Corylus maxima

Corylus maxima
Filbert fruit, showing the elongated tubular involucre
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fagales
Family: Betulaceae
Genus: Corylus
Species: C. maxima
Binomial name
Corylus maxima

Corylus maxima, the Filbert, is a species of hazel native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, from the Balkans to Ordu in Turkey.[1]

It is a deciduous shrub 610 m tall, with stems up to 20 cm thick. The leaves are rounded, 512 cm long by 410 cm broad, with a coarsely double-serrated margin. The flowers are wind-pollinated catkins produced in late winter; the male (pollen) catkins are pale yellow, 510 cm long, while the female catkins are bright red and only 13 mm long. The fruit is a nut produced in clusters of 15 together; each nut is 1.52.5 cm long, fully enclosed in a 35 cm long, tubular involucre (husk).[1][2]

The Filbert is similar to the related Common Hazel (C. avellana), differing in having the nut more fully enclosed by the tubular involucre. This feature is shared by the Beaked Hazel (C. cornuta) of North America, and the Asian Beaked Hazel (C. sieboldiana) of eastern Asia.


Corylus maxima 'Purpurea'

The Filbert nut is edible, and is very similar to the Common Hazel nut (or cob nut). Its main use is as large filler (along with peanuts as small filler) in most containers of mixed nuts. Filberts are sometimes grown in orchards for the nuts, but much less often than the Common Hazel.[1][2]

The purple-leaved cultivar Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' is a popular ornamental shrub in gardens.


In Oregon, "filbert" is used for commercial hazelnuts in general. Use in this manner has faded partly due to the efforts of Oregon's hazelnut growers to brand their product to better appeal to global markets and avoid confusion.[3][4]

The etymology for 'filbert' is Norman French. Saint Philibert's feast day is 20 August (old style) and the plant was possibly re-named after him because the nuts were mature on this day.[5]


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