- Elementary particle
particle physics , an elementary particle or fundamental particle is a not known to have substructure; that is, it is not known to be made up of smaller particles. If an elementary particle truly has no substructure, then it is one of the basic building blocks of theuniverse from which all other particles are made. In theStandard Model , thequark s,lepton s, andgauge boson s are elementary particles. [cite book | author=Gribbin, John | title=Q is for Quantum - An Encyclopedia of Particle Physics | publisher=Simon & Schuster | year=2000 | id=ISBN 0-684-85578-X] [cite book | author=Clark, John, E.O. | title=The Essential Dictionary of Science | publisher=Barnes & Noble | year=2004 | id=ISBN 0-7607-4616-8]Historically, the
hadron s (meson s andbaryon s such as theproton andneutron ) and even wholeatom s were once regarded as elementary particles. A central feature in elementary particle theory is the early 20th century idea of "quanta", which revolutionised the understanding ofelectromagnetic radiation and brought aboutquantum mechanics .Overview
All elementary particles are either
boson s orfermion s (depending on their spin). Thespin-statistics theorem identifies the resultingquantum statistics that differentiates fermions from bosons. According to this methodology: particles normally associated withmatter arefermion s, havinghalf-integer spin; they are divided into twelve flavours. Particles associated withfundamental force s areboson s, havinginteger spin. [cite book | author=Veltman, Martinus | title=Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics | publisher=World Scientific | year=2003 | id=ISBN 981-238-149-X]*
Fermion s:::Quark s — up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom::Lepton s —electron neutrino ,electron ,muon neutrino ,muon ,tau neutrino , tau
*Boson s:::Gauge boson s —gluon ,W and Z bosons ,photon ::Other bosons —Higgs boson ,graviton Standard Model
The Standard Model of particle physics contains 12 flavours of elementary
fermion s, plus their correspondingantiparticle s, as well as elementaryboson s that mediate the forces and the still undiscoveredHiggs boson . However, the Standard Model is widely considered to be a provisional theory rather than a truly fundamental one, since it is fundamentally incompatible with Einstein'sgeneral relativity . There are likely to be hypothetical elementary particles not described by the Standard Model, such as thegraviton , the particle that would carry the gravitational force or thesparticle s, supersymmetric partners of the ordinary particles.Fundamental fermions
The 12 fundamental fermionic flavours are divided into three generations of four particles each. Six of the particles are
quarks . The remaining six areleptons , three of which areneutrino s, and the remaining three of which have an electric charge of −1: the electron and its two cousins, themuon and thetau lepton .Antiparticles
There are also 12 fundamental fermionic antiparticles which correspond to these 12 particles. The
positron "e+" corresponds to the electron and has an electric charge of +1 and so on:Quarks
Quarks and antiquarks have never been detected to be isolated, a fact explained by confinement. Every quark carries one of three
color charge s of thestrong interaction ; antiquarks similarly carry anticolor. Color charged particles interact viagluon exchange in the same way that charged particles interact viaphoton exchange. However, gluons are themselves color charged, resulting in an amplification of the strong force as color charged particles are separated. Unlike the electromagnetic force which diminishes as charged particles separate, color charged particles feel increasing force.However, color charged particles may combine to form color neutral
composite particle s calledhadron s. A quark may pair up to an antiquark: the quark has a color and the antiquark has the corresponding anticolor. The color and anticolor cancel out, forming a color neutralmeson . Alternatively, three quarks can exist together, one quark being "red", another "blue", another "green". These three colored quarks together form a color-neutralbaryon . Symmetrically, three antiquarks with the colors "antired", "antiblue" and "antigreen" can form a color-neutralantibaryon .Quarks also carry fractional
electric charge s, but since they are confined within hadrons whose charges are all integral, fractional charges have never been isolated. Note that quarks have electric charges of either +2/3 or −1/3, whereas antiquarks have corresponding electric charges of either −2/3 or +1/3.Evidence for the existence of quarks comes from
deep inelastic scattering : firingelectron s at nuclei to determine the distribution of charge withinnucleon s (which are baryons). If the charge is uniform, theelectric field around the proton should be uniform and the electron should scatter elastically. Low-energy electrons do scatter in this way, but above a particular energy, the protons deflect some electrons through large angles. The recoiling electron has much less energy and a jet of particles is emitted. This inelastic scattering suggests that the charge in the proton is not uniform but split among smaller charged particles: quarks.Fundamental bosons
In the Standard Model, vector (spin-1) bosons (
gluon s,photon s, and theW and Z bosons ) mediate forces, while theHiggs boson (spin-0) is responsible for particles having intrinsicmass .Gluons
Gluons are the mediators of the
strong interaction and carry both colour and anticolour. Although gluons are massless, they are never observed in detectors due tocolour confinement ; rather, they produce jets ofhadron s, similar to singlequark s. The first evidence for gluons came from annihilations of electrons and positrons at high energies which sometimes produced three jets — a quark, an antiquark, and a gluon.Electroweak bosons
There are three
weak gauge boson s: "W+", "W−", and "Z0"; these mediate theweak interaction . The masslessphoton mediates the electromagnetic interaction.Higgs boson
Although the weak and electromagnetic forces appear quite different to us at everyday energies, the two forces are theorized to unify as a single
