/latitudinal sobre espécies de aves florestais da família Furnariidae na Bacia do Rio Tibagi, Paraná, Brasil [Effect of altitudinal/latitudinal gradient about forest ovenbirds species (Aves: Furnariidae) in the Tibagi river basin, Paraná, Brazil] . [Portuguese with English abstract] "Revista Brasileira de Zoologia" 23(1): 261–266. doi|10.1590/S0101-81752006000100020 [ PDF fulltext]
* (1978): "A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela". Princeton University Press.
* (1989) "A Guide to the Birds of Panama with Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras". Princeton University Press.
* (2002): New and noteworthy bird records from the east slope of the andes of Colombia. "Caldasia" 24(1): 157-189. [ PDF fulltext]

External links

* [ Xeno-canto: Song and calls of the Sharp-tailed Streamcreeper]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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