electroweak force at high energies. This prediction was clearly confirmed by measurements of cross-sections for high-energy electron-proton scattering at the HERA collider atDESY . The differences at low energies is a consequence of the high masses of the "W" and "Z" bosons, which in turn are a consequence of theHiggs mechanism . Through the process ofspontaneous symmetry breaking , the Higgs selects a special direction in electroweak space that causes three electroweak particles to become very heavy (the weak bosons) and one to remain massless (the photon). Although the Higgs mechanism has become an accepted part of the Standard Model, theHiggs boson itself has not yet been observed in detectors. Indirect evidence for the Higgs boson suggests its mass lies below 200-250 GeV. [ [http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn5095 Quark experiment predicts heavier Higgs] ] In this case, the LHC experiments may be able to discover this last missing piece of the Standard Model.Beyond the Standard Model
Although all experimental evidence confirms the predictions of the
Standard Model , many physicists find this model to be unsatisfactory due to its many undetermined parameters, many fundamental particles, the non-observation of theHiggs boson and other more theoretical considerations such as thehierarchy problem . There are many speculative theories beyond the Standard Model which attempt to rectify these deficiencies.Grand unification
One extension of the Standard Model attempts to combine the
electroweak interaction with thestrong interaction into a single 'grand unified theory' (GUT). Such a force would be spontaneously broken into the three forces by a Higgs-like mechanism. The most dramatic prediction of grand unification is the existence ofX and Y bosons , which causeproton decay . However, the non-observation of proton decay atSuper-Kamiokande rules out the simplest GUTs, including SU(5) and SO(10).Supersymmetry
Supersymmetry extends the Standard Model by adding an additional class of symmetries to the
Lagrangian . These symmetries exchangefermion ic particles withboson ic ones. Such a symmetry predicts the existence of supersymmetric particles, abbreviated assparticle s, which include theslepton s,squark s,neutralino s andchargino s. Each particle in the Standard Model would have a superpartner whose spin differs by 1/2 from the ordinary particle. Due to the breaking of supersymmetry, the sparticles are much heavier than their ordinary counterparts; they are so heavy that existingparticle collider s would not be powerful enough to produce them. However, some physicists believe that sparticles will be detected when theLarge Hadron Collider atCERN begins running.String theory
String Theory is a theory of physics where all "particles" that make up matter and energy are comprised of strings (measuring at the Planck length) that exist in an 11-dimensional (according to
M-theory , the leading version) universe. These strings vibrate at different frequencies which determine mass, electric charge, color charge, and spin. A string can be open (a line) or closed in a loop (a one-dimensional sphere, like a circle). As a string moves through space it sweeps out something called a "world sheet". String theory predicts 1- to 10-branes (a 1-brane being a string and a 10-brane being a 10-dimensional object) which prevent tears in the "fabric" of space using theuncertainty principle (e.g. the electron orbiting a hydrogen atom has the probability, albeit small, that it could be anywhere else in the universe at any given moment).String theory posits that our universe is merely a 4-brane, inside which exist the 3 space dimensions and the 1 time dimension that we observe. The remaining 6 theoretical dimensions are either very tiny and curled up (and too small to affect our universe in any way) or simply do not/cannot exist in our universe (because they exist in a grander scheme called the "multiverse" outside our known universe).
Some of predictions of the string theory include existence of extremely massive counterparts of ordinary particles due to vibrational excitations of the fundamental string and existence of a massless spin-2 particle behaving like the
graviton .Preon theory
According to preon theory there are one or more orders of particles more fundamental than those (or most of those) found in the
Standard Model . The most fundamental of these are normally called preons, which is derived from "pre-quarks". In essence, preon theory tries to do for theStandard Model what the Standard Model did for theparticle zoo that came before it. Most models assume that almost everything in the Standard Model can be explained in terms of three to half a dozen more fundamental particles and the rules that govern their interactions. Interest in preons has waned since the simplest models were experimentally ruled out in the 1980s.See also
Subatomic particle
*List of particles References
Further reading
Feynman, R.P. & Weinberg, S. (1987). "Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics: The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures", New York: Cambridge University Press.
External links
* Greene, Brian, " [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/part-flash.html Elementary particles] ". The Elegant Universe, NOVA (
* [http://particleadventure.org/frameless/standard_model.html particleadventure.org: The Standard Model]
* [http://particleadventure.org/frameless/beyond_start.html Unsolved Mysteries. Beyond The Standard Model]
* [http://particleadventure.org/frameless/quarknaming.html What is the World Made of? The Naming of Quarks]
* [http://particleadventure.org/frameless/chart.html particleadventure.org: Particle chart]
* [http://pdg.lbl.gov/ University of California: Particle Data Group]
* [http://www.cerncourier.com/main/article/41/2/17 CERNCourier: Season of Higgs and melodrama]
* [http://plato.phy.ohiou.edu/~hicks/thplus.htm Pentaquark information page]
* [http://www.interactions.org Interactions.org] Particle physics news
* [http://www.symmetrymagazine.org Symmetry Magazine] , a jointFermilab /SLAC publication
* [http://abctsau.org/RelationshipGravitonPhoton.pdf Energy relationship between photons and gravitons]
* [http://www-personal.umich.edu/~janhande/sizedmatter/sizedmatter_images.htm "Sized Matter: perception of the extreme unseen"] — Michigan University project for artistic visualisation of subatomic particles.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